Glaciers of the Winds

Glaciers of the Winds

Wyoming PBS

6 лет назад

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@tabethiaarmstrong3490 - 08.01.2023 22:36

Glaciers provide water , which is essential for every living thing on earth.

@tommythompson6156 - 19.10.2022 07:54

They are repeating simple stories with a few glacial specific words tossed in so it sounds like it's more than fanciful guesswork. Much of the USA & Canada was under 10,000 feet of ice before cars & fossil fuels for heat were discovered. What made that ice go away ? Losing a foot of glacier per year is difficult to measure & falls under the margin of error.
The real science of climate change is writing up requests for funds. The next little ice age could begin this year and all of their fake science will be buried under an avalanche of natural weather.

@survivingthetimes - 14.10.2022 19:22

Global warming/cooling/climate change is the biggest swindle ever committed in the history of the universe. The climate has been changing for the entirety of the earth's existence. What do you thing ended the last ice age? It sure wasn't people driving their SUVs.

@garyellington1216 - 13.10.2022 19:10

As a planet, we need to be thinking about, what we are going to do with out glaciers as they are today.

@garyellington1216 - 13.10.2022 18:59

Pivot irrigation system, is the way to go.

@garyellington1216 - 13.10.2022 18:50

That's not a good thing.

@garyellington1216 - 13.10.2022 18:48

Some scientists, are of the opinion that we have already crossed the threshold. Meaning that no matter what we do from here on out, The Earth will become Hotter & Hotter!

@garyellington1216 - 13.10.2022 18:37

For the most part the Earth 🌎🌍 is becoming a Hotter Dryer Place!

@garyellington1216 - 12.10.2022 19:39

To Me It Looks like They are Working at a Playing!!!

@flyingtoaster1427 - 08.09.2022 22:25

But not a word of the elephant in the room... fore!

@iulyanah - 05.09.2022 17:50

We're going through a period between Ice Ages, it's natural for the glaciers to melt. There were times when whole Earth was covered by ice, you don't want to live in such a time, not even in one similar to last Ice Age, when Europe was either ice covered or tundra zone. Stop manipulating people minds.

@SteampunkGroove_John3.16 - 03.09.2022 23:09

I`ll be honest ..... I could only get about 5 minutes into this video before thinking "WHY BARE SOME STATES DEPERATE FOR FRESH WATER WHILE OTHERS HAVE GIANT ICE CUBES TO SHARE?????" ........ because there is absolutely NO reason why wild animals and ICE should be more important than HUMAN LIVES ...... especially when Dems are screaming at Reps about abortion and "human rights" ............... seems to me that thise states that have access to SNOW and ICE cold SAVE LIVES by sharing their resources.

teacher: class, name 1 thing that you`ve learned about the Inited States of America.
student: the states are NOT united.

@johnnysystem2579 - 08.06.2022 23:41

In Canada we know all about black snow. We see it in the spring when the melt begins. All the dirt and dust turns the very top layer black and it melts much faster. To see that this happens all over the world is not a stretch.

@johngiuliano8750 - 14.08.2021 22:51

The movie says the little ice age took place from 1400 to 1900. So 121 years later, you would expect it to be getting warmer. Even without manmade global warming. But at the end, they blame manmade global warming on the natural return to “normal” that is still happening. The coincidence of the little ice age ending at the time the industrial revolution began is just that - a coincidence - as opposed to a correlation.

@robslattery6544 - 04.08.2021 01:04

Young people with new equipment opinions pre-provided, purely biased
Caution: Left-wing idealism in progress

@robslattery6544 - 03.08.2021 01:45

Removing the wolf was a dumb idea

@dave8k9hohnjmdavez57 - 18.07.2021 07:36

The signs proclaiming and warning of global warming. Have been removed in Glacier nat. Park..because the glaciers kept growing larger and even the pbs cnn msnbc watchers noticed and questioned the science..So solution was to remove the signs....

@tacywest8842 - 17.07.2021 03:21

Plant trees everywhere. Stop paving the earth with black top, cement. Car pool get rid of yhauts ,stop container ships. Get the billionaires to change their damaging life styles . Half airplanes no private planes for government officals

@tacywest8842 - 17.07.2021 03:10

Wow what a nice trail makes it real easy. Great to have horses.lucky people

@brianwagar4512 - 03.07.2021 09:36

You are not nothing.. you just don't realize your strength.

