European elections 2019: What next for Brexit? - BBC Newsnight

European elections 2019: What next for Brexit? - BBC Newsnight

BBC Newsnight

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@GavinFreedomLover - 10.08.2019 06:02

Rory the reptile !!!

@Andy13april64 - 03.06.2019 18:45

Labour & Tories in their own civil war, good, Fuck them.

@jamescorneliustaylor6997 - 02.06.2019 12:29

The big mistake many are making is portraying this as a class war. This is complete rubbish. The biggest predictor of whether a person will vote leave or remain is, wait for it, THE LEVEL OF EDUCATION. This suggests that intelligence plays a large part, and it also implies that a lot of leavers are of lower intelligence. It's not too hard to follow this argument I hope. There will always be exceptions of course, but this is the trend. I hope that's not outrageously non PC, but someone has to point this out.

The tipping point for society is when the stupid outnumber the intelligent. At this point we are put on the scrap heap. Sorry, no offence intended, this is simple common sense.

I can hear the refuse collectors coming :)

@jimmy2minutes - 02.06.2019 01:56

BBC. Commie shite.

@Saiputera - 01.06.2019 13:34

BBC globalist media are losing their propandaga😂😂😂

@shimmeringshadow9524 - 01.06.2019 09:03

A lot of leave voters didn’t vote as we r leaving and it was pointless

@mitchellclarke8212 - 01.06.2019 07:58

Brexit won't happen.

@peterpan9217 - 31.05.2019 18:08

disgraceful bias BBC..fuck off bbc

@ElectricInevitability - 31.05.2019 16:05

Go smoke some more opium you mongoloid. Parliament cant stop a no deal brexit as it's in British law. Once we're out then perhaps finally remainers will actually accept the 2016 referendum result.

While ever there's a chance of stopping brexit these remainers will never give up so the only chance of bringing the country back together is to leave on the 31st. Remainers need to know these no chance whatsoever of remaining.

@jacobnighthorse7893 - 31.05.2019 13:37

Nigel for pm

@hikersdiarysg4136 - 31.05.2019 13:19

May and Corbyn are idiots; they were born at the wrong time in history

@Cflixs - 31.05.2019 02:36

Get it

@ralfrath699 - 30.05.2019 18:09

Next is exit - what else? But a NO-Deal Brexit is a disaster! We have already chaos and disaster in our country, a House of Chaos and a disaster parliament - enough is enough. And this is the end of British democracy! But even if the UK does not survive the next 6 months Britain should now start the Brexit - Exit- No-Deal-Exit-Brexit!

@TrainFan_95 - 30.05.2019 15:50

Stop calling the Brexit "party" a party. It is a limited company, accountable to no members and with a self-appointed leader.

@thethinkingcatakaneonormie3527 - 30.05.2019 13:56

Wow a lie in the first 30 seconds the brexit numbers were lower, and a second referendum is needed for two reasons if there is this over confidence that they won because of a popular support or was it a low turn out and second the evidence that the out campaign had no reality based plans at all that there faith based crackpot views will never work with international business

@nigelthorn2062 - 30.05.2019 13:43

Yo BBC employees. You better learn to code. This paedo infested company is going the way of CNN.

@frederickherrmann9719 - 30.05.2019 12:33

At least more honest than Channel 4!

@petermaxhiensch9771 - 30.05.2019 10:32

B.B.C = BIAS !! NEWS 🔜 🚮

@ScottZ370 - 30.05.2019 06:35

Only 37% turnout which is honestly unbelievable

@olivermelvin4185 - 30.05.2019 06:34


@noor20202020 - 30.05.2019 02:35

Brixit is the most shameful incident that will take uk to the medieval era with the leadership of the most disgusting man in the history of Britain Farage

@mrlad4685 - 30.05.2019 01:19

Britain has become a Laughing Stock. Credit goes to Nigel Farage.

@GIobeCentral - 30.05.2019 00:35

The BBC is not the public opinion. You ask questions , then contradict the answers before the speaker has made their point.

@markchesters8861 - 29.05.2019 23:55

Rory Stewart has zero chance of being elected and having been recently endorsed by lord Adonis his own dreams of being elected have been ended.

@hawkeye-vv4kb - 29.05.2019 23:27

My goodness me ... this Rory Steward looks like a real nincompoop.

@juliantaylor1020 - 29.05.2019 23:15

corbyn pm, 2nd referendum europe squeezes us dry --Save Brexit, save Tommy save our girls, DO IT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

@dakrontu - 29.05.2019 21:54

Corbyn does not want to be in the EU because it restricts the radical 1970s plans he has for Britain under his rule.

@zappsvideos2041 - 29.05.2019 21:32

Typically biased BBC Broadcasting Bullying Corporation, violates monopoly rules over broadcasting ! Ban the licence .

@Filbert66 - 29.05.2019 21:26

Get rid of the TV license. This candidate looks like a heroin addict. He wouldn't last a minute!

