Kangelu Castle is a fortress with a unique plan among the defensive fortifications of Iran, which was built at the height of 1681 meters using the native techniques of Alborz in the late Sassanid era. Kangelu Castle, which is listed as a National Monument No. 7254, is now facing the threat of collapse, the region's sand mines and, of course, unauthorized excavations.
The late Iranologists Manouchehr Sotoudeh and Iraj Afshar first identified this structure in the 1960s, and Sotoudeh writes about it under the title "KangeLee/Kangelu Castle" in the book "From Astara to Astarbad, vol. 4": An old stone and gypsum station that is almost all parts of the building and is located on a single mountain on the edge of Arim Strait on the right side of the water. On top of this steep sugar mountain, there are two tall arms and a barrow that open their arms at an open angle to embrace the visitors and prevent them from entering the citadel ... ”(Sotoudeh, 1375/4: 473).
The architecture of this castle is formed in three floors, which is Sassanid-early Islamic architecture and the materials used are stone and gypsum, and gypsum with iron oxide soil created a reddish appearance in Kangelu Fortress, which of course in the decade. In the past, climate change and human encroachment on the nature and climate of the region have slightly reduced and changed this redness. He pointed to the water reserves of this fort and said: the water reserves of Kangelu Castle are located on the south side of it, behind the eastern and western fortifications which are up and down.
The shape of the arches of Kangelu Castle; Comparable to Spahbed Khurshid Cave-castle in the same area and Firoozabad Dokhtar Castle, Sarvestan Palace and Takht-e Suliman complex in other parts of Iran.
stating that there has been a lot of speculation about the uses of this fortress, added: "Kangelu, as a military fortress, had a shield-like function during the sudden attacks of the enemies, and in designing it, they prioritized the defensive aspect." Therefore, it can be accepted that Kangelu Castle has a strategic and sensitive position, and another interesting point is that the top line of Kangelu Castle is located exactly in the middle of the "Kharou Narou" mountain range, and according to the special plan and form of this fort, this suspicion exists. This area has been used for astronomical applications and studies by astronomers and researchers.
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