How to Play AERITH FF7 Rebirth Combat Guide

How to Play AERITH FF7 Rebirth Combat Guide


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@notlucki3 - 27.08.2024 18:02

Little late to the party but I always use first strike and atb boost. (Always start battle with 2 atb)
Cast radiant ward on cloud, ward warp to him, have him and her blast ga spells, then have her use level 3 limit, syphon the 3rd characters limit rinse and repeat

@vexcarius7100 - 08.06.2024 03:56

FF7 R3: we didn’t only remove Aerith from your party, but also your Wards… Bwahahahaha

@SherardiaAvensis - 06.06.2024 16:23

So what's with the small ball of light that sometimes surrounds Arith. Not fleeting familiar, not a regen, mana wall, barrier or a debuff etc. It's a ball that I can't find a reason for. Sometimes it's blue/white sometimes yellow/red... what is that!? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

@shadow99917 - 06.06.2024 05:53

How does synergy work tho?

@HateSonneillon - 17.05.2024 19:56

I wish I saw this video before I beat the game because I did not understand how to play Aerith well at all.

@EvilXero359 - 08.05.2024 20:43

It's kinda lame that her magic laser doesn't track targeted enemies as well as being short ranged and that her vampire spell is useless unless used on a staggered enemy. Obvious note here but she along with any character in the OG FF7 can be made into a tank

@tomas6179 - 28.04.2024 09:59

Why can’t I see Arcane Ward and Radiant Ward at the same time in my abilities? I’m a missing something? Appreciate if someone explains

@davidbrown6976 - 16.04.2024 10:14

Aerith always stay on the team. Yuffie is tough too. All the character combat is well designed.

@WarmthInWinter - 15.04.2024 19:48

I honestly feel like the game should just by default give you one ATB at the start of battle and the first strike materia shouldn’t even exist. If everyone puts it on all their characters anyway, then it shouldn’t even be treated like they’re giving you the option… it basically just means one materia slot is just never free.

@rayd.103 - 10.04.2024 02:01

Thanks, I liked Synergy befoe knowing it cost no MP - appreicate u!

@The_Primary_Axiom - 05.04.2024 20:37

She was hard to master.

@HoomaanHedayat - 04.04.2024 11:16

Thanks for this video this changed my mind about aerith now shes going to be in my main party

@shanliekpop - 02.04.2024 05:26

I Love the addition of ward shift! It's so satisfying to bait an enemy far away and teleport just as they attack so you have enough time to cast a high level spell without being interrupted + the arcane double damage.

@Joseph-nx5gv - 01.04.2024 14:55

bruhhh i had no idea the synergy doesnt cost ATB! WTF!

@AliHamza-sv4ni - 28.03.2024 13:18

Spoiler : there is zero chance i will love the next game more because she won't be in it . Literally the best mage . Ff vii without aerith and arcane ward won't be the same rip

@GamingIsForKids - 28.03.2024 07:19

Bodyguard is best used to bring the party to her ward for double spells, rather than running and wasting stagger time. Switch to her teli to her ward if she's not on it, body guard both members switch to one and double cast 2x followed by her 2x double synergy swap again repeat then use her own 2 atb stacks will nuke any boss even hard mode (with fully stack magic users)

@harmen9598 - 27.03.2024 04:46

How can I use Radiant Ward and Arcane ward with Aerith? I’m 60 hours in and can’t find it. Can you only use this abilities with specific weapons? I’m confused

@kane99560 - 25.03.2024 06:56

Aerith with synergy and comet is broken. Literally put anything else on her then play with cloud or Tifa, spam atb attacks and watch aerith just nukes the whole field 😅

@MasonLopez - 23.03.2024 07:14

Aerith's Synergy with Barret where they both throw on sunglasses and she uses her staff as a minigun is the best ability in the game.

@edrianjude - 21.03.2024 22:13

Very informative. I am struggling how to play Aerith.

@michaelhansen3036 - 21.03.2024 19:09

Her dash changes too when stood on Radiant Ward - longer distance and faster

@mattias3668 - 21.03.2024 12:15

Radiant Ward also gives Aerith proper dodging ability.

@drock5642 - 21.03.2024 01:31

You are my go-to for anything FF7 Rebirth and Remake. Love'n the vids bro. Keep'em coming

@Roanix1 - 20.03.2024 17:35

I learned a staggering amount from this video. Thanks!

@AC-mt9mg - 20.03.2024 05:56

The guides should be updated for the full game (Transcendence needs to be discussed)

@dannys8479 - 19.03.2024 15:54

How long does it take for Tempest to fully charge and is there a visaul que for it ?

