The Prophecy Of The Grand Army That Will Liberate The Faith | We Were Warned

The Prophecy Of The Grand Army That Will Liberate The Faith | We Were Warned

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@chandae17 - 18.10.2024 17:50

Jesus was not tolerant, he drove the money changers out of the temple. I agree with your latter statement, Christians have become soft.

@jobo8143 - 18.10.2024 17:55

I'm still so confused w the chastisement, warning, tribulation, antichrist, restoration of church, Jesus comes back.

@vinupdsouza8595 - 18.10.2024 17:57

Deus Vult 🇻🇦

@estherpaez6426 - 18.10.2024 18:00

As always incredible research. Thank you so much.

@francismcglynn4169 - 18.10.2024 18:12

"We will not hide them from their children, but tell the coming generations the glorious deeds of the Lord and His might and the wonders He has done.” (Psalm 78:4) The reason for doing this is instruction that is welcomed by the wise and ignored by the foolish.

@airspan2020 - 18.10.2024 18:12

Im still hanging on to the opinion that the greater part of prophecies shall be fulfilled and form a part of history by 2034.

@beckyc.244 - 18.10.2024 18:19

It would be helpful to know if there are any living relatives of the family these letters were written to and see if they have any more family stories regarding the letters.

@JCOwens-zq6fd - 18.10.2024 18:27

We in the Orthodox Church have been preparing for this battle since the beginning. Join us, orherwise you'll end up in lucicerian style rebellion just like the protestants of old. The Orthodox Church is the true original Church & thus the ONLY one that actually has the historical authority granted by Christ & the Church Fathers to reign Francis in & bring the RCC back in line with the original doctrine & oral traditon.

@nadiyatokarska6108 - 18.10.2024 18:45

Amen 🙏🙏🙏

@BaronPantoufle - 18.10.2024 18:53

Let me get this straight: this monk wrote letters to one of the most powerful and power-mad families in Renaissance Italy prophesying great things for them and eventually when one of these crooks became pope they rewarded our humble monk with canonization?
Is this Saint Francis of Paolo or St Francis of Payola?
Trust in God and forget this nonsense.

@sleepystar1638 - 18.10.2024 18:54

Russias error have already been spread, Lucia said to do the consecration in 1929, they didn't

@sleepystar1638 - 18.10.2024 18:57

Ezekiel 14
12And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 13Son of man, when a land shall sin against me, so as to transgress grievously, I will stretch forth my hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof: and I will send famine upon it, and will destroy man and beast out of it. 14And if these three men, Noe, Daniel, and Job, shall be in it: they shall deliver their own souls by their justice, saith the Lord of hosts. 15And if I shall bring mischievous beasts also upon the land to waste it, and it be desolate, so that there is none that can pass because of the beasts: 16If these three men shall be in it, as I live, saith the Lord, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters: but they only shall be delivered, and the land shall be made desolate. 17Or if I bring the sword upon that land, and say to the sword: Pass through the land: and I destroy man and beast out of it: 18And these three men be in the midst thereof: as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they themselves alone shall be delivered. 19Or if I also send the pestilence upon that land, and pour out my indignation upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast: 20And Noe, and Daniel, and Job be in the midst thereof: as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter: but they shall only deliver their own souls by their justice. 21For thus saith the Lord: Although I shall send in upon Jerusalem my four grievous judgments, the sword, and the famine, and the mischievous beasts, and the pestilence, to destroy out of it man and beast, 22Yet there shall be left in it some that shall be saved, who shall bring away their sons and daughters: behold they shall come among you, and you shall see their way, and their doings: and you shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, in all things that I have brought upon it. 23And they shall comfort you, when you shall see their ways, and their doings : and you shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, saith the Lord God.

@Marcia-fw3wz - 18.10.2024 19:04

How timely! We on earth are supposed to be the Church Militant, but many Catholics have forgotten this or have never learned it. I will be 84 next week and might not be here to see that great Triumph on earth, but according to the Apocalypse, the saints in heavean know what is going on in this world, and by the grace of God I hope to join them. Thanks for this, Anthony.

