Sad she only got eight minutes. This is when you really miss someone like Dick Cavette who's show gave people like Doris Kearns Goodwin a whole show to discuss there books and ideas. Never will see those times again 😢
ОтветитьWe need her for President 2024..🇺🇸
ОтветитьDick Goodwin is who the movie QUIZ SHOW is about (him and Charles Van Doren). It was based on his memoirs.
ОтветитьIncredible interview. I wonder why she has stopped the morning shows. Great way to recount history.
ОтветитьHistory is Our Stepping Stones,, TODAY & HOW WE LEARN FROM IT ,IS OUR TOMORROW !!!
ОтветитьThe secret "elephant in the room"...the on going strategic plan by the wealthily/corporate entities to turn the American people into the society of "Obedient Workers" while spreading "White Nationalism" aka Nazism. Google the "German American Bund" in the 1930's and Eisenhower's Farewell Address 1961.
ОтветитьShe is an amazing lady.
Ответить❤️ Doris. Been following her since the 70’s
ОтветитьSharp, sharp, sharp
ОтветитьThe Beatles and then the British Invasion and then American musicians like Hendrix and The Dead motivated young people around the world. The entire youth movement was powered by Rock music. Hippie culture was about peace, love and human rights. Unfortunately, recreational drugs were a big part of that culture and that turned out to be devastating. Popular music motivated young people to end the Viet Nam war and fire Nixon. Popular culture brought down the Iron Curtain. It's time for the women of the world to take the wheel driven by Girl Powered Rock and Roll.
ОтветитьLBJ kept an Oval Office tape recorder…
LBJ: “Give me my damn war!”
It was Jim Morrison’s (The Doors) father that gave Lyndon the false flag Gulf of Tonkin Incident and a basis for expanding Vietnam into the debacle of 58000 American lives wasted. A very Democrat thing.
LBJ owned stock in two Mil/Ind Contractors (loved it whenever a helicopter went down). His racist Death MacNamara even more, Lady Bird too.
Patton would have said of the 60’s: “We fought the wrong enemy”
Democrats lost their way...still hating Nixon they project their bias on others, never compromise, never apologize, in their quest for elitist third world national identity. They get to be the only opinion in their mind. Disgusting their lack of self reflection.
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьThanks Doris for all you do.
ОтветитьYou think today's youth will rise up to save Democracy? You need a doctor. They won't put their phone down.
ОтветитьA Team of Rivals😊
ОтветитьDoris Kearns Goodwin is a national treasure.
ОтветитьThe biggest difference between the 60s and now is that the forces for bad have an amount of money behind them which was inconceivable in the 1960s. Sure, elections could always be bought--LBJ knew that--but entire governmental institutions for the most part remained outside the reach of the Dark Side. Not today.
ОтветитьGreat story teller and historian. ❤
ОтветитьDoris and Dick visited my parents when I was a little kid. I don’t remember the year but I remember my parents were fascinated by them, and we read and talked about Doris’s bio of President Johnson. I don’t know how my parents did it, but everywhere they went they made friends with great people. They were charming, of course, but I think maybe it was because they were truly interested in other people; they were great listeners. I learned that from my parents. When I saw Doris here on Steve’s show, I was shocked to recognize her. I think in was a pre-teen when it happened.
ОтветитьDoris Kearns Goodwin is an amazing author. "Team of Rivals" changed my life.
ОтветитьShe's amazing.
ОтветитьI see DKG and I click and like.
ОтветитьThis was a high-quality interview of a great historian and writer.
ОтветитьShe is as old as Biden. 81 is not too old to be president.
Ответитьyou hang around with bill clinton we know who you are steve
ОтветитьShe is so right ... I was young in the 1960s and remember well yearning for all of those issues she brought forth on the Colbert show, women's rights, voting rights, civil rights, etc. (listen to her for the list), and history is something from which we must learn. And the fight has never stopped. VOTE VOTE VOTE
Doris is brilliant, and we must encourage all the young people (like she and I once were) to never give up and to fight the epidemic of ignorance that continues to spread.
This author totally is putting the honus on the youth, who ARE marching in the streets (against gun violence, BLM, women's reproductive rights, etc)! They're even working against gerrymandering so they can make sure their vote counts! She's seems stuck in a fantasy about the 60s and not kept up with the goings on of today. Last I checked, government is by the "people", not just by the youth
Ответитьsad to see her on this show. Talking about this country being broke.colbert is the arbiter of creating chaos where none exists.
ОтветитьDKG has such an important message here! The memories of being youthful and filled with a connection to a higher inner and outer social power. The power of intentions and spirit to create a better world for everyone. Not just power to control/destroy and for personal greed.
ОтветитьShe’s a national treasure.
ОтветитьHey Doris!
The young people in the US are marching now - the Catholics, the Jews, the Protestants, the Muslims - all united to bring peace and justice for the Palestinians - in particular to stop their universities' investments in the weapons killing the people of Gaza, and the current US administration's support for that genocide.
History repeating itself - the young people leading the way - although with a slightly different cause.
They are against injustice and racism though - that's the same!
An amazing synchronicity with your book about the 60s in America!
Thank you Doris- snd Stephen Colbert too, for this interview!
Best wishes -
Genevieve Forde
Planet Earth
We love you, Doris. Thank you,! 💕💙🇺🇸
ОтветитьShe's phenomenal! I've read every one of her books and could reread them again & again. 💙💙💙
ОтветитьThe generation that thought having sex in the park stopped a war doesn’t get to tell us how to fix their mess.
ОтветитьI always tune in when DKG VISITS Stephen!
ОтветитьIs it worth watching this and waiting for the funny part of his routine, or would I just end up being disappointed?
ОтветитьI see she also enjoyed "Coco".
ОтветитьI have such great hopes and enthusiasm for all of us to stand up for our democracy to save and empower it! Get involved in your town meetings, city meetings, county and state. Raise your voices and take to the streets in peaceful fashion. This is our land when we make it so
and the need to do so is here.
The book is great
ОтветитьI truly love that woman.
ОтветитьI just learned that protests arent something useful from the past. They are relevant and necessary now necessary now
ОтветитьCan there be a better response to DKG's book "An Unfinished Love Story" with that era and its dedication to the wellbeing of America and Americans than a (OUR) loving and patriotic response (TOGETHER) to Senator Kennedy's aasertion: "the cause endures, the work goes on, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die." ?!? EVERY DAY!!!!
ОтветитьShe is a disgrace to her peers. Fired by PBS for plagiarism. Removed from The Pulitzer Board for plagiarism. Ignored by her peers. WTF Colbert ? Why? CBS ?
ОтветитьHer Husband indeed - she ewedscrayed Lyndon Baines Johnson .
ОтветитьThe perils of becoming such a prosperous country is that we’ve become too complacent and too self-centered. I pray that this election is a turning point for a new progressive era in which reforms to democracy and the economic and societal imbalances make us stronger and more united. Tired of the profiteers of division and hatred.
ОтветитьOnce again, apologies to Doris Kearns Goodwin
ОтветитьWonderful woman with great wisdom and advice!!
ОтветитьWhat an incredible clip.