One Blessed Mess

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@OneBlessedMess - 16.01.2023 17:09

Good morning, Mamas! ☕️ I hope you enjoy today's video! I would love to hear from you in the comments ❤️

@kristinyaekelnegley3978 - 16.02.2024 23:08

What time do you go to bed? I always feel like I’m ready to be done for the day by 1pm when I’m up that early.

@kristinyaekelnegley3978 - 16.02.2024 23:06

Jock is so cute, and he loves his mommy☺️

@maliagtee - 13.10.2023 07:58

😂hahaha all the 90s girls said amen, sooooooooo true 😆

@larag1409 - 28.05.2023 23:19

🙌 I absolutely love all your videos and your vibe all the time!! And it's rare for me because some annoy me! 😂Thanks for always being unique! 🤩 You're doing a fantastic job in motherhood and homeschool, in my opinion 👏 😊

@cherasguy333 - 17.05.2023 03:55

Oh my gosh, I love it about your description on Jack! I call my daughter sour patch girl too, haha. Its awesome you work out, I wish I had the motivation/determination to do that for myself. I'm sahm too and I'm always swamped with everything and just tired. Thanks for the motivation and helping me not feel alone. 😊💗

@bloxy.char1688 - 08.05.2023 04:36

The fridge light turns off 😂

@aleciawimer8506 - 05.04.2023 08:25

Where are your kitchen bookshelves from? Thank you.☺️

@aleciawimer8506 - 05.04.2023 08:18

Where did you get your wood shelf in your bathroom from?

@DoeRaeMe - 05.04.2023 00:46

Ohhhhhh, I’m new and I’m sticking around ❤

@laceykinsey1919 - 24.03.2023 18:24

I decided to homeschool, and I am having a difficult time staying motivated. Or keeping a routine? As I can do whatever I want. But I don't know what that want or purpose is? I can do the basics like chores etc. But taking care of myself through it all is rough because I dunno what to do or where to begin lol? I don't know what to wear or how to fix my hair or makeup or how to plan anything. Anyone else having this problem? Or understand? Lol its almost like I'm stuck in survival mode making it day to day, doing the essentials but not sure what to do the next day? I used to be organized and would meal plan have everything ready to go for at least 2 weeks at a time, but once COVID happened I feel as a sputtering truck where I can get started but then it just dies, I'm 37 a mother of 3 girls 16 10 and 8. I feel as if I am going through a mid life crisis as I used to be a Funeral Director and id get dressed get my kids to school and had that routine. Suits that was my wardrobe lol and now I am trying to figure out what to do to get back in shape, teach my kids, what to cook, or meal plan, bills laundry, fun stuff. I have zero social media no Facebook Twitter or friends lol mainly family. But what are some ways to find a "staple" outfit or something I don't have to think about and look good in it? I gotta find myself again so I can move forward if that makes sense? Find the things I love doing again. I don't know how to workout or what to eat or what to do for a beauty routine. I'm lost Lady's 😂 I don't have school events to attend or an obligation to timing I wanted to break free of the school system and my kids life's not spent in desks or computers 40 hours a week, and allowing them to think for themselves, but I can't do all that, I feel, in this rut of not knowing where to begin or no meaning behind what I am trying to do. Anyone? Like just being a wife on top of it too?! I totally forget that I am a woman too. Forgot how to be romantic or pretty. I haven't been out on a date in years or kid free for just us and if I did I wouldn't know what to do. 😂 Hair skin nails teeth face workout food kids clothes decor cleaning laundry school health food you name it I don't know what or when to do it anymore…help lol

@Panda-nc9mo - 09.03.2023 23:15

I’m so glad I found ur channel!! So sweet and motivating!

@mrs_JNL32 - 24.01.2023 21:10

I love that you still do all of that with your kids awake and running around! That's encouraging. A lot of mom videos push that super early morning and do things before the kids wake up. It's nice to see someone take a couple of hours to themselves in the morning regardless!

@Kari.Sorsby - 22.01.2023 01:50

Love it! My favorite workout is Dance Fitness with Jessica. She has a YY channel 😊.

