I'm back & I have some updates!

I'm back & I have some updates!


4 месяца назад

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@lauranichol253 - 18.11.2024 22:44

I hope we see some vlogs of Mark, Rena and family. Diane’s excitement and happiness for them coming is so heart warming xx

@BevBaker-m3c - 18.11.2024 23:46

Thank you Joe. Missed your vlogs. Especially when you take us on a jog. I can’t walk far now due to spinal problems. So it’s like I am jogging with you. Love to Dianne. So pleased her family will get to see her dance live. Xx Bev your OAP fan x

- 18.11.2024 23:47

Oh Gosh. Dianne messiness will be the death of the two of them if they choose to have child(ren)!!!!

@GenevieveBeauregard - 18.11.2024 23:52

Reading Pillars of the Earth as well! ❤

@karina.rimkuse - 19.11.2024 00:07

Love to see you!

@kellun83 - 19.11.2024 00:40

Yeaaass cant wait those garden vlogs really interesting to watch home projects are my favourite, organizing, renovating etc. 😊😊😊

@rachaelskelly5952 - 19.11.2024 00:44

Loved Pillars of the earth, great book 😊xx

@bonbon.1998 - 19.11.2024 01:22

My husbands PC stopped working late last year, we put off getting it repaired all year it just sat unplugged for about 6 months. Finally we took it to the repair shop and the technician turned it on to fix it and it was fine, nothing was wrong with it 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I know exactly how you feel lol. (Yes of course we have had it home for about a month afterwards and has since stopped working again)

@janiceburgess5906 - 19.11.2024 01:55

Please please Joe, get Diane some compression packing cubes for her suitcase. She’ll love you for it!!

@jennifermoney6798 - 19.11.2024 02:01

Fort mum and Mason

@jeancollins4353 - 19.11.2024 02:39

Evening Joe, so pls’d to finally see you back, I’ve been looking every night for your vlogs, really enjoy them, love the bedding … pls do vlogmas

@clairebearlewis859 - 19.11.2024 04:27

I didn't realise how much I missed you!!!!!

@clairebearlewis859 - 19.11.2024 04:29

Iron the sheets when they are on your bed it's a lot easier!!! Pro tip for ya

@rimiddel - 19.11.2024 09:00

Kissed these vlogs ,thanks for the updates just love it❤

@maxisaxisupersax - 19.11.2024 13:47

I really liked pilars of the earth. But the fact you haven't finished the harry potter books.... You've missed so many characters ö

@Joostvandinten - 19.11.2024 13:54

Please bring us along on the garden design! Looking forward to it already!

@PaigeSingsSongs - 19.11.2024 16:20

I'm so glad to get the update on the bed lol. And just the catch-up 🥰

@ghp6531 - 19.11.2024 21:11

Ken Follett is my all time favourite author. I'm always sad when I finish his books, wishing they were longer😅 The Kingsbridge series is sooo well written. I feel like the characters are real friends of mine.

@rhonacrawford4524 - 19.11.2024 21:42

The bedroom looks great 😍 Love the new bedding. You could iron the bedcovers without taking them off the bed 👍

@emmawoodhouse3835 - 19.11.2024 22:24

Yay missed these vlogs. And fingers crossed we get vlogmas 😬 even if it’s not everyday xx

@juliecook6998 - 19.11.2024 22:35

I actually got withdrawal symptoms - so glad to continue the bed saga!

@henriettehansen329 - 19.11.2024 23:35

I have read the whole book series it’s absolutely amazing🤩

@alessia0064 - 20.11.2024 04:29

Hi Joe, I have Pillars of the Earth and have read it a few times I also have it on DVD, it was the first thing I saw Eddie Redmayne, Rufus Sewell and a host of other stars in. Ken Follett World Without End is another in the same genre of books.

@Pinmill - 20.11.2024 11:32

Wash new bedding with fabric softener first.

@aoifegillespie8083 - 20.11.2024 12:40

i have questions..... why does dianne and yourself both need dressing rooms? why do you both need two offices? when you could have another bedroom ready with a headboard and decent bed. what happens when you have kids? why havnt you got around to hanging your uno picture and one that sits at the top of a chair?