@vr6volkspower - 18.03.2024 21:47

A good strategy with both ward is to position them far from one another like you did when you 1st show ward shift skill. You go into radian ward to boost attacks and build atb, then ward shift to arcane ward when the enemy gets close and you're ready for a cast. You let the enemies get close then ward shift again to the radiant ward. You go back and forth, letting the enemies chase you then and always be on the right ward to either build atb or cast magic

@stkjoey4136 - 18.03.2024 04:57

Once i got Radiant Ward it was a game changer

@menglis3 - 17.03.2024 09:19

Radiant ward is definitely a must on her. She can dash much further with in it.

@jowasijo - 16.03.2024 21:55

I fucking hate this character in combat. All her attacks get interrupted so easily and her damage blows if you can’t get setup. I’m doing a side mission where I’m forced into only using her with no allies and the fireball enemies interrupt my attacks for free always. This feels impossible bro

@edge929 - 15.03.2024 22:57

You mean any character can use Arcane Ward to cast twice, not just Aerith?!

@JoeWGallagher - 15.03.2024 14:24

Another great use of the body guard ability is to use it to bring a player to your ward to get the 2 x cast, I guess if you have synergy you could switch to them and get 4 casts for the price of 1 but I haven't got that one yet :P

@jadeusdragias - 15.03.2024 00:47

But now who will be the new nuker in the next part 😢?

@Swihander - 13.03.2024 23:49

Spellbound Blast is her strongest spammable attack, as a Synergy Skill.

@OneDiddy - 13.03.2024 00:33

Synergy + comet

Thank me later

@maricalistaro676 - 11.03.2024 03:44

I keep getting stuck in a melee moveset where she doesnt shoot projectiles and just strikes with the staff and not a single guide on the internet seems to know about it. I cant get it to stop happening or happen when I want to.

@JujuKek - 10.03.2024 15:14

What a work they did for Aerith. I hated play the character so much in remake. Same for Barret. Now i love both.

@ibrahimq981 - 10.03.2024 10:26

Hey man, will you upload other guides soon?
I need to know if yuffie can go airborne since her abilities say she’s supposed to be able to.
Cuz currently only cloud and tifa can fight airborne.

@jayupnext5890 - 10.03.2024 04:42

Come on BItzZ we need a cait sith guide he’s my favorite character since he’s useable this time

@raymondchua7215 - 09.03.2024 21:30

You are still living your past in remake. I have to admit this is an op build solely for remake.

You have not seen Yuffie with enemy skill plasma blast , so don't need to assume which character is the best. The game is still new

@boebie5052 - 09.03.2024 18:36

Synergy plus comet is stupid OP

@vraisdulac2429 - 09.03.2024 15:56

You make a video on how to use a character and you put yourself on top of the command box. . . . . . . . . . . . Great Idea .

@graciaman - 08.03.2024 04:44

That is not what the word “detrimental” means lol whoops

@KaosuAiden - 08.03.2024 00:09

I'm torn between all the characters tbh... unlike the original ff7 they are all so different that it's fun playing as them all. I have the most fun with Yuffie probably, but I character change dependent on situations (my main pty is Cloud/Yuffie/Tifa). Aertih and Barret got that infinite mp synergy skill that's fun to mess with at times, but as far as blitzing opponents I feel like yuffie/tifa is solid. Yuffie's ninjitsu elemental attacks that don't require atb makes it so she can pressure and stagger elemental weakness enemies fairly easy and I run her with first strike and haste to make everyone get atb faster... Not to mention like aerith she gives cloud that spell blade attack... and since a lot of enemies are more weaker to magic.. I made cloud have high magic attack with the runeblade+magic accessory and that attack takes freakin chunks man... for no atb... it's crazy. It has that windup but i've hit for like 4-5k on a single attack shit is OP lol

I've tried different party compositions and for things like bosses I'd say Barret is top tier .. lifesaver+steel guard is still ridiculously useful for keeping everyone alive... which is why it makes sense for aerith to be with him. He soaks up all the damage and she can heal him back up like no other + they have the added benefit of their infinite mp synergy skill (kudos cause it looks dope af too lol) they actually got the other funny one too where they both put on shades/pose and they just go to town shooting magic and bullets at the enemy lol.

@fcv1967 - 07.03.2024 22:56

Damn too many spoilers

@clarkyh2014 - 07.03.2024 20:33

Her Synergy( R1 +) with Cait and Yuffie deletes health legit no cost

@Malacite - 07.03.2024 16:17

You unfortunately don't get it until later (either Gongaga or Cosmo Canyon) but you can get a Speed Up Materia from the combat simulator.

SPD affects how quickly your ATB fills passively, making it god-tier on Aerith once maxed out.

I love how they basically gave her BLM's Leylines ability from XIV.

@WilliamScavengerFish - 07.03.2024 12:17

Item creation, relation oceanish. It's like rebirth was the result of a breeding of final fantasy and star ocean.

@MPCuse - 07.03.2024 11:11

I just got to Cosmo Canyon in my playthrough (Gongaga was so brutal to navigate it took me all day). As good as pairing an elemental spell with Synergy materia is, I bet it'll be real devastating paired up with Comet materia.
