Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2025 (Denmark) | RECAP

Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2025 (Denmark) | RECAP

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- 06.02.2025 19:54

Sissal's song is sooo Loreen copy-paste

@lenariuse - 06.02.2025 20:17

znów sie nie dostaną do finału coś czuje :/

@fredrikthelin9241 - 06.02.2025 20:50

Hallucination definitely has some inspiration from "Tattoo"

@robotikox - 06.02.2025 21:32


@dvxdvx93 - 06.02.2025 21:38

Am I the only one who thinks Air sounds fine and could qualify?

@raindropsneverfall - 06.02.2025 21:46

I'm Danish, and this was so bad. We're just as bad as Germany at this point.

@stefano757 - 06.02.2025 21:58

Tim Schou!!!!!

@johnoflaherty9105 - 06.02.2025 22:07

Looking at the writers, I suspect some of these have been pre-shopped in say Ireland, Malta and Sweden - and declined 😮

@achnix3167 - 06.02.2025 22:12

They really said we are just going to be the poor 5 man's Sweden from now on

@Excamtrik - 07.02.2025 02:30

Ca a pas l'air trop mal, mais aucune semble vraiment se démarquer, on sent de la pop normale, d'un premier abord je parierais bien sur Hallucination, le Danemark semble suivre la qualité mais aucunement se démarquer, depuis 2021 puis la non qualification du rock en 2023 ils semblent n'avoir que des ressources faciles et peu puissantes

@sushi777300 - 07.02.2025 03:00

Maybe the ESC needs a break

@beth-u5g2s - 07.02.2025 03:14

Hm, I hope a live version with the staging and all can ad some energy here and then. Might not be a great selection, but it's still much better then what Germany had in the most years. Good luck Denmark 🇩🇰 !

@biancax23 - 07.02.2025 04:02

Hallucination is the only one that is a bit interesting

@fdm636 - 07.02.2025 04:56

Hear My Prayer or I Belong To Me FTW!

@7lovessomemusic - 07.02.2025 06:15

Allez allez, The unluckiest boy alive or Hallucination.

I think is a good national final. Better than Norway.

@eliasortuno4320 - 07.02.2025 09:44

Hallucination has the most potential with appropriate staging

@ΜάρκοςΣταμούλης - 07.02.2025 10:57

Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2025
My Top-8
1.Sissal – "Hallucination"
2.Andreas Kruse - "Hear My Prayer"
3.Maria Mathea - "Air"
4.Adel the Second - "The Unluckiest Boy Alive"
5.Mariya Apollonia - "I Belong To Me"
6.Hervé Toure - "Allez allez"
7.Max Ulver - "Supernova"
8.Tim Schou - "Proud"

@wiretheswede - 07.02.2025 13:37

Hear My Prayer could make the final, the others I'm not too sure about

@Querviinho - 07.02.2025 15:16

Nothing outstanding, but Hear My Prayer could break their nonqualification streak.

@penguinlover2808 - 07.02.2025 19:55

Hallucination for the win for me

@TheLadySilverMoon - 07.02.2025 20:33

I'm a dane and a eurovision fan, and it has been frustrating to see the quality of our selection show DMGP slowly declining.
I do see potential in some of the songs, my top 3 are: proud, hallucination and supernova. A good stage show and live performance can save a mid song.
I will my keep my hope up for now, nothing is decided until the last country is announced in the second semi-final.

@JovanB104 - 07.02.2025 21:22

Denmark NQ

@kingjulian904 - 07.02.2025 22:05

So who we choosing here?😅

@in_wino_veritas - 07.02.2025 23:43

No, if they're gonna qualify with this, it would only be due to this whole Eurovision edition being very weak as a whole. That's just another bunch of generic songs. I personally think they should send hallucinations. Or maybe Allez Allez. And even these songs don't really scream qualifier at me. But you at least get, why they're part of this selection, unlike the others. Maybe it sounds more dynamic live and those songs are being staged very well, but for me it's a no for today.

