OVERWATCH COMP: SALTY Teammate THROWS the Game Right From the START

OVERWATCH COMP: SALTY Teammate THROWS the Game Right From the START


55 лет назад

429 Просмотров

I been in situations where if one or two guys don't like how the game is going and there for they throw the game. BUT why throw the game from the very start? With not rhyme or reason?

Just so you can get to a certain level to fool around in?

I understand there are smurfs account etc, which is dumb to begin with. Which means you really don't have a life and you are spending that extra money and time just so you can achieve certain DIGITAL ranks, that in no way or form be on your job resume. But yet fools still do it. Or i guess they just don't know the meaning of life is.

At the end of the day, don't spoil other players fun who spent their hard earn money to enjoy this game. Just because your spoiled don't mean you share that with others.

The sad thing is that the enemy team was actually thanking my salty teammate for throwing the game just so they can get that easy win.


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