@alickak8346 - 29.05.2019 20:38

Who told this man that majority of the people in this country do not want a NO DEAL BREXIT?

@bawsack69 - 29.05.2019 19:30

2+2=5, 2+2=5, 2+2=5

@craigblyth1080 - 29.05.2019 19:20

We keep fighting till the hypocrites about Democracy IE the Brexiteers admit they won on a lie ie they won undemocratically therefore another vote is necessary

@Allbritde - 29.05.2019 19:00

Split England in halve. One to stay in the EU and another to get away.

@aragti6060 - 29.05.2019 18:37

back to square one, farage wont deliver. that will clear may of any weakness.

@mikehartley9526 - 29.05.2019 18:36

Part of the Brexit party manifesto should be to make the Biased Brussels Corporation pay to view

@mikehartley9526 - 29.05.2019 18:35

Biased bullshit from the Biased Brussels Corporation

@Harbringe - 29.05.2019 18:26

From Canada ..What I see. A Conservative party that are mostly snobs in bed with City of London elites and only half of them would do what people want. A Labour Party that has abandoned the working class because they want to become one of the snobbish elites and are actually acting like they already are. And a BBC (and most other media) that works in service of those same type of elites.Quite honestly when it comes to whats been happening to the British people , whethert it be immigration or austerity or bankers making off with billions and the media lying about the whole lot , they with Brexit are for the first time worried about something that could affect them instead of just the working class (lower classes) as has always been. Truth is people around the world are beginning to realize this has been going on for a really long time. Its why so many Nationalist populist Gov'ts are coming to power all over the world. Stop telling us we need to take care of the world when we can't even take care of ourselves.

@Desmohenry - 29.05.2019 17:45

A deal acceptable to Parliament?!?! The Brexit vote was not a vote to get a deal acceptable to those traitors in Parliament. Those traitors have only one job...get the UK out. With or without a deal. They were told to get the Nation out of the EU...not whether they personally support it or like it. Good news is that the Brexit party swept to victory and they will sweep both MS parties out when the next general election comes along. Brits who are remainers are traitors to the Nation and her People...full stop. The vote was won by leavers and a democratic system can only work when the losing side accepts the outcome of an election. Since remainers can not, they are telling the Nation that they do not believe nor accept the democratic system in which they live. This makes them dangerous traitors and they should be held accountable.

@trueblue2124 - 29.05.2019 17:36

a second referendum lol - not had the first yet - - any chance of some democracy and delivering the result of the people - - pathetic - - - -

@charlie271210 - 29.05.2019 17:20

no second referendum. need to honor the first one.

@jayggg - 29.05.2019 17:11

Not one media outlet has mentioned that EU nationals are able to vote in European Elections but not General Elections/Referendums! Why do they not mention this? There are 5-6 million EU nationals (if we believe official figures) living in the UK. These media outlets prove, time and time again, that they are not interested in reality, only narratives.
How many times have you been shown the voting by constituency map? You know, the one that shows the European election results transposed to a general election giving The Brexit Party a 200 seat majority in the HoC.

@degeckosgalactica2623 - 29.05.2019 16:42

Clearly, Mr. Nigel Farage is the only a winner of all Brexit mess. What is wrong with you,UK? Is the populism your future or just want fuxx them all? What do you want? Just I don't get it.

@samw9964 - 29.05.2019 16:11

You miss fact that 3,200,000 EU27 citizens that live in UK had right to vote in EU elections for any UK party ? They didn't in 2016 referendum which was just for UK citizens (Gen Elections rules). Of course not all will have voted but those that did almost certainly voted for a remain party. So, if you want to use last week's vote as a proxy for the referendum, you need remove all those EU27 voters. Conclusion: even greater % voted to leave than reported.

PS- good to have a comments section every now and then, small step in improving trust with electorate.

@dastiffmeisterman - 29.05.2019 16:07

If labour change their position on Brexit there needs to be a general election because they are elected on a pledge to honour the referendum result, betraying this makes their position in parliament invalid.

@Wienerblutable - 29.05.2019 14:21

What British tv is not reporting that a lot of European countries also wants the Brits to leave yesterday. It’s just a favor for Germany (others on the Atlantic), that would prefer friction less trade, that is not possible without a costumes unit. It’s just about business, nobody cares about the rest anymore. The 9 bl the uk pays a year are not worth talking about. Gdp is without Uk 17 trillion

@glenquinn6853 - 29.05.2019 14:16

All the remoers are still in denial. Thay need to listen to the people that have seen the truth of the bias BBC and ther German run eu .not anymore it is starting to brake up .The mps will have to take the responsibility for any thing that goes WRONG in the uk .Thay can not blame the eu thay will have to stand be and be responsible lett me reply my way yes wel you party's new name is the liebour party

@chinalad1049 - 29.05.2019 14:12

Corbyn has been admitted to hospital with panel imprinted arse syndrome. Diagnosis confirmed,sitting on the fence for too long
