How are you feeling if a black female doctor wants to do surgery on your child 😮😮😮😮
ОтветитьYes way to far
ОтветитьDon't see them making more money because of focusing on DEI lol
ОтветитьMaking unequal things equal is the greatest injustice there is
ОтветитьI find it interesting that, in this case, it actually seems like both "sides" are more or less in agreement, despite arguing for one side.
Both want people to be judged by their merit and not by their skin. Both want more diversity of thought and don't mind the diversity of people that would result.
It's funny that this is actually a debate between companies and people. People have people's interests in mind, but a company only cares about itself.
You have an interesting channel. Keep up the good work
ОтветитьThe recruiter whose face is blurred in video is a typical white person. He hates diversity when it comes to his people. He quickly blamed caste system of India as discrimination in software field. He is basically referring to the CISCO Caste case which has been proved false already but he still keeps preaching it. Caste system exist in India but not in the US not in the software hiring. I challenge him and any Indian to find caste of someone only on the basis of their surname. heck, Indians can't tell the caste of someone with accuracy and here we have a white person trying to vilainize India basically
ОтветитьI think DEI is well intentioned, but I definitely think it comes across as condescending and patronizing to tell people to not be racist I don’t think you can train that out of someone. And the whole concept and even the word micro-aggression is dumb. As someone who’s studied foreign languages, I have a huge problem with the idea that if you mess up a foreign name, you are compromising someone’s identity 🙄. It’s very rude and entitled to expect people who probably never studied your language to be able to pronounce your name correctly!
ОтветитьConsider DEI was already too far, hire for skills, not for skin.
ОтветитьEh, sorry, not gonna feel bad for using what I can to get a position. Merit can work. However, I have seen this backfire in Asia. Working so hard you don't go on vacation, break, have kids, etc. Awesome workers don't always make things awesome. I am a lucky person. Lucky to be employed, lucky to be black, physics BA, veteran, father, blah blah blah. I shit on a lot of you but I can tell you a lot of others are much better than me that I got the job over, many times. This world is not as simple as you think. Fuck DEI, fuck merit, fuck working for no reason. Live.
ОтветитьHey mate, appreciate your work, keep at it man. We need more authenticity, as much as possible. Keep at it and stay True.
ОтветитьDEI used to an initiative to educate the management not to have prejudice on people's color and culture but it is hijacked by activists to impose equal representation (just so they have a chance to be in power despite incapable) instead of equal opportunities. It also hijacked by scammers who attempt to create an illusionary major social problems to fix a personal judgement problem, just to earn money from the low IQ.
ОтветитьI was out of a job for a month. I'm a white male. After a month, I realized I could stop clicking "white" and "male" on my online job applications. I started clicking "I choose not to disclose." I got a job within 2 weeks (interviews within a week). I have a partner and kid on the way. I was born in '94. What the f did I do? Why discriminate against me for whites apparently owning black slaves at some point before I was born, or oppressing women? My generation walks on egg shells around women, for fear of offending their fragile little egos. I'm sick of it. I have a job now, thank you, after I stopped giving away my race and gender. That one guy said it all in one sentence, "Let's hire people based on merit rather than gender/race." How about hire the person who can do the job? period.
ОтветитьIt's BS. Where i live it's secret code for "we're now hiring 4-5 blacks for every non-black person". So where is the diversity? Are they setting out to hire every shade of black skin?
The grocery store by me is a great example. Maybe two years ago a black GM took over. No joke, he's hired like 6-8 black people for every one non-black.
But wait? What about affirmative action? Wasn't that made because bkacks were getting turned down for jobs they were qualified for? So you complain about how whites only hire whites, then when you get in and get a chance to show how different you supposedly are, you do the exact same thing.
10 years ago i wouldn't have blinked an eye at hiring a black engineer, black surgeon, black attorney etc etc.
No fkn way. It's not worth the risk that you'll get one of the dei hires
If diverse hiring is the modern racism then does that mean history repeats itself? I always thought history was to prevent making the same mistakes again.
ОтветитьDEI is a hate group, just look at gaming they intentionally only hire people who hate gamers and games which forced all the real devs back into indie development which is why indie is popping off while AAA is dying off.
ОтветитьMost of the world does not believe in DEI. DEI is only used in white majority countries. If you go to Asia you're not going to see DEI used in hiring. In places like Japan and South Korea you'll see very few blacks or whites who are citizens and working in jobs such as bureaucrats and politicians. Same with other parts of Asia such as India and Pakistan. Same with places such as the Middle East and Africa.
ОтветитьThis garbage is going to destroy our country and all other countries that embrace it around the world. It either goes away as a fad or it’s going to be something that significantly reduces our ability to develop new technologies.