@peterholm6284 - 18.10.2024 19:14

Deus Vult! ❤️‍🔥

@guyparker1749 - 18.10.2024 19:29

Psalm 25 Which came first Strife or Gluttony ? And after those fatten them self then there is no reason Strife because the Fruits have been eaten..Olympics..which Adam are we. ?

@dianedohman1807 - 18.10.2024 19:42

I am visiting friends in another state snd cld Catholic Churches to find a traditional Latin mass and found none . The one parrish I cld I asked if they offer a traditional Latin mass and she said “ what is that “ ? I was dumbfounded .

@Sonlokill - 18.10.2024 19:43

The problem is the ones who are waiting, still, for the "messiah". The true one already came and they don't accepted Him. Is in the gospel, no discussion. Maybe is because of that that you don't speak about the inhumane things happen in the holy land with American money ?

@nl396 - 18.10.2024 19:47

How do you feel about bringing back the Papal States?

@DISTurbedwaffle918 - 18.10.2024 19:48

These prophecies are like the pouring rain and lightning in the sky.

@YateCourt - 18.10.2024 20:10

The timeline of this prophecy seems to lead to 1492 and Columbus in the New World.

@BarbaraRademacher - 18.10.2024 20:23

This story, this "prophecy" reminds me of Charlemagne and Leo.

@siobhanmcneenan3253 - 18.10.2024 20:48

I never heard of the Grand Army

@doesnotexist6524 - 18.10.2024 21:11

Christians have gone soft.

@sdrc92126 - 18.10.2024 21:12

The Eye of Sauron☪

@gofusmoholl3462 - 18.10.2024 21:37

Great Monarch

@josephwagner3224 - 18.10.2024 21:48

This sounds like a prophecy of the Great Monarch who will restore order to Europe after a physical chastisement from Heaven and from theGreat Bear and those of thecrescent moom.

@CatholicSpartan - 18.10.2024 21:49

St Frances of Paula's letters sound to me like Muslims will take over Rome or some city because the current " Christians by name" become too worldly. Followed by the Muslims actually converting to true Catholicism, rejuvenate the Church and create Monarchy that through the sword spreads throughout the world. What do you guys think?

@esmysyield2023 - 18.10.2024 21:56

I think speaking out is the best approach. You dont have to be mean but absolutely with more resolve at the very least. I am wrong most of the time when I do, at least according to some. But I seriously doubt Jesus will get mad at us for defending Him the best way a person knows how.

@seanfoley7097 - 18.10.2024 22:09

Do I not hate those who hate thee oh Lord ?

@Lcoch2482 - 18.10.2024 22:17

The new crusaders ➕❤️‍🔥 may it be done according to thy will, O Lord. Make no place for evil, Destroy it

@clivedytor2069 - 18.10.2024 22:38

The disciples wanted an earthly warrior Messiah and this is the same faithless mistake.

@Lcoch2482 - 18.10.2024 22:55

" Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. " Matthew 10:34 " When I sent you without purse and scrip and shoes, did you want anything?
But they said: Nothing. Then said he unto them: But now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a scrip: and he that hath not, let him sell his coat and buy a sword. " Luke 22:35-36

@simonewilliams7224 - 18.10.2024 22:57

I don’t believe it is a military army, but a spiritual army.

@betsybattles2696 - 18.10.2024 22:57

I don't see anything there that would offend any Catholic. That said how trustworthy are these letters? Are they aimed to stroke someones vanity or.........what? I am totally confused by all the conflicting timelines and events the many prophets have given. they all wind around each other with different conclusions and different sequences. I default to prepping and living day by day.

@kubulej - 18.10.2024 23:02

Watch Poland........

@erinsable - 18.10.2024 23:30

purify the earth it says. i think ive heard quite enough of genocides.

