(stream faq) what is your text editor and why is it not vim?

(stream faq) what is your text editor and why is it not vim?


4 года назад

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@prof_skits - 22.06.2020 00:06

This is so cool. Never knew that you made it yourself.

@guilhermenascimento8250 - 22.06.2020 14:14

"Wait are you using nano ?"

@arnoldwolfstein - 22.06.2020 16:31

I really wish Anthony on our Vim camp :)

@ianchui - 23.06.2020 13:28

it's cool how stuff just connects, if I had never had that one assignment in that one comp sci course, I woulda never known about curses and woulda never connected it with babi

@dom1310df - 09.07.2020 11:05

I'm not Eclipse bashing, but is Eclipse great at anything?

@jianshenyap6634 - 08.08.2020 16:28

Why is not not vim?

@tusharika787 - 20.12.2020 18:05

and here is my struggling to write hello world

@almasabdrazak5089 - 04.01.2021 08:35

Sorry still don't get, why not vim? Is it because it's also c based as nano? Then what about neovim, I tried nano before but vim is more flexible in terms of configuration

@denizural5390 - 06.10.2021 14:52

This is a very cool project. Just installed it on my computer

@geveral348 - 29.04.2022 20:07

I would really appreciate if you could make a video about the process of developing this project. That's my favorite terminal text editor btw.

@mikeebrady - 18.03.2023 18:05

I use pycharm and it seems almost impossible to me to work only in a text editor. But as I think about it, I wonder how many of the tasks I do are actually more productive to do with an IDE. The one that comes to mind first is pycharm's "find usages" feature where it provides a list of usages of a class/method/etc with links to click on to be brought directly to that usage. Also, the TODO panel that shows you a list of all your # TODO: comments.

@RaveYoda - 27.08.2023 01:26

I really wish we had a Nano like quasi IDE with line numbers, highlighting, minimap, auto completion integration with ctrl+click integrated, and say color substitution for the hsl, rgba, etc stuff. Personally, that's all I want/need along with Nano's keybindings. Your project is cool and I'm mostly competent with Python so think I'll be checking it out! Yes, there's vim/nvim but... meh.

@seanghay_yath - 30.08.2023 06:45

this guy made his own text editor? 🤯

@anibalguanca - 17.12.2024 02:46

I accidentally wrote 'babi' on my console and thought, 'I'm sure there is a text editor with this name.' I Googled it and found this . Very nice project!
