I am not able to understand the question. If you are looking for direction to reach Isha foundation coimbatore. Below are the instruction.
Depending on your location pls take a flight to coimbatore. We have link flights and frequent flights from Chennai.
On train route. You could opt for any trains crossing coimbatore (railway code- CBE ). Arrive at coimbatore.
While from airport- there are cabs from airport to Isha foundation. Approximately 42 kilometers. Its a 1 and half hour travel depending on traffic.
If you have travelled via train- from CBE railway station there are Cabs available to Isha foundation
Public transport
From railway station take any bus to Gandhipuram bus depot. Almost all buses from railway station will be going to Gandhipuram.
From Gandhipuram- walk 100 mts to isha bus stand, which is located inside the bus terminal
From there you could take the bus number 14D
Pls try to get a seat, cause it will be a 1and half an hour travel.
There are frequent buses every 20 minutes, so wait to get a bus where u can sit.
Arrive at isha foundation sarpa vasal and you are good to go.
Cost approx
Train charges depending on your location
Cab from airport ₹500 to ₹800. Depending on the timings
Cab from Railway station to Isha- ₹400 to ₹600
Bus tranport- railway station to Gandhipuram- 10 rupees and from Gandhipuram to isha - 45 rupees
These rates are before covid. These are just approx.
Har Har Mahadev 🙏🏻 ❤️ 🔱 #mahadev #sawan #harharmahadev 🔱 💗 💓 💓
If you face any difficulties, dont hesitate to ask any fellow person. Coimbatore people are too friendly. They will guide you.
Lastly, if you are wishing to stay in isha, pls contact isha foundation and book cottages well in advance.
BON VOYAGE !! Hope you find what u are looking for.