We are the carnivorous! If you see us you must beware | Meat Eating Dinosaurs| Kids Songs | DebariTV

We are the carnivorous! If you see us you must beware | Meat Eating Dinosaurs| Kids Songs | DebariTV

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#debari #debaritv # dinosaur #carnivorous

★ 'Meat Eating Dino' lyrics

a bullying lizard
their arms are very short,
But teeth are very strong
We are the carnivores, if you see us you must beware
Tat tat ratter tat a tat
Clop Clop clop clop clop

a glutton from the woods
Not a picky eater they, eat almost everything
We are the carnivores if you see us you must beware
Tat tat ratter tat a tat
Clop Clop clop clop clop

has a long snout and big spines
The greatest hunter throughout all land and sea and sky
We are the carnivores if you see us you must beware
Tat tat ratter tat a tat
Clop Clop clop clop clop

a nimble beast of prey
The thumb shaped like a sickle
the best of all weapons
We are the carnivores if you see us you must beware
Tat tat ratter tat a tat
Clop Clop clop clop clop


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