5 Traits You Need To Succeed In The Entertainment Business - Carole Kirschner

5 Traits You Need To Succeed In The Entertainment Business - Carole Kirschner

Film Courage

1 год назад

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@chasehedges6775 - 06.01.2024 04:09

Love this content

@filmcourage - 06.01.2024 04:15

What do you like about this advice?

@feliciasaunders8970 - 06.01.2024 04:16

I appreciate this, all of it🙌🏾❤️

@RarebitFiends - 06.01.2024 04:20

Interesting and enlightening discussion!

I am a "thrive on a challenge" sort, I fell backward into software engineering as a result... when my intention as a young man was to write and direct. 😅

The networking and gregariousness she talks about are skills that still elude me, even in my tech career. The networking sounds impossible to me, I am such an introvert that the friends I have are the people who refuse to let me fall off the radar. 🫥

I have pivoted to comics instead to get my stories out, all things being equal I hope to launch my first crowdfunder later in 2024. Maybe I can produce a comic good enough that some of the more gregarious writers in this town will want to adapt it, that would be cool.

Btw, I sincerely love this channel. Even though I no longer dream of making movies myself, there is such a wealth of information here for any writer. And movies are my second favorite art form and a huge part of my life. I can listen to discussions about craft all day long. 😊

@BrandonJamesPLUGS - 06.01.2024 05:22

Don’t tell me shit that I need to do until Hollywood get they shit together

@Photomonon - 06.01.2024 05:39

Sounds sycophantic, probably pathetic

@TheOdiousMonk - 06.01.2024 06:14

Film Courage, not sure who the person behind the camera is, but you do an absolutely fantastic job of learning about who you interview and asking questions to allow them to speak from their expertise. I've watched probably hundreds of these videos now and they've inspired me and taught me a lot. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this channel. It's been very helpful in building my motivation to keep writing.

@oldschoolcollodion - 06.01.2024 06:23

Be a candy don’t be human - how about be good at what you do, no be superior, then Work like hell. Also be a tiny bit manipulative.

@JohannesMariaRunge - 06.01.2024 07:03


@plantedpictures-bg2ix - 06.01.2024 07:49

Seriously , never compromise yourself . I'll keep the same morals and values instilled in me from home to kindergarten , from grade school to high school , from graduation out onto the vast landscape . Simple . Respect yourself and others . Your value is worth more than any dollar amount .

@plantedpictures-bg2ix - 06.01.2024 07:51

Trust me , if you can write a term paper or essay , you can write that screenplay .

@plantedpictures-bg2ix - 06.01.2024 07:53

I don't use the word Hollywood . Hollywood is what I see on tabloid covers . Say,the cinematic arts .

@leebishop7591 - 06.01.2024 08:26

Funny Ms Kirschner says to be pleasant to work with. I agree with her. But the industry is full of so many A holes. Even the D list actors and lower level assistants or PAs. And these ppl are making money and are gatekeepers. Its very difficult bc some have Gawd complexes.

@georgebrooks7899 - 06.01.2024 09:06

Being liked by people in power helps more than anything. I've seen PLENTY of surly people continue to work because the showrunner or unit production manager likes them. The last feature I worked on, a 2nd AD was completely condescending to the electrical truck driver and the driver wasn't having it. The disagreement got loud and profane, with the driver refusing to take the AD's abuse. The UPM stepped in, reprimanded the AD (in front of multiple witnesses), and then took the driver with her to her next job when the shoot was wrapped. Many of us were stunned because you're always told to be pleasant and pay your dues (eat crap) if you want to work in Hollywood, yet that driver's prideful refusal to be talked down to got him more work. I personally think the UPM knew the AD could be a jerk and liked that the driver stood up to her. 😆

@ryanhowell4492 - 06.01.2024 09:24

That's so cool

@prometheus200 - 06.01.2024 09:28

This sounds all well and good, but the way she puts it is a competitive mindset. Art isn’t a competition, it’s consistency, tenacity and honesty. Character wise though, she’s spot on! One should be a dream to work with because this space is a collaborative space. And be more self aware to hold your own esteem without putting others down.

@jimbo3891 - 06.01.2024 10:46

she is so very right ... the film biz is the toughest gig in town.

@andreasboe4509 - 06.01.2024 12:00

Advice for life, not only for people in entertainment.

@wbfwbl8434 - 06.01.2024 12:39

I was a journalist for some time - I was close to entertaiment people: young and old. With some I still keep in touch. My country was a communist regime for decades but the opinion among old directors, screenwriters and actors about the old days is - if you had talent and you were not against the goverment very very directly, you had a great story to tell, you were given a chance.