@dancooper8551 - 06.02.2021 19:09

Excellent program!!

@breAnnasmama - 05.04.2020 18:38

Uhhhh these cheesy annoying people talking are so irritating. Just have a decent person capable of narrating properly , do the voiceover and show the content and be done with the annoying crap and the irritating music. This is yet smother typical propaganda video to promote fear and chaos .. go after all these so-called elite , power hungry ppl trying to control the world and remove plls rights and stop buying into all this politically correct bs... there are so many things that could be done , if people would actually focus on getting legislation changed to protect resources and wildlife ... but everyone would rather just go on and on about everything and nothings being done that actually makes a difference ..

@lawnfascist4890 - 18.09.2019 02:00

sky is falling propaganda.

@yankeepicker2293 - 26.07.2019 03:32

This planet has been changing since the beginning of time. How can someone being so educated be so misled or misleading. I wonder how the glaciers disappeared before man. I would guess dinosaur gas.

@noahcount7132 - 19.01.2019 23:52

The earth has been undergoing physical change throughout its existence.  The most adaptable life forms on the planet tend to be the most enduring, but virtually none are permanent.   Accept and embrace the inevitability of change and strive to adapt.  Shedding the fantasy that humanity is the most important life form to evolve on the planet and embracing the reality that it is not would be a positive step in the right direction.

@thomaslycke6990 - 10.01.2019 00:31

Why are you promoting lies? Climatechange has existed in millions of years, glaciers coming and going. The climate ain´t goning to adapt. We are the ones who have to adapt.

@busby2 - 09.01.2019 20:54


@Landwy1 - 09.01.2019 09:07

Mountain glaciers are going away all around the world. For the Northern Hemisphere it is only in the very center of Greenland that glaciers are not substantially melting. Antarctica though is doing well, as the areas besides the coastal areas and the Palmer Peninsula are gaining ice mass. This is because the ability of the atmosphere to hold moisture is an exponential function, not a linear function. Antarctica was (is) in a situation where the atmosphere couldn't hold much moisture. Now that Antarctica has warmed, the atmosphere can now hold more moisture which gets shed as snow. However...the oceans around Antarctica are warming causing the warmer water to undercut the ice shelves and weaken them. For now there are relatively small (Rhode Island) sized ice shelves that are being calved as icebergs. The real giant ice shelves disintegrating will happen over the next century.

I have a house in the Wind River foothills. I have seen the climatic change firsthand. The cheat grass season was strictly a May-early June growing season. Now there is a September growing season with a wet snow or rain in September and October which gives a second growing season. Also cheat grass is a CAM4 plant that uses more carbon from carbon dioxide to grow than most plants. Therefore, cheat grass will get worse as years pass as the atmosphere has more carbon dioxide.

There haven't been long cold spells in December-February that kills pine beetles for decades. It is now raining in January and February at 9,000 ft which it never did before. The rain will freeze and crust over to prevent wildlife from eating during the winter.

If we don't get a green economy soon our way or life will be radically changed. The residence time of carbon dioxide averaged over many sequestering processes is around a hundred years. Therefore, what we do as a society now impacts many future generations. Our quarterly profit driven economy is destroying our long term vision and future. I'm sorry that I'm a pessimist but I don't see humans pulling their heads out of their asses anytime soon. Just look at the politicians we elect in closed.

@markwood1705 - 06.01.2019 04:13

Wonderful video of a beautiful place, played out at a pace that's lets you think a little about what is seen on the screen. Thank you.

@WhoFramedMSG - 05.01.2019 02:30

On a perperson basis, Wyoming emits more carbon dioxide than any other state or any other country: 276,000 pounds (125,000 kg) of it per capita a year, because of burning coal, which provides nearly all of the state's electrical power.[1]

@WhoFramedMSG - 05.01.2019 02:28

Bye bye glaciers! 1/3 of the country thinks global warming is a myth. Thanks Republicans and fox news! You destroyed the planet
