Нокаут / Knock Out – Металлическая Атака / Metal Attack. Demo. (1986)

Нокаут / Knock Out – Металлическая Атака / Metal Attack. Demo. (1986)

Alexandr Danielyan

4 года назад

982 Просмотров

This is one of few really great Metal bands of USSR! In mid 1980-s this band played huge role in forming metal environment in city Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) and was a Metal music pioneer in Eastern part of USSR. The band started it`s performing activity in 1984 and sooner gained very positive reviews, as well as huge love of Leningrad`s metalheads. In 1986 the band recorded it`s first demo, and sooner got good review in Leningrad`s musical magazine “РИО”. Unfortunately due to some cleavages this wonderful band split up in 1988.
The whole Demo is fully remastered!!!
1. Черный Король / The Black King
2. Розовый Бокал / The Pink Goblet
3. Путь / The Way
4. Между Двух Огней / Between Two Fires
5. Между Двух Огней + Инструментал (Инструментальная часть композиции называлась Мвталлическая Атака.)/ Between Two Fires (second version) + Instrumental (which is also called Metal Attack)
Константин “Коха” Шустарев/Constantin Shustariov –vocal
Алексей Ильин /Aleksi Ilin – Leader of the band, guitar
Андрей “Джон” Синчук/Andrey “John” Synchuck –bass
Евгений Павлов/Evgeny Pavlov – drums
I do not own any rights for that Demo, all rights go and belong to the band Нокаут, to the band members or to other owners.
Нокаут, to the band members or to other owners.


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