@sonnyjim5268 - 18.10.2024 23:40

It's like this prophecy and similar that reminds us we are not in the final days but they are approaching. Having said that, events could unfold quickly so we need to always be ready. As we've been warned, "Be you then also ready: for at what hour you think not, the Son of man will come", as in Luke 14 or Matthew 24

@richardwheeler7821 - 18.10.2024 23:41

It's difficult to make a determination regarding this. Not because prophets aren't truthful or accurate but because mens interpretation of those prophecies are always loaded with hype and emotionalistic reaction. Do I think the prophecy is true? Yes. Do I think it applies to our time? Possibly? Will I become less a Catholic or focused on charity? I pray not. The problem is never the prophecy, the problem is that man is arrogant and may or may not cooperate with the graces God sends.
It's no different when people wail and moan about the "end of the world". Well, when you're dead the world has ended for you and EVERY man will face that end so why not work on being holy today. How about now? How about cutting out things that we have zero control over and working on ourselves. We can argue about Latin mass, or NO mass until we're blue in the face but in the end it's Charity that has the highest standing. Love God first, wherever you are. Stay in the church, whatever your liturgy.

@fredscharf5148 - 19.10.2024 01:20

We don't know what Christendom is. We don't know what it is to draw a line in the sand and fight it's violation as a moral exercise. We do not judge and act accordingly. We think we are here to be killed, but refuse to kill where necessary to defend God. We have been brainwashed into thinking that it's only about us and our earthly condition rather than heaven and our eternal condition. we want to attain unity through niceness and cooperation rather than unite and divide on the truth.

@gentlegiants1974 - 19.10.2024 02:21

Well, just taking a survey of how God has worked through His people from the very earliest times, when the population of the world was such that He must choose out from their midst a people for His purpose of redeeming it, we see a wide variety in warfare. At times it assumes a standard blood and gore might makes right aspect, other times it leans toward mystical psychological warfare as with Jericho, and Gideon's Army, where no one could have humanly predicted the outcome based on the tactics deployed. It seems like the adage "the battle belongs to the Lord" is worth keeping front and center. God may choose men, or angels, to fight in His service to establish His Kingdom, but it is not for us to dictate ways and means: God is in charge or His armies and calls the shots. It may well mean something like a Teutonic Knight on a charger goring the infidel, but this would be a last resort I think. Only when the Church has tried and failed, or abandoned all other means of conversion, as Abraham failed in his bid to save Sodom and Gomorrah trying to negotiate a peace for it with the 3 angelic messengers, will God be moved to instruct the Church to proceed with more physically violent and carnal means. I hope it never comes to that given the force of arms now a reality in this world and the debasement of human conscience and character from what it was in 1485.

@nigma195 - 19.10.2024 02:48

I love it. No softness here.

@davidg2840 - 19.10.2024 03:30

God allows this to happen for reason so we cover and get stronger in our faith.

@Papa-db9me - 19.10.2024 05:08

I think the city is Denver

@alleygh0st - 19.10.2024 05:37

Deus Sabaoth!
On Earth as it is in Heaven!

@davidlanfranchi8955 - 19.10.2024 07:28

Who are you going to do fight? Your bishop?

@doesnotexist6524 - 19.10.2024 08:42

Am I mistaken or did he lay out a time frame for this that has already expired?

@ThanksStJoseph - 19.10.2024 15:24

I’m so hoping this order comes about in our time.
So between this prophecy and others, the great Catholic monarch will be French and the military order will be lead by someone of Italian descent? 🙏 Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!
Crux Sacra sit mihi lux!

@eszepieniec1 - 19.10.2024 17:42

It's needed.

@propheticanalytics9959 - 20.10.2024 04:46

Do you think all this is aligned with Revelation?

@johncharleson8733 - 20.10.2024 07:19

The "followers of the Crescent" -----probably the scourge of God---are the symptom, not the cause; the cause is internal (ish).