@limesebastian - 08.02.2025 13:05

I am from Denmark, and I can tell you that every year the same thing happens. The representative from DR proclaims that this year we have some really strong songs that can match the best Europe has to offer. He'll say that this year they have made some major changes and it's gonna put Denmark in top 10 in the final. Then we hear the songs, they're crap, we don't qualify, and the same guy from DR says that the song was really good, but apparently Europe wanted something else and it's too bad cause the song was really high quality with international potential, and then he promises that next they'll improve and rethink the way we do our selection and it's gonna blow our minds. Fast forward to next year and it's the same all over again. DR needs to lay off everyone on their Melodi Grandprix team and hire new people that know what's going on in the music world.

@eleonoraintrigila362 - 08.02.2025 18:06


@vladovlado9020 - 08.02.2025 19:06

Danska je odlučila propisno da ignoriše esc 😂😂😂💤

@angelokazo9850 - 10.02.2025 01:46

Song "Hallucination" is interesting.

@MrEurominx - 12.02.2025 02:55

Actually Proud or Supernova might be good?

@ticicarv - 12.02.2025 16:42

Denmark is playing safe as always...😢

@MrEurominx - 13.02.2025 03:09

Running out of time sounded good from the snippets

@TobiasMoller-xm4sd - 14.02.2025 16:07

Amazing Selection!<3

@Crodan - 15.02.2025 01:09

Nothing special ...

@smahaczad4371 - 15.02.2025 19:19


@lyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - 15.02.2025 19:56

The main problem might be that the songs, as a bunch, drown each other out. I think that as individuals each of the songs is absolutely fine. You need variety in terms of genres and tempo in order for each of the songs to stand out.

@AlgaInventory - 16.02.2025 14:21

Hallucination is the best song here imo... the other were very boring.

@SherlocksLeftNipple - 16.02.2025 15:34

Welp, we're not qualifying this year. Again.

DR, I am begging you, ban all forms of pop from DMGP for 1 year and go ask some of our MANY prolific small-time punk and rock bands, if they'd like to represent us. Send one of our rappers - I'll even accept Gulddreng, at this stage. Go track down some reggae artists, if we still have any. Pay Lars Lilholt Band to write some lyrics or get Birthe Kjær out of retirement for one last hoorah! Just pick ANYTHING but the most radio-safe TikTok BGM bullshit imaginable! PLEASE! We are not Sweden or Norway! We can't pull this off like they do! We're folksy and corny, and that's what works for us! ARGH!

@arnehubner5530 - 20.02.2025 23:07

I randomly found sissal on Spotify and I love this song.
If Denmark sends her to esc I give 12 points to her from Germany 😊

@bastianl9163 - 22.02.2025 02:12

Am I the only one who actually enjoys "Hear My Prayer"? I feel like with the right staging it could work for Denmark this year.

@B-avachi - 23.02.2025 15:12

i Think Hear my Prayer is the best shot for Denmark To Qualify for this year Eurovision

@Ara-.. - 24.02.2025 23:17

hvorfor har vi seriøst kun de samme sange- vi var så gode engang, nu har alle den samme melodi lol??

@Alex_star_draws - 25.02.2025 01:37

So these are the songs that are gonna compete with each other in “Denmark; National Selection”?

@kubajasiecki9629 - 25.02.2025 02:52

Hallucination ❤

@ESCMichi - 27.02.2025 22:51

Hallucination is tattoo. Tatto is a banger and many are trying to cope it

@frankschriefer6352 - 28.02.2025 16:57

Denmark next NQ this year. However, last year I wondered why Saba did not qualify. Her song was catchy and modern, my number 1 in 2024.

@darkcapper3 - 28.02.2025 19:13

As a dane i am dissappointed at the selection, nothing really sounds unique or exciting. They all sound like something we have heard on the radio a thousand times before.

@adriend3502 - 02.03.2025 04:55

Sweden and Denmark are truly boring lately, which is great news for the rest of Europe 🇪🇺

@triadafillos1 - 04.03.2025 13:55

There were two hood acts in that bunch of ordinary pop miudic, thst is proud snd hear my prayer, but neither if them did it win...
