Switching up my MCAT Study Plan | Becoming Dr. Brelynn

Switching up my MCAT Study Plan | Becoming Dr. Brelynn

Brelynn | Beauty and Brains

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@omgxpaula - 11.02.2025 01:44

I’m currently in my last semester of nursing school and we had a Kaplan boot camp were their reps came and helped us prepare for NCLEX. According to their resources scoring a 60% on our diagnostic and then continuously scoring 70-75% on their trainers and whatnot meant that we were ready for the NCLEX. So even though you scored a 73% and you think that’s not great in Kaplans eyes it might be perfect, there resources are usually tougher than whatever test you’re actually taking (NCLEX, MCAT, LSAT, etc), so definitely double check to see what their threshold is for success… loving this series, just a tidbit if you haven’t considered that yet I’m only half way through the video 🫶🏽🎀🥂 Good Luck Girly!!

@stephaniegreen5287 - 11.02.2025 02:05

Love that you are using other resources!! It sounds like not getting your test date might have been good because you are still figuring out your studying strategies and in the content review stage vs taking full lengths. Even though studying is long it's better to wait two months and get the score you want vs taking it "early" to be done and needing to restudy again. Wishing you the best!

@tla091 - 11.02.2025 02:06

Have you considered seeing where your test scores fall before scheduling an exam? People do drop out and test dates do open up believe it or not. I’ve been where you are and kept pushing it back until September. The second time I got a date in September again. This time I would rather see where my scores are before I schedule a test.

@getmeoffthisplanet877 - 11.02.2025 03:01

3rd year medical student and I have advice I think would be helpful. Maybe try this for one week. Stop the content review. Stop Kaplan, Stop Khan academy, stop any type of book that you have. Do only UWORLD questions and anki. Learn from the explanations in UWORLD. Take a practice exam at the end of the week and see how you do!

@MRHIGH_II - 11.02.2025 03:04

Favor of God! 💖👏🏽🥼🙏

@nicole_m_carter - 11.02.2025 04:00

I'm excited about the rest of your journey! If it's not already on your wishlist, consider getting an Oura ring. It could help track not only your sleep but also your stress levels during MCAT study sessions.

@iheartmanythings - 11.02.2025 04:35

What exciting updates, Brelynn! Always rooting for you. And remember: being ready for the test is the most important thing. You want to go in confidently; plus having a solid foundation and feeling like you really know your stuff is key for succeeding in med school. You got this! Stay patient! ❤

@EverythingLaMeaux - 11.02.2025 04:38

If you feel comfortable can you share the link that connects you to the undergrad advisors? Feel like it may be worth a shot to reach out to mine as well

@chloelovemasterpiece - 11.02.2025 04:44

You should study for a year with the new information and spend time with God. And yes, you should review the text again. God Bless.

@latiascott94 - 11.02.2025 05:31

Love watching your videos they give to me the motivation to keep going future pediatric nurse

@82sweets - 11.02.2025 05:32

This is the reason why I pursued a career in academic advising. Being a first generation student who grew up in the foster care system, I had to fight tooth and nail to achieve my goals.

I am currently completing my doctorate, I have no support - my dissertation chair expects me to understand the process as though I had gone down this path before- or I have someone in my family who has gone through that path previously.
This lady does not have compassion or understanding and has made it quite clear to me without any specific words that she does not intend to mentor me through this process.

I always advise my students to take advantage of all the resources available at their institution and to research them. The resources may not be in the form of people-meaning you may not have people who seem to support you, but they have created systems that other people are benefiting from, and We (students and advisors) must learn what they are so my students can also benefit from them.

@latiascott94 - 11.02.2025 05:34

I understand your struggling soon going to take my ncclex exam so I pray you pass your exam and as well… and anyone else who’s on about take extremely hard exam. We just gotta keep saying we got this and give it to god. Know that we have done best we can with the studying

@beyourself2444 - 11.02.2025 08:51

This is your year Brelynn, so proud of you and your journey.

@latricagillis8560 - 11.02.2025 08:53

Another resource @MedSchoolCoachMCATPrep

@Jcarolinajr - 11.02.2025 10:26

I’m not sure about your determination, but I am sure that you seem sure! Hopefully that will be what matters. I am encouraged that you reinstated your Spelman contact and delighted you’re realizing some fruits already. That’s no less than what I would have thought and expected all along. The world tends to open to those who are opened to it. It’s really up to the individual to relinquish any ill illusions or notions that either don’t fit or are not productive. In that way, one creates their own “bon chance” if not luck! Congratulations.

@Meganyeni - 11.02.2025 23:48

Free access to KAPLAN is amazing! I am so happy God is clearing the path for you. "Submit to him in all your ways and He WILL make your path clear."

@Vibezgal - 11.02.2025 23:50

Shout out to the group chat 🤗 all about having a community! I like this update video very nice editing flow.

@lily6863 - 12.02.2025 15:31

I recommend watching application renovation /mission acceptance videos on med school headquarters channel. Lots of examples of students overcoming similar obstacles and great med school application advice ! good luck this cycle

@reem3940 - 13.02.2025 06:41

Rooting for you! Side note, where is your cross necklace from?

@kierravictor - 14.02.2025 21:39

Love the groupchat! Thank you for giving us a space to share our thoughts and feelings. We truly appreciate you for being so open and honest with us in this studying season! ❤️

@delftblue - 16.02.2025 17:24

The whole process is about learning, even when you are reviewing your wrongs it’s extremely helping to categorize why you got the question wrong. Please prioritize doing questions and pretend you’re teaching the material you struggle with to someone else.

@AsYouAreASMR - 22.02.2025 03:07

Your best mindset 💕

@nazjahgworl - 25.02.2025 01:33

The whole MCAT and application process is so intimidating but you've got this! I am also studying because I will conquer this darn test. Sending you luck and prayers! <3

@TaylorDanae13 - 28.02.2025 00:33

Would you be able to share that advising link?

@TaylorDanae13 - 28.02.2025 03:58

I feel you on the wasting time with studying. I work full time so I completely understand! Love your mindset! This is your year Brelynn
