Nvidia's Jensen vs Tesla's Elon: Who's the Real Tech Genius?

Nvidia's Jensen vs Tesla's Elon: Who's the Real Tech Genius?

Brighter with Herbert

1 год назад

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@nielp91 - 28.02.2024 01:05

Definitely Huang. Elon is all talk and definitely not a better leader, currently.

@truckershammock4250 - 28.02.2024 01:11

Cramer still hating on Elon not news.

@BobLee-sf6mv - 28.02.2024 01:20

Till nvda shot the rocket to the space they are not comparable

@michaelartis1083 - 28.02.2024 01:22

How timely…I sold my $NVDA today and added to $TSLA.

@robzienert7492 - 28.02.2024 01:31

That list of "most innovative" is a joke. SpaceX in the second tier? Apple #1? lol

@bobjohnson1737 - 28.02.2024 01:33

anytime you reference cramer, you're basically listening to lunacy and idiot talk; i don't think he's like this personally but thats his public persona. THe better way is to ask, does that mean standard oil was the most visionary company of its time since oil enabled all growth across all indsutries back then similar to GPUs is the foundation of AI which is powering all industries today. It's crucial but they admitted they stumbled on the fact that parallel processing just so happened to also benefit AI. A visionary by definition is you envision the future, aka going to mars and you literally will it to happen, which is different from what Jensen did for Nvidia.

@iCheetosbutter - 28.02.2024 01:38

Apple and Oranges arguments I refuse to entertain. Elon has literally elevated human mankind based on his ideas.

@lafayetteporter6044 - 28.02.2024 01:45

Both men are brilliant but in different ways.

@michaelsage7775 - 28.02.2024 01:46

Jim Cramer is a real life Cosmo Kramer

@markoverton5858 - 28.02.2024 01:48

Cranmer the clown at it again, Cranmer paymasters are shorting Tesla, nvidia will crash back,

@jamesstavros3680 - 28.02.2024 01:55

Both men r improving The World. No debate here but as always we as a Society try our damnest to stir things up…

@marc0443 - 28.02.2024 01:56

Nvidia began by building equipment for flat panel, digital color television sets. They realized that digital color television requires parallel processing hardware. They then realized that they could provide massively parallel processing equipment for other applications. The fact that AI neural networks require massively parallel processors was the next step for Nvidia. I believe that they were the company with the hardware that filled the need. But I don’t think that they knew what would happen in the future when they first built hardware for digital color TV. I think they are smart but not geniuses. I think they are very good but don’t hold a candle to Elon Musk. Elon Musk is a visionary and a real genius!

@victoriaphan6633 - 28.02.2024 02:05

It s counted based on what value they impact on human lives

@fgeiger41 - 28.02.2024 02:22

And Apple just abandoned 10 years of R&D in their BEV while Sony is moving forward.

@davab - 28.02.2024 02:24

Kramers comment shows he understands nothing. It is a collective effort. Software without hardware chip vice versa mean nothing

@Kaodusanya - 28.02.2024 03:01

that interview was not a good pick considering it shows that in 2015 Elon is still delusional or scammy about fsd. Its obvious Jenson knew better.

@tashi282 - 28.02.2024 03:04

AI revolution or excitement is like many companies trying to make Covid vaccine but very, very few made an effective vaccine-it's wait & see but not overreacting simply looking @ stock price.

@mikem2844 - 28.02.2024 03:05

Take nothing away from Jensen, but whatever Jim says, just believe the opposite lol. It's worked well for me so far.

@TheRock3k - 28.02.2024 03:12

Both …enough room for two !!!

@mpersard - 28.02.2024 03:15

I have both companies as my biggest positions. It is not a zero sum game. Jenson is all about partnerships. 🎉🚀🚀🚀

@Will67267 - 28.02.2024 03:30


@goukwapanzy - 28.02.2024 03:30

IMO, Jim Cramer is a carnival barker, a foolish old man. I believe 0% of the words that comes out of his mouth. Zero. SMH!