ОтветитьIt's an anti white male movement. Businesses are NOT better off having diversity hires. You need to hire more to do the same work.
ОтветитьHiring people because of race is wrong.
Welcome to over 200 years of American history.
i left the video after i saw " lily zheng ' hahahahahahaha what the actual is that ? lol no wonder no one can find a job if shits like this are who pick who to hire
ОтветитьDEI today is way different from the DEI back then
It was actually created due to companies refusing to hire people because of race. There was even a study that if your name was somewhat ethnic, the odds of you landing a job is lower than somewhat english names. Old DEI was designed to prevent that from happening to give those WHO HAVE MERIT a chance to get the job without their race being an issue.
Now it's heavily misunderstood and used to create token workers in companies just to make them look good.
Don't they see the people that go along with this dei crap are the most racist people out there. This crap needs to stop. My friend got a promotion even though he's mist qualified he's got a complex thinking he only got it because he's black. You all are assholes
ОтветитьYes! You hire alone on merit, without discriminating on sex, race og beliefs.
ОтветитьGOOD BUSINESS PLAN Is to start a business to make a profit and you purposely handicap yourself with subpar employees for the sake of skin color? The skin color test is just as bad as hiring your nephews.
Gender/skin color does not attract the GREEN STUFF, talent and hard work however does.
Weird how the "lady" with a really deep voice would support DEI so strongly...😂
ОтветитьDiversity increases crime
ОтветитьDEI only works for people who are unqualified otherwise😂😂
ОтветитьCheers to the talking blur coming in from a room that is completely empty except for a couple posters and a fucking longsword hung up on the wall.
ОтветитьThe biggest problem with this hiring politics is that, most of the time, people that support this and get hired by it are extremely toxic and vigilant to anything you might do or say. They'll destroy the working environment and bring a nightmare to everyone that has an opposite political view on a single topic. In the end, it's presented as a racial and sexual thing (which is already pretty nuts), but in reality it is based on political views.
Ответитьcongrats you need dei to get a job because your not good enough
ОтветитьGen getting mad over brodie saying Japanese people can't say "L" is funny as fuck 😂😂
ОтветитьIf you're a diversity hire, you don't have any respect
ОтветитьI just got here from watching the video about decriminalized drugs and seeing so many familiar faces kinda threw me off there lol
Great video again, keep it up!👍
We want equality. Not equity. Equality in opportunities is good, equality in outcomes is one step (if at all) from dictatorship.
ОтветитьIt's totally uncool and unfair, i'm biologically male, I Don't get special treatment nor do i demand it, yep i'm gender diverse, but it mean F all, not my views, someone else's, F peoples feelings.
ОтветитьI like the idea of DEI, but hate the language. It's so condescending and, quite frankly, white.
ОтветитьFK DEI
ОтветитьLib low T guys hes interviewing
ОтветитьI have white friends. We don't all think the same, that guy was racist.
ОтветитьThere’s a few points that were apparent to me (and, in my belief, critical)
1) The focus of this video was analyzing how DEI operates/plays out in workplace hiring. From my understanding, the purpose of (or emphasis on) DEI is to highlight the lack of diversity in the selected finalists within an application pool. The Rachel Nichols segment, although interesting, was irrelevant to the topic at hand. Both were qualified hires and (from the looks of it) performed well.
2) Why is the assumption that DEI is exclusionary to everything but race? Diversity of thought is included in DEI! Diversity of age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, education, and more are included! The notion that DEI is only linked to race is not only limiting, but also problematic (which is why most opposition only talks about it from a racial perspective).
3) It seems that all sides agree to hiring being both merit-based and focused on diversity of thought. Great! What about DEI contradicts wanting/seeking these things? What about DEI makes it seem that unqualified applicants are being hired? (Even the interviewer who believed she was hired based on race stated that employers would not hire you if you cannot do the job).
Ultimately, I’m intrigued by the video and love the intention. Having civil discourse is necessary and can lead to positive outcomes. Learning how we start at the same place, but come to different conclusions is the most fascinating part to me.
The caucus race has been hiring based on skin color and race for centuries now it is time for them to feel the same
ОтветитьAfro men were and are first fired last hired now it is caucus their time to be judged on their skin color and race (equality at its finest)
ОтветитьHey it is messed up cause if a female gets hired as a fireMAN and you want your children to be saved out of a burning house this female can not lift them
ОтветитьSo that part is messed up but for the fact that caucus are being treated like my people were and are treated even if we qualify for the job they get it for their race and or skin color so now it is payback and i love that part...