Learn how to make Unreal Engine 5 Games - Cobra Code Channel Trailer

Learn how to make Unreal Engine 5 Games - Cobra Code Channel Trailer

Cobra Code

2 года назад

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- 15.11.2022 18:52

Yeeess 🤩 Sharing is Caring 🙏🏿
Thanks to you , i can finally live my dream

@GabrielSoaresALife - 15.11.2022 20:53

Good Brand. I like it.

@opkp - 23.11.2022 15:59

dude i love your channel alot, thanks alot for all of this

@opkp - 23.11.2022 15:59

and i do really love that concept of 2D characters in 3D background

@ghuibul - 16.01.2023 01:37

waait, aren't you programming with blueprint??

@thewizdad - 24.02.2023 02:09

Man says “Hit subscribe” I hit subscribe.

@D.E.LoneLee - 11.01.2024 05:32

I'm not sure if you could help me or maybe direct me to the right resources.
I'm brand spanking new to unreal, I've been making a game slowly and learning, but I've come to a part where I need to create bunch of scratch tickets.
They are the main feature of my game (Scratched Away) where you'll play as a melancholy creature named Mauve struggling to make ends meet each month in the seemingly inescapable slums of the dystopian city "Dreary".
The main part of the game or at least a huge aspect of the money making is through mystical scratch tickets sold by a mysterious and ominous gas station attendant.
I can make art for them okay enough, but I have no idea what to do to set them up or how to make a scratch off effect!
I would like to add a coin for the player to scratch with and set up a screen so the player can bring the scratch card up almost like a minigame window.
I was also hoping for the numbers underneath each ticket to be randomly generated within certain parameters since each ticket would have its own style and winning jackpot amount as well as symbols like real scratch tickets!
THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY 0 tutorials on how to even attempt this in Unreal or on google or anywhere I've looked :( I asked ChatGBT but its not very helpful for me without visuals.
The only video I've seen is a Unity tutorial. aside from that not a single person has made this content yet. If you could help or know where I could go to get a visual tutorial for this process that would be incredibly helpful.
I really enjoy the content and appreciate your time. Thank you and have a wonderful day/night/life!

@JayLama - 20.08.2024 15:34

Hey, I’m curious what college you went to?
