Buddhika Sanjeewa I New Office Opening Ceremony I Shifu International - Started a New Business venture. This is “Shifu International”. Just opening on today (March 11, 2021). I hope this will bring a lot of success in the coming years. Connecting 40 countries under the one flag. This is the real startup. Thanks to all my clients who have been with me the past 21 years. Let's meet with never-ending success.
Buddhika Sanjeewa is a well-known Author and Senior Journalist in Sri Lanka who has 20 years of experience in the field of religious affairs and media. Buddhika Sanjeewa is also the Founder, Chairman & Chief Editor of two international Buddhist magazines and two official Buddhist websites called “Mettavalokanaya” and “Bhikkhunis", which are published on a monthly basis in the Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre in Sri Lanka.
Mettavalokanaya International Buddhist Magazine and Website was first issued in December, 2015 as the world’s first international monthly Buddhist magazine in Sri Lanka; it is published in English and includes 60 pages of articles related to Buddhism written by renowned Buddhist Monks and Bhikkhunis (ordained female monks) from around the world, as well as provides the public’s perspective on the teachings of the Buddha. This magazine has been successfully distributed to several Buddhist Temples in overseas, International Buddhist organizations, selected High Commissions & Embassies located in 40 countries around the world, including all districts across Sri Lanka. Also, specially distributing overseas during International Buddhist Conferences & Forums.
Mettavalokanaya magazines are distributing free of charge worldwide and available for free on its official website;
www.mettavalokanaya.com The magazine was awarded the “Global Buddhist Ambassador Award” in Thailand as the World’s Best Buddhist Magazine, which recognizes the magazine’s exemplary effort to spread the teachings of Buddhism to an international audience who are interested in exploring the religion as well as Buddhika Sanjeewa’s dedication to creating international harmony and culture of peace through Buddhism.
Since the establishment of Mettavalokanaya, Buddhika Sanjeewa embarked on yet another ambitious journey in 2020 to introduce a second magazine called “Bhikkhunis” which is the World’s First International Buddhist Magazine and official Buddhist website dedicated to all Bhikkhunis around the world. This magazine is also published in English and includes 60 pages of articles related to Buddhism and Bhikkhuni Sasana (female monk’s teachings), which are written by renowned and senior Bhikkhunis from around the world.
Bhikkhunis & Mettavalokanaya articles will be available on the Bhikkhuni's official website -
www.bhikkhunis.com, and
www.mettavalokanaya.com soon, as well as on online platforms namely- Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, LinkedIn, Flickr, Pinterest, Vimeo, Reddit, Yumpu, Youpic, Behance, Dribbble, Tumblr, Wiki Media, Scribd and Wikipedia etc. Buddhika Sanjeewa is uploading all articles to Bhikkhunis & Mettavalokanaya.
Please click and view these are the links about my magazines & overviews….
01 - My 01st International Buddhist Website....
02 - My 02nd International Buddhist Website....
03 - My 01st International Buddhist Magazine....
04 - My 02nd International Buddhist Magazine....
05 - Mettavalokanaya Fan Page Link….
06 - Bhikkhunis Fan Page Link….
07 - About Buddhika Sanjeewa....
08 - Buddhika Sanjeewa’s Youtube Channel Link….
09 - Bhikkhunis Fan Page Link….
10 - Shifu International’s Youtube Channel Link….
Buddhika Sanjeewa
Founder/Chairman/Chief Editor
Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazine and Website
Mettavalokanaya International Buddhist Magazine and Website
Shifu International
Camera & Audio
Osanda Situm Dhanuddara
Buddhika Sanjeewa
© All Rights Reserved
Copyrights & Many Thanks for Youtube Audio Free Music for All music that I used. Thank you very much for your kindly contributions.
All videos included this video program that taken by Mr. Buddhika Sanjeewa & Mr. Osanda Situm Dhanuddara from Shifu International. Therefore, all videos contained copyrights totally for Shifu International.
##BuddhikaSanjeewaNewOfficeOpeningCeremonyShifu_International ##BuddhikaSanjeewa ##Bhikkhunis ##Mettavalokanaya ##BuddhistTour ##Buddhist ##Buddhism ##Buddha ##ShifuInternational ##Tourism ##Srilanka ##Mahayana ##Thanthrayana ##Heenayana ##Vajrayana ##Zen ##Sangha ##Wisdom ##NamoAmitufo ##Upeksa ##Mudita ##ZenBuddhism ##VisitBuddhaPlaces ##BodhGaya ##Enlightenment ##Meditation ##Awareness ##Compassion ##Metta ##Mindflness ##Karuna ##Dhamma ##DambadivaWandana ##Journalist ##Travel ##MediaOfficer ##FirstNobleTruth ##LovingKindness