@SOliveira2010 - 20.11.2024 13:21

I iron the bed sheets

@lifewithsarahf2858 - 20.11.2024 15:37

I love the Christmas lights duvet and it looks lovely in the room too!

@adecool5574 - 20.11.2024 19:07


@meaghanonline4380 - 20.11.2024 21:05

I agree completely! It was bothering me the entire time seeing the bed under the window. Glad you said something lol

@SharonFrance-z1s - 20.11.2024 21:27

So glad to have you back really enjoy your vlog need more of them

@ixbella_ - 20.11.2024 22:41

We still need to know who the mystery editor was Joe! You can't keep us guessing lol

@ajrs98 - 20.11.2024 23:09

I read pillars of the earth, fantastic book! Disciplined myself to read 40 pages a day and it became a habit and was really enjoyable, didn't feel like a chore at all like some books can do

@Elizabeth.Crawford - 21.11.2024 02:45

Missed the vlogs!

@sweigh72 - 21.11.2024 03:07

Sorry I’m late to the vlog this week Joe .. as much as you have missed the vlog we have missed you but I’m glad you took some time to recharge after Vlogtober … I’m wondering if the Go Pro worked because you took it off its holder .. we have one for the young people at the youth service I work at to use whilst boarding and bmx riding and it is also not that great. Think we need a insta 360 x

@sarahmcgoldrick3533 - 21.11.2024 12:30

Vlogmas would be great. Especially with Dianne's family here. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. It doesn't have to be every day ❤

@arieldawson4358 - 21.11.2024 14:32

Or you could shout them mince pie making class!!! That would be so fun!

@marcbolton447 - 21.11.2024 19:01

Hey I iron bed sheets pillow slips etc

@BellsH1968 - 22.11.2024 01:44

Where’s the storage box from Joe

@Ricphil - 22.11.2024 10:46


@Leannejonesyjones - 22.11.2024 11:08

Hesss bacckkk 🎉

@sophiegibbs2732 - 22.11.2024 17:06

i thought you was gonna announce im a celeb as a surprise guest when you said youre away filming for something very exciting 😭😭😭😭😭

@LoopyLaney - 24.11.2024 03:43

Would love for you to do a garden renovation type series 😆

@helenmelton9569 - 24.11.2024 09:46

Hi Joe, travel cot you’ve bought for your nephew is for a new born, Once baby can sit up/roll over you really do need to get a travel cot that is deeper (higher sides/mattress closer to the ground) the last thing you need is a trip to A&E over Christmas! I completely agree with you about the satsumas = Christmas. 🍊🎄

@darquisekrysciak8732 - 24.11.2024 15:20


@TinaLouise31 - 26.11.2024 22:28

We had our garden designed 2 years ago and it was the best decision! The before and after pictures are amazing, go for it!!

@Lessslie1 - 15.12.2024 19:16

OMG JOE I don't even know what you said about it yet, I had to pause but that is one of my fav books ever! Other ones are good too but the mini series for Pillars is the only good one!<3

@CANALDELALUNA - 15.01.2025 18:43

Hello, Joe. What a beautiful donation program. I think it's really fantastic, I love the objective and the website is great. What a beautiful quilt, I think the red part looks incredible. Oh! I hope to see that hole in the garden fully recovered, it stresses me out a lot when I see it. The cushion, the one with the little houses, is very cute. Yessssssssssss, I hope you made the video trying the mince pies, it's something I would love to see for sure. Poor Dianne with that stomach ache :( Oh Joe, I hope you didn't cut your hair :,( :,( :,( OH JOE, YES, IT'S BECAUSE IT'S BELIEVED THAT THE SOUL OF PEOPLE INFLUENCES SUBATOMIC PARTICLES, DEPENDING ON WHAT THE PERSON BELIEVES AND AT THE SAME TIME BELIEVES, THE PARTICLES MOVE OR TRANSFORM AND THIS IS ALSO FOUND IN PLATO'S THEORY OF IDEAS OR FORMS, THE GREEK PHILOSOPHER. FROM THIS COMES THE MANIFESTATION THAT HUMANS CREATE THEIR WORLD THROUGH THEIR THOUGHTS... I LOVE THIS TOPIC... QUANTUM PHYSICS IS INSANE. Oh, I will look for that book to read it, thanks Joe!