@NrNr-hu1zf - 28.02.2024 05:25

Elon Musk The Real Genius and Cool

@MarkS-23 - 28.02.2024 05:49

It's Jim Cramer. Why are you wasting time on this toad.

@ericliu2628 - 28.02.2024 07:31

I think there is a spur of the moment bias with Jim 😂 he will probably flip-flop immediately when the tide turns.

@photogol - 28.02.2024 07:51

Jim Cramer is the GOAT of the mainstream media clowns 🤣🤣🤣

@blackhawkteslatech - 28.02.2024 07:58

Elon seems to be much busy with other things recently when he bought his new toy , X.

@tongtran007 - 28.02.2024 08:03

In many ways Nvidia’s Jensen is a genius leader especially now but you can’t discount Elon as well. He’s just been preoccupied with Xtwitter more than Tesla at the moment.

@charleschen4766 - 28.02.2024 08:05

Elon has created a long list of disruptive companies, second to none in our times.

@SpaceBubbleBeats - 28.02.2024 08:29

Elon isn't focused right now. He's more worried about getting a like on a deez nutz post on X than he is Tesla at the moment. Jensen is extremely focused and NVDA is his top priority and it's obvious.

@heythave - 28.02.2024 09:10

Elon Musk is taking us to Mars. How can you even compare him to anyone else? (Please make it happen before some crazy old man blows earth up.) This is not somebody who happens to make a product that is in high demand and therefore has a highly valued stock. Elon’s mind is thousands of light years ahead of everybody. His mind is like a human computer, a nonstop consciousness. Get more sleep, Elon.

@pse2020 - 28.02.2024 09:25

Seeing as nvidia might become the infrastructure of ai in the future... Yeah the awnser is clear... Also the dude is way better with words then elon.

@cathywhitney7075 - 28.02.2024 09:55

Cramer is political and he’s showing his bias.
Both Jensen and Elon are brilliant. Jim limiting his evaluation of Elon based on EV’s exclusively is ludicrous.

@LarryH49 - 28.02.2024 11:21

The judge in Delaware was not impressed with Elon making EVs profitably. Very well done.

@phll3609 - 28.02.2024 12:18

Elon is real reckless genius,and Jensen is a pure big profiteer.

@phll3609 - 28.02.2024 12:20

Elon is real tech genius,and Jensen is a pure big profiteer.

@benjaminhon86 - 28.02.2024 13:36

After Jensen said don't teach your children coding because that's their job my respect for him is gone.

Someone smart would not have taken such a simplistic view.

@Lduke32 - 28.02.2024 14:04

But concerned that Tesla’s vertical integration strategy won’t work. Just look at 4680 effort, kind of a failure when compared to industry leaders. Can Tesla be the best or even great at everything? Whereas Nvidia is the best and are going horizontal integration, by partnering with other industry leaders. I have put my chips on both but concerned with Tesla execution.

@user-ck5yq8xl3p - 28.02.2024 17:21

DOJO should have become what NVidia is today...

@tattsu7756 - 28.02.2024 17:42

who has a rocketship?

@dennispolack4370 - 28.02.2024 17:53

Elon is a true visionary. Elon announced his intentions when he started. Jensen's is a great leader but his success is more evolutionary than visionary.

@andrasbiro3007 - 29.02.2024 01:42

The funny thing is that Elon founded OpenAI, which created the current AI gold rush, which made the market for Nvidia. Without Elon there would be no AI, Google was the only big player, and we see how far behind they are still.

@АгронДепартье - 02.03.2024 16:10

Doing chips the old way - what is revolutionary there ? Just good sense of the market - may be just by luck rather than on the basis of some fundamental understanding of life.

@b4804514 - 03.03.2024 03:22

JIm Cramer is way way over. Full of BS for so many years. Tesla should be a national treasure. The Chinese would be taking over the EV market and making the US look weak

@shamimfiroz3306 - 15.06.2024 17:59

Elon paid him
