ОтветитьHola amigo! El video es top como siempre! ¿Todas estas chicas buscan un gringo?
ОтветитьAmiga te tengo otra pregunta)) Las chicas de Medellín también buscan gringos?Gracias por la respuesta.
ОтветитьGreat views lol
When was this filmed, I thought it died down after the city cracked down on them
ОтветитьGreat filming and editing by skilled videographer!
ОтветитьHello, nice video. Is this a recent video . Meaning this year, 2025 ?
ОтветитьUy a riko ❤
ОтветитьVery good traveller video podcast 🇨🇴💃👍
ОтветитьBeaucoup de vénézuélienne pretes a tout pour bouffer
ОтветитьThat’s how you do it, camera 📸 work A1 🔥
ОтветитьAre the Clubs in the centre open again???
ОтветитьTe ganaste un suscriptor asi es que se debe grabar en el momento de ver teteros ponerlo lento,eres un pícaro te la sabes toda.
ОтветитьSure is 😅 i need to go back there again soon!
ОтветитьEl burdel delos extranjeros
ОтветитьMan they really look frustrated. Drugs and pookie's. I got a plan remember that name tmorgan.
ОтветитьThe traveler! You can call me the new subscriber. I can almost taste it. Good works 😊
ОтветитьPlanning to go October to cartagena and medilin, which exact locations should i be at to enjoy such beauty shown in this video.
Ответитьooo colombia😘
ОтветитьColombia🇨🇴 sexy👙👠💋👙👠💋👙👠💋 life, but I'm India🇮🇳🎉
ОтветитьCartagena is the armpit of Colombia
ОтветитьI prefer meddy. Cheaper and not as hot.
ОтветитьHow much for 6 days hotel food and all
ОтветитьIt’s a dream if you’re a pay for play simp👎🏽 Damn bottom feeders, scraping the bottom of the barrel. Big time losers 😜
ОтветитьBro you can literally find all these types of women in Houston Texas. Better yet just go to the galleria mall for 2 hours. You’ll see so many thick beautiful women. The best thing about it most of them speak English lol 😂.
ОтветитьWell anywho I’m glad I live in Texas, I ain’t gotta fly across the world to find women like this lol. 😂
ОтветитьYou giving Too much time in flat back and weird shaped chicks smh 😂😂😂
ОтветитьHow much are night girls currently charging?
ОтветитьThese women look so suspect!! I've never had a desire to go to Colombia.