How about a superset with machine chest fly + machine chest press?
ОтветитьMike is over there supersetting making a joke and cringing at it by himself.
ОтветитьGood I’ll try this with isolation being single arm tri extensions followed by neutral grip incline dumbell press for superset next week
ОтветитьYou forgot to tell them to wear a crash helmet on the second exercise....🤣
ОтветитьHi Dr. Mike, how do I count the volume of a superset or the following compound?
Are these counted as 2 sets for that specific muscle or as 1 ultra stimulative set since there is no pause between them?
Thanks in advance
Hi, so how'd you superset my pecs? I have trouble growing them
ОтветитьI experimented with supersets (antagonistic) long time ago, however, back then I didn't know they were called antagonistic supersets; every time I train I use this stlye of supersetting
Ответитьmike is talking about pre exhaust and there's also post exhaust. I love doing these also. Another note on supersets, antagonistic supersets: you don't jump from one compound exercise right into another compound exercise.
Example of what I'm talking about; OHP, wait 90 seconds then chin ups then wait 90 seconds and do another OHP, 90 sec then chins etc etc until you're finished all your sets
Thank you
ОтветитьI want to know what Doc's triceps are smoking because I want triceps like him!
Ответить63 now. Full body workout supersets have been even better than for me the last several years. Plus I don’t try to work to failure. Let’s me get in 3 to sometimes 4 resistance workouts per week without much soreness. Thanks for the video. Enjoyed some new tricks that I will put into action.
ОтветитьHey guys! Has anyone tried this method with side laterals and overhead presses?
ОтветитьIs there a good way to do this for chest, side delts and back?
ОтветитьAnd for biceps ?
ОтветитьLove this
ОтветитьWhat's a good superset combo for targetting the lateral head of the shoulder
Ответитьis it good to do leg extentions with hack squat?
Ответитьshould I do my sets on the isolation or compound movement?
ОтветитьHonestly one of my favorite way to do superset is to get some calf work done after i got 1-3 reps left in reserve on the incline leg press but thing is the burn in my feet muscles burn is just insane so if anything it's more of a maintenance thing for the calfs.
ОтветитьI’ve trained with agonist supersets for years and I love it. Craziest pumps you’ll ever get.
ОтветитьIncredible video
ОтветитьSo if i want to train my chest with barbell bench press it could help to tire the triceps with skull crushers?
ОтветитьMy muscle are always flicking cigrets off and gotta work excruh
ОтветитьImagine being strong enough to fry your triceps before doing dips!
ОтветитьIs a superset workout plan available in the RP app?
ОтветитьJust want to ask a question about the supersets I do isolations workouts 3 to 4 workouts isolating the muscle group to get better games??is it good or just terrible.
ОтветитьMike Mentzer talked about this
ОтветитьThis needs a hell of a lot more explanation than what you've provided. Some detailed examples, like providing an example in the gym, would help considerably. For instance, would you do some peck fly or peck deck and then follow it with a bench press?
ОтветитьSo, I just super setted bench press and dumbbell pullover. The only thing it did was make me weaker on both
ОтветитьI'm running a 12 week training study, participants train twice per week full body in the lab (1 hour sessions). We are measuring hypertrophy through muscle thickness of the bicep, VL and tricep. My question is, would it be reasonable to implement agonist supersets targeting each of these muscle groups in the same session (pushdowns super set with DB bench, leg extension with belt squats and DB curls with supinated pull downs) or overkill? Participants have at least 1 year of resistance training experience. Thanks
ОтветитьWhat are the best supersets to activate the chest instead of the triceps?
ОтветитьWhat about supersetting every workout everyday? ive been doing this for years its feels normal now ?
ОтветитьI do a lot of supersets for arms. A tricep exercise into a bicep exercise. For example, dumbbell skullcrusher into standing dumbbell curl, or overhead dumbbell extension into dumbbell hammer curls, and have gotten great results from it.
ОтветитьI love this guy
ОтветитьDr. Mike reminds me of John Meadows good guys sharing essential knowledge for free.
ОтветитьDr, question, how about supersets that targets the same muscle, but in a differet tipe of movement? Example, bench press (dumbells o bar) and pec fly; or RDL and leg curl.
ОтветитьI've been doing supersets without knowing what they are, it just made sense.
ОтветитьI have some questions.
1. In terms of strength progression, how good are agonist supersets?
2. Can anyone recommend a good agonist superset routine?
What about hams curls and then leg extensions
ОтветитьIsn't this the same idea as doing pre-exhaust training but with pre exhaust your getting more rest before the compound so you get more quality sets
Doesn't make sense to superset the same muscle
Supersetting opposing muscle groups makes total sense though
Your getting more work in a shorter time and more of a cardio gain also.
If you cardio or systemic fatigue is limiting you with opposing muscle supersets then you have an issue with your cardio, there's no other excuses.
Supersets are not designed for strength gain they are meant for hypertrophy, time saving and the cardio benefit
loved it
ОтветитьSo this is another version of drop sets😊
ОтветитьWhat if you doing lat pulldown x with BB row? Or DB hammer curl x with BB curl?
ОтветитьI'm going to try to superset calves raises to squat or hack squat on a lower intensity/higher volume day. Never tried it but I'm curious. Maybe raises second... I'll try both
ОтветитьIt will good if you show us a video.