@beyondthebookshomeschool - 19.01.2023 19:22

I enjoy seeing other homeschooling mama's morning routines. I love that you said this is what you are currently doing in THIS SEASON; because we can have such great intentions to do all the things in the start of a new year and then get disappointed in ourselves when we don't accomplish those things. For instance, I would LOVE to be able to get up and exercise first thing in the morning but baby #4 nurses frequently throughout the night and it's just not possible for ME right now. However, there will be another season (as you put it) where I might be able to exercise first thing in the morning! I am learning to be so flexible throughout this homeschooling journey. Love, love this video!

@jerichafleishell1155 - 19.01.2023 15:04

I enjoyed this video! Your house is so beautiful. I like the eye shadow as eye liner trick! Looks great!

@PlanPrepPray - 19.01.2023 03:55

You are so cute ❤

@jerilyn-ourhomeschooltable - 18.01.2023 22:34

I dont get up early, but like you, I gotta have the coffee and Jesus before anything else. 😊 I always feel better and more put together after showering and getting ready for the day. I just do minimal makeup on stay at home days. Then I can be a functioning homeschool mom. 😂

@stefanielynn84 - 18.01.2023 14:21

Looks like a great morning routine. You have so much more discipline than I do. I had baby #5 a few months ago. We're still nursing at night so mornings are rough and we get a lot later start than I'd like. Some day though 😊
Hope you have a great week!

@ariellelauren4922 - 18.01.2023 05:59

Super mom, yet still real! Loved watching!

@MyCathedralGarden - 18.01.2023 02:25

I have that same eye pallet! Also love the eyeliner! Get it wet with setting spray and that helps!

@lorimiller7261 - 17.01.2023 15:09

Love your realistic morning routine! You’re so humble and relatable- more please ❤

@whitneyhall673 - 17.01.2023 02:44

Love watching your channel! You are gorgeous and have a beautiful family. Thanks for your transparency in your journey!

@juliequates9529 - 17.01.2023 01:36

Do you have a start time when your kids should be at the table? Our mornings drag out a d i think I need a call to start!

@andreadriver6532 - 16.01.2023 23:16

Where is your bedding set from?

@andreadriver6532 - 16.01.2023 23:12

Ice roller? I have never heard of that! What’s it for?

@faithfullyinfertile - 16.01.2023 23:10

Loved this ❤ you are so blessed!

@gracegreenwell2657 - 16.01.2023 22:24

do u use a hair net for the shower

@laurenrasmussen7997 - 16.01.2023 22:15

What time do you get up in the morning and what time do you start school? I'm struggling with a morning routine. My youngest is five months so I'm still up nursing but I have to desire to include bible time exercise and for sure getting ready.

@staceylfelts - 16.01.2023 21:55

Hey mama! I was wondering if you could share what makeup products you use? Thanks 😊

@kindnessmatters4068 - 16.01.2023 20:16

You seem so sweet! You remind me of Simply Living It♡ I will be watching more of your videos!!

@KellyTilley - 16.01.2023 19:58

Here watching! I enjoy watching other “moms morning routines” I find so much inspiration in these types of videos. Every morning looks different. Great video!

@mzfitmama2361 - 16.01.2023 19:40

Did you mention where you got the comfy pink sweatshirt? It’s so cute on you and i love it with the leggings. My kinda style 😉 😊

@nataliewood7595 - 16.01.2023 18:47

Loved this. Your videos are always so peaceful to watch and brighten my day!

@ceifaci - 16.01.2023 18:37

Keep the videos coming! I’ve missed them.❤

@user-bn7dg2km2d - 16.01.2023 18:07

Yup it's 10, I'm still sitting here with my coffee. 🤦 Lol.

@oursweetiebirdshome - 16.01.2023 18:05

I love watching your morning routine videos! So inspiring. ❤❤❤ Have a wonderful week mama!

@marisaanderson4475 - 16.01.2023 17:31

So fun to see other homeschool mama’s routines.

@missneoxoxo4553 - 16.01.2023 17:25

I watched your last morning routine video yesterday, actually a few videos for the past few days. Your content is inspiring ❤️💖. Thank you

@HSHeart723 - 16.01.2023 17:24

At what age did your older kids start making themselves breakfast? I'm a mom of four kiddos 16mo-7YO, and the older two can put together their own lunches but breakfast is a bit more challenging, unless we just do cereal.
