@johnmel9456 Only pathetic little boys say dumb things like this
Ответить@ashishnagesghkar883 No woman hating pig will ever have a woman stay near him long enough to ever have this moment
Ответить@ashishnagesghkar883 No woman hating pig will ever have a woman stay near him long enough to ever have this moment
Ответить@ashishnagesghkar883 No woman hating pig will ever have a woman stay near him long enough to ever have this moment
Ответить@ashishnagesghkar883 No woman hating pig will ever have a woman stay near him long enough to ever have this moment
Ответить@BellaJoyeuse It isn't you
Ответить@Chillduesunflowur You're ridiculous
Ответить@yinyangfilms197 Weird thinking. Marriage is a big step. When it's the right person, it is a natural step forward, but you don't know when or how he'd propose. So of course you're surprised and excited. If you aren't... You clearly aren't with the right person. You really have no understanding of relationships
Ответить@AstorSkywalker That depends on your culture. Americans wear the ring in the left, but much of the world uses the right hand
Ответить@KpxUrz5745 If you haven't discussed the future, you have no business proposing
Ответить@endtimesthoughts7114 You should with about yourself. I don't think the Lord looks kindly on someone talking about his daughter this way
Ответить@mackmaharana813 Sorry you've swallowed all the bigoted lies, actually most marriages do last here. We simply stay together by choice, not because you've trapped a woman.
Ответить@TheFockerizer And people like you
Ответить@makotonarukami7468 People still do this. You have issues and a great deal of bigotry
Ответить@slisa01 Clearly, this has nothing to do with you.
Ответить@atheist5869 It's not a joke and the divorce rate has dropped... THAT is the truth. So most marriages last.
Ответить@Honeydoyou Soooo you thought this was for you or about you? Narcissism at it's finest
Ответить@jessejames96 Happy thing is, the divorce rate has dropped so it's more like 60% will last. And those divorces are statistically due to a man cheating or abusing his wife. Sorry to burst your hateful little misogynistic bubble
Ответить@lamalemonwhy Why so hateful? Just because no one wants you, doesn't mean others can't have a happy marriage. With the dropping divorce rate... Most will last.
Ответить@Summerinvincible1942 You aren't very bright are you. It's a normal expression of human emotion.... Love, happiness and excitement. It's not desperation, not even close
Ответить@jax_wildguess Pull your head out of your backside
Ответить@chaztitan6457 Because they love these women.
Ответить@Damc3808 It's usually the idea of the bride
Ответить@racistlightyear4504 Except for the 60% that last for life.
Ответить@nancyhammons3594 You shouldn't propose anywhere if you don't know that
Ответить@honesttruth You are ridiculous and a lying misogynist
Ответить@BangBangUnited Actually, the divorce rate has dropped and now the majority of marriages last. I know you are disappointed
Ответить@dylanmiller6335 Grow up! This is THEIR moment, not yours and if they are happy, it's childish to be angry about it
Ответить@michaelbabauta They didn't
Ответить@Aishuteiru I am sure that no woman will tolerate you for any length of time and rather than take responsibility for your own ugly behavior, but that doesn't mean there's no love and happiness for other couples. The divorce rate has dropped and most marriages last. And all studies show men are happier, healthier, live longer, are more successful and make more money when married. Soooo... You're ridiculous thinking is just wrong
Ответить@integreetkonstruksi4628 It's actually a happy experience actually
Ответить@Paladin_Zero Nonsense!! Marriage is anything you make it. Period
Ответить@jackknopf5974 Childish whining
Ответить@lazynaijamum2604 that's fine, but this isn't about you
Ответить@nickriley2582 In many cultures this wear the ring on the right hand. It's weird people never even consider that they might be wrong
Ответить@infiad1275 This is dumb
Ответить@PotterHeadz-vz5je I doubt any of them would have you...too narcissistic
Ответить@PotterHeadz-vz5je I doubt any of them would have you...too narcissistic
Ответить@Stephano_MBravo1 The divorce rate has never been that high and has dropped to under 50%. That means most marriages last. The problem is your, buddy
Ответить@kisslay5379 Oh please, you're ridiculous
Ответить@NeilJR Most men wouldn't want that
Ответить@truthis3621 You can't be that dumb
Ответить@MrJavomon The divorce rate has never topped 50% and it's lower than that now so most marriages last...and the men report being happier, they live longer, are healthier and more successful. And when women file for divorce, statistically it is primarily because the men cheated or were abusive. That's the facts. Sorry to burst your little misogynistic bubble
Ответить@theSword You're ridiculous
ОтветитьLo acepto lo decreto lo manifiesto hecho esta gracias gracias Amén con todo mi corazón Dios mediante gracias gracias Amén Amén ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьFeeling single and lonely 😢
ОтветитьWatching a probably good video ruined without sound because of the out of place too loud music!!!
ОтветитьHow many of these simps being taken to the cleaners by the divorce courts I wonder?
ОтветитьMarriage is the worst thing in the world