How will Hoa & Thai react when they find out Tuan loves 16-year-old single mother?What is the truth?

How will Hoa & Thai react when they find out Tuan loves 16-year-old single mother?What is the truth?

Lý Thị Hoa

1 месяц назад

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@MarthaMajority - 03.02.2025 17:39

Bad, Bad, Bad!! You don’t solve the problems just something over and over old video pieces over and over.

@MarthaMajority - 03.02.2025 17:25

You have lost me in your story. Very boring!! Same routine everyday! Bye.

@nhungle7992 - 03.02.2025 06:31

Đúng là Hoa vớ phải thằng phản bội và trơ trẽn , khán giả không thích kiểu con Huyền và thằng Tuấn này ...

@ghislaineloth827 - 02.02.2025 16:24

Bonjour pourquoi le feuilleton s'est arrêté d'un coup c'est dommage car le l'aimais bien pour une qu'ont à quelle que chose de bien sa s arrête 😢😢😢😢😢 j'aimerais bisous que hoa et huan continue ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@lutegardefaria4085 - 01.02.2025 18:38

Bom noite Hoa, estou ansiosa para ver seu próximo vídeo! Fiquem com Deus!

@annetaylor6395 - 30.01.2025 03:40

This is no longer a good programme, you turn are a real slimy deceitful person. I wish I had never watched this programme.

@nerissuarez9265 - 30.01.2025 00:26

Hooola con un sueño así cualquiera le cambia el rostro

@ghislaineloth827 - 29.01.2025 18:53

Bonjour hoa et huan pourquoi le feuilleton est arrêté car sa fait 2 jours qu'ont ne vois plus rien ont ne vous a pas vu marié n'y mettre des meubles dans la maison je vous Les dit beaucoup d'amour entre vous et vous voir souvent ensemble bisous à tous les deux ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@nancyzamora - 29.01.2025 17:33


@loritesbalmores7857 - 29.01.2025 16:50

Hello hoa why mr tuan y huyen we have a relationship now why I don't know what happen but is a sarcastic thing I can imagine I. Not agree hoa

@arzuerbilginsabanci - 29.01.2025 14:29

Bana bak Napoli sen osimeni verenesin fenerbahcei Napoli patlatrim 200 milyon Euro ödedim osimen için galatasaray için osimen ebedi galatasaray kalcak yoksa İtalya ajaxda Hollanda da Fenerbahçe patlatrim infantino patlatrim derhâl osimen bonservisini galatasaray ver yoksa patlatrim italyayi zaten sinirletim tepemde sizden çıkarım

@arzuerbilginsabanci - 29.01.2025 14:23

Slm AKP'li cimbomlu jandarma İstanbul'daki galatasaray yönetimin hakaret eden galatasarayli CHP'li Taraftarlar joblancak bu olayları başlatan Tanju Çolak ve serhat ulueren Ahmet Çakar ümit özat acun ilicali Aziz Yıldırım ve aladdin Yıldırım koca joblancak batshuayiye parasını alıyor

@georginasekone - 29.01.2025 07:50

How come HOA doesn't call Tuna husband but call him brother weird

@ofeliazala5979 - 29.01.2025 07:25

Will not watch anymore guys...its not getting nowhere!
Rudiculous story😡

@katherinepowell3120 - 29.01.2025 00:34

What’s wrong with you Tuan? You will paid soon what you did today Hoa you very worng

@francinesanders6675 - 29.01.2025 00:29

Nice video guys 🥰

@angelesteresacuacuaarguell458 - 29.01.2025 00:15

Como es posible que recogieron un niño y Hoa nunca veo que este con el

@panggings - 29.01.2025 00:05

Crazy story 😂

@tblankberry - 28.01.2025 23:44

Why do you sleep in your cloths?

@aguedajimenez4210 - 28.01.2025 23:32

Hola porque no uno domingo y lunes nos ponen tristes y porque ahora van a meter a otra trama no está bien mejor que se casen yo quiero ver eso y que tengan más niños pero de ellos por favor

@joeliapinho53 - 28.01.2025 23:02

Nunca mais botaram os vídeos a legenda em português

@dorothyvallin4191 - 28.01.2025 22:47

Why are you two being dogs I'm not going to watch it.

@MariaSilva-th9uv - 28.01.2025 22:17

Ainda bem que e um sonho.ja tava deichando o canal.

@nancyalbornoz5075 - 28.01.2025 21:28

Y té hasi la tontita Huyen esbuena persona no se merece eso

@nancyalbornoz5075 - 28.01.2025 21:24

Mala mujer quiere quitar al marido a tu mejor amiga tailandés sé por todo tambien con Tigo heres la mejor amiga el señor Túan no debe haseptar eso

@manuelabernardi555 - 28.01.2025 21:14

hello tu va bien courage bisous

@odetechagas9174 - 28.01.2025 20:59

Hoa, não despreze, em momento algum, ele é um homem perfeito, procure ficar mais tempo com ele, assim como ele também precisa muitas atenção, não deixe seu príncipe, ter tempo de pensar em mais ninguém. Boa sorte, desejo que Deus abençoe grandemente vc Hoa srTuan.