At the moment, most of the business is owned or co-owned by USA giants like WarnerB and Discovery and people tell me - you can make a movie, sell a script, get a part if you: know the right people, sleep with the right people (both men and women), don't make a movie showing certain groups in a bad light, you have to glorify certain groups and activities, do great on social media, show a lot of sex .... there are a lot of requirements and most make me sick. There are unofficial tv/streaming and film "bibles" in circulation. Oh as for the actors - you have to be beautifull people - if you are average looking you will not get a lead role but you can if you do other stuff ... Terrible stuff like selling your soul.

You can do Independent films and shorts and those are supported by the goverment financed foundations but you will not get distribution if you will not come to the requirements I have mendtioned above besides some small events. Since USA had bought most of the industry the quality dropped a lot. Even Netflix histroric productions have a carry some agenda and propaganda creating a false narrative. There is not much room left for Independent film making in my country. There is not much room left for good film making

@rusalkin - 06.01.2024 13:42

now we know why so much stuff sucks, because talent is the at the very bottom of the list

@bubblybull - 06.01.2024 13:44

I’d rather be a successful human being 😉

@Mysteries_of_Teddy_Miljard - 06.01.2024 15:22

10.000 hours to write a screenplay..? It's not enought!

I have spent 420.000 hours to get my 'Nemo 3' ready for Disney.. 😉 So, it took me 48 years to gather all the pieces of the story. 🎉

@rODIUMuk - 06.01.2024 18:24

This video is amazing! This woman is spot on! SPOT on! Working collaboratively and in the film and entertainment industry takes all these things .
If you feel uncomfortable about anything she said - this is not for you x

@arzabael - 06.01.2024 18:30

I absolutely Love* Carole Kirschner !

@ShingInAction - 06.01.2024 18:31

It's who you know and who you sell your soul to 😅

@mickmartin4681 - 06.01.2024 19:13

What about Harvey Pekar? He wasn’t any of this and he was the best

@fiercemonkey1 - 06.01.2024 21:35

Can we please get more of her?? she is such a GEM!! wow so much great advise, and awesome questions!! Kick butt interview FC! o7💥

@tonybaez3735 - 06.01.2024 22:04

Let me tell you that: Don’t ask a hairdresser about her opinion about open up a hair saloon yourself! 100% they are telling you that is too hard for you, even though she has a successful hair saloon herself! If you want to be successful in the entertainment business don’t look for any support in the industry, trust me, ask the hairdresser to support you, the only thing you need is Investments BUT only from people outside the Entertainment business, I’ve done that 100 times!!!

@tonybaez3735 - 06.01.2024 22:07

And by the way all those people here are only talking how to be , to be accepted by the industries??? You don’t need the Industry, thats very old school!

@WiLyO8 - 06.01.2024 22:09

@WiLyO8 - 06.01.2024 22:14

Relationship Concerns in situations

@WiLyO8 - 06.01.2024 22:15

My Mentors

@tiwantiwaabibiman2603 - 06.01.2024 22:18

There needs to be a nationally recognized industry award given to this show for is incredible content and featured giests.

@WiLyO8 - 06.01.2024 22:22

Elements of Film Industry etc LIFE we are

@brianj436 - 06.01.2024 23:23

I have even better advice, be born a Coppola.

@jasonlorphotofilms - 07.01.2024 08:38

She is absolutely right on all points. You could be working on a film project with many people for months, so with positive and down to earth attitudes is a must. You are either going to be frustrating yourself or all others on set.

@EistLiom - 08.01.2024 20:39

Please say it isn't so 😢 what an evil world this would be and who would want to work with such unforgivingness.. should cruel people be the ones making art?

@davidaustinveal9277 - 08.01.2024 23:28

This is great. It's one thing to be talented, it's something else to communicate it.

@StreetLifeIndia - 10.01.2024 14:31

All of this sounds correct. A recent experience tells me this. I was 'right' in that instance but I needed to be more diplomatic. Relationship kind of soured. One of the ways is to say your things but always keep a window open for the other to enter back and for you to look out again. Always keep your language (and manners, body language) little day-to-day and casual, conversational rather than conclusive and final and academic or righteous. Thank you so much for this.

@SunnyNutrition - 12.01.2024 00:57

This lady it spot on I a Chaplin and is taught my son years ago just what she saying not he a go to writers in Hollywood Jameel Saleem South Park

@pookyamsterdam8511 - 17.01.2024 00:15

This woman is fantastic! Brava!!! Great advice and she is so for real!!!! Love her!

@1983jcheat - 25.01.2024 11:14

My mentor broke Chappelle and Martin Lawrence in the business. He wrote for "Martin". The Oldman said lying, backstabbing, racism and drama. He said talent wasn't #1 or 2 on making it.

@StephenMykal - 08.10.2024 09:10

Really great takes. Very accurate and good reminder of the reality.

@PaulDChannel - 10.12.2024 21:43

Great conversation! So much helpful advice here. Thank you Film Courage, you always post such informative videos.
