INSANE Student Pilot Emergency

INSANE Student Pilot Emergency

Up In the Air Vlogs

2 года назад

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@nburkemdx - 02.01.2023 18:11

This honestly made me feel better that what we practice ad nauseum will absolutely save us and the aircraft in a real unplanned emergency.

@SRT-DUKE - 11.01.2023 02:41

I’ve read up on vortexes that planes and helicopters make. It’s insane that for up to two minutes after a hell takes off, the area around it is still insane. Saw a plane get blown way off course when he was on final.

@patrickpatrick9132 - 11.01.2023 16:31

Haha that’s worse than the worse tail dragger Fuck up. Haha

@ChaseVolvo - 11.01.2023 21:17

Can you please stop doing the subtitle that bouncing. I am deaf and we depend on reading subtitles. This get eyesores to reading bouncing subtitles.

Love your videos, very educational! Keep it up

@16yelnats - 12.01.2023 09:01

On the last video maybe he saw it while high altitude and was meaning to go for it

@paulkaciuba7252 - 13.01.2023 23:57

Could be a great channel, the words are bloody annoying the way they drop in, just cut them in and out, theyre way too high in the frame. Also waaaay too far in advance of your narrating. Best of luck with the channel

@jdub7771 - 22.10.2024 04:29

Gliders don't have engines to fail lol
