Mindset Maven; Audacious Goals Friday

Mindset Maven; Audacious Goals Friday

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Finding Joy in the Journey: A Candid Talk with Keith Allen Johns

This script is from a broadcast featuring two hosts, Keith and Nicole, with Nicole momentarily absent due to caring for her son. Guest Keith Allen Johns, a coach and entrepreneur, shares insights from his journey from living in Ohio to moving to Charlotte, North Carolina, breaking free from conventional pathways, overcoming addiction, and starting anew. He delves into the importance of mindset, coaching, and personal development in achieving one's goals and redesigning life. Johns's story encapsulates battling and overcoming personal demons, making transformative life decisions, and the impact of coaching on personal growth. The conversation also touches on various topics such as the significance of deep, meaningful connections in a digitally connected world, the concept of the quantum life formula, and redefining success on one's own terms. The broadcast aims to inspire listeners to question societal norms, embrace their path, and find joy in the process of achieving their goals.

00:00 Welcome to the Morning Show with Keith & Keith
01:45 Introducing Keith Allen Johns: From Toledo to Coaching
03:09 Keith's Journey: Overcoming Addiction and Embracing Change
13:06 The Accountability Check-In: Showing Up for Your Goals
20:02 Exploring the Balance Between Goals and Self-Care
25:29 The Role of Intuition and Coaching in Personal Growth
30:10 The Challenge to Prove You're Real on LinkedIn
31:02 Daily Live Sessions with Keith and Special Guests
31:43 Deep Dive with Keith Allen Jones: Journey and Philosophy
34:52 The Evolution of a Coach: Keith's Personal and Professional Growth
37:32 Finding and Engaging Coaching Clients: A Personal Approach
39:23 The Human Touch in Sales and Marketing
41:15 Redefining Connection in the Digital Age
45:32 Spotlight on Exceptional Creators: Lydia Vilmson's Impact
49:27 Keith's Quantum Life Formula: A Game Changer
54:35 Wrapping Up: The Importance of Personal Growth and Connection


Why Watch this Episode?
- Keith Allen Johns shares his compelling story from battling addiction to becoming a coach, offering valuable insights on making life-altering changes and pursuing personal growth.
- Dive into discussions about the pivotal role of coaching and the right mindset in achieving and surpassing personal and professional goals.
- Explore the importance of fostering deep, meaningful relationships in an era dominated by digital interactions, emphasizing the human element in all we do.
- Discover Keith’s unique approach to redefining success through his Quantum Life Formula, which challenges conventional success metrics and encourages a personalized path to fulfillment.
- Get motivated by Keith’s journey and strategies for overcoming personal demons and societal expectations, encouraging viewers to embrace their paths and find joy in their own journeys.


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- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keithjohns/overlay/about-this-profile/

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Mindset Maven; Audacious Goals Friday Mornings in the Lab with Keith & Friends