During World War II, a frantic race unfolded in the Atlantic as numerous cargo vessels rushed to supply Britain. However, German U-boats, warships, and aircraft relentlessly targeted and sank these ships. In 1940, the toll was devastating, with over a thousand allied vessels lost en route to Britain.
Despite the United States not being officially at war, it played a crucial role in aiding Britain's supplies. Yet, the daily sinking of ships posed an urgent challenge for both Britain and America, necessitating a solution to keep the crucial materials flowing across the Atlantic. In response, 18 shipyards along the U.S. coast sprang into action, mobilizing to construct thousands of sizable cargo ships named Liberty Ships. These vessels were built at a pace faster than the enemy's ability to sink them. At a certain juncture, these shipyards achieved the incredible feat of producing one large Liberty Ship every eight hours.
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