TFCon News and More: Fanstoys, Newage, Bingo Toys, and Much More!!

TFCon News and More: Fanstoys, Newage, Bingo Toys, and Much More!!

Bot Vs Con

55 лет назад

1,730 Просмотров

On this episode of Bot vs Con, we take a look at the news from TFcon, a bunch of Devastator News, and much more. Let us know your thoughts below!!

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Voiceover work by Lorenzo!

Also, a huge shout out to The Chosen Prime for sponsoring the show! You can buy some amazing figures here:

You can find our merch here:

#botvscon #transformer #toycollecting #toynews #autobot #decepticon #toys #collection #collectables #g1 #thirdparty #hasbro #legends #optimusprime #megatron #bobbythebot #jamesthecon #thebot #thecon #masterpeice #mp #tfcon #fanstoys #newage #fanshobby #bingo #panel #news
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