@CarmelaGruosso-q6y - 28.01.2025 20:49

Ciao Hoa oggi un bellissimo video, il tuo sogno mi ha spaventato un po', menomale che era solo un sogno, auguro a te e tutta la tua bellissima famiglia un felice anno nuovo 😘💖♥️🥰

@roselloyd-martin8238 - 28.01.2025 20:39

What is going on ?

@yolandegamard5247 - 28.01.2025 20:06

Je pense que cette petite n est pas très sérieuse

@SelmareginaNogueiradasilvaNogu - 28.01.2025 19:23

Boa tarde tuan e hoa cade a Irma de tuan tenho sentido falta dela

@neureniceoliveira9619 - 28.01.2025 19:16

Isso está todo bagunçado não gostei um enganando o outro fala sério🇧🇷

@fayetoles258 - 28.01.2025 18:55

This is really getting off script. It's not enjoyable anymore. 😢

@fayetoles258 - 28.01.2025 18:52

So glad this is just a dream.

@gwenkeys4632 - 28.01.2025 18:35

What the hell !! This video is wilding out!! I’m done either way this!!! That Thai woman!!! These video getting out of line!!! Bye!!!👋🏾

@danielhickingbottom9293 - 28.01.2025 17:48

oh shut up with stupid stuff

@arzuerbilginsabanci - 28.01.2025 17:34

Slm arschloch deutsche ben Canan erbilgin sabancı görtz schuhe ayakabi magzlari iflas etmiş tüm 842 ülkede şubelerini magzlarini bayilerini fabrikalarını 100% satın alıyorum ama eski borçlarını kendileri ödecek eski vergilerini vs kendileri ödecek yönetim denetim sağlık divan yüksek Divan kongre personal başkanlar avukatlar CHP'li mhpler dem partlet çifte vatandaşlar atilcak sadece AKP'li cimbomlu 100% vatandaşları ise gircek personal aşçılar işçiler ceolar atilcak arazilerinlen parkplatzinlsn bir transpor tır kamyon kargo araçları ayakkabılarından bir herseyinlen satın alıyor tapulsn ruhsatlanCanan Erbilgin sabancı 40% ol olcak30%kizim Arzu erbilgin sabancı olcak 30%esim Mustafa Kaan erbilgin olcak yönetim kurulu eşim Mustafa Kaan erbilgin Dilek Sabancı arzu erbilgin sabancı ben Canan erbilgin sabancı Türkan metin sevil ve Ali Sabancı gircek kazançlar Akbank hesablarimza yatcak işletmede aynı olcak personal işçiler 100% Türkiye'den AKP'li cimbomlu işçi gelcek onkara 10senelik bu fabrikda iş musades oturma verilcek fabrikadan çıkar çıkmaz iş musadesi oturmado iptal olcak Mehmet ekşi ayakabi yaptıracak ayakabi zincirleme yapicagiz görtz sa olcak sarı kırmızı olcsk galatasaray sponsor olcak yanlız galatasaray sponsor olcak bursi 800myon Euro prens Charles benim param dan ödesin sözleşmeyi satış slim belgedini evraklo belgleyi eşim Mustafa Kaan erbilgin yolancak 10senelik vergi Almanya peşin ödüyorum prenses Charles benim paramdan ödesin bir tane vietnama acilcak yerini ben bulcam turk ayakabi fabriklarina gördükçe alman değil

@donatellavalentini1030 - 28.01.2025 17:15

Bella hoa brava sign tuan nel tapoetto metti un tavolinosul tapoetto cosi mangiare comodo buin appetito tutti voi

@ГалинаКриштейн - 28.01.2025 16:50

Не порядочные люди и непорядочно поступают друг к другу. Быстро заканчивается привязанность, не хочется смотреть на вас.

@YvonneRagbir - 28.01.2025 16:48

Hey were is ur mother and Dat child should invite dem too🤔🤔🙄

@ghislaineloth827 - 28.01.2025 16:40

Nous chez nous quand ont se lève ont se fait un câlin et ont dit je t'aime prevê d'amour

@trisha.keyyoung - 28.01.2025 16:37

Is the love of Hoa & Tuan will end up becoz of Huyen? its sad if that will pitty Hoa & Thai ..Mr Tuan ive thought U are honest with Hoa..

@janetcolyear8990 - 28.01.2025 16:33

This is absolutely crazy!!!

@loricarpenter50 - 28.01.2025 16:33

I am done watches my this channel. This is stupid.

@ghislaineloth827 - 28.01.2025 16:26

Pourquoi huan tu m'es pas ton bureau chez toi Au lieu de chez ta mère tu serais mieux chez toi pour travailler et ferme tous a cléf quand tu as fini❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@mariaaparecidaaraujo2106 - 28.01.2025 16:24

O que aconteceu com Hoa como é facil deixar de gostar

@nerissuarez9265 - 28.01.2025 16:23

Hooola buenos días la bendición de Dios sobre todos

@ghislaineloth827 - 28.01.2025 16:18

Chez nous Quand ont aime quelqu'un ont le fais voir car il nous a part tiens

@ghislaineloth827 - 28.01.2025 16:16

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi chez vous ont vous attend jamais dire je t'aime et faire des câlins chez nous ses comme sa beaucoup d'amour je ne comprends pas pourquoi chez vous c'est comme ça ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@RokiahYahya-n3w - 28.01.2025 16:12

Meja mkn dan sofa tk ada
