6 | Model mixins and generic API views | By Hardik Patel

6 | Model mixins and generic API views | By Hardik Patel

Hardik Patel

6 лет назад

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@vinodreddy1722 - 26.06.2018 18:26

can u please make video on inspect elements

@nikhilbhardwaj6055 - 01.01.2019 10:11

if u were make this tutorial in Hindi then it would be good

@DineshKc-programming - 19.01.2019 10:42

Sir Having trouble in Partial Update . Could You please Make video on partial Update With serializer . and viewsets.Viewset in viewset class (Without using Viewsets.ModelViewset) Please Sir

@rahulparmar208 - 05.05.2019 11:21

Bhai kitna confuse kar dete ho yaar... Presentation bilkuo bhi nahi hai... Content badhiya hai aapka... Samjha hi nahi pa rahe ho

@priyankjoshi3018 - 04.08.2019 09:46

Hello Hardik, the content you are posting is very good, it would be great if you can go in deep, for- example like what is mixins and what is the purpose of using it, what are different types, why are they used, this will help a beginner to understand better. Any concept should be related to any other programming language.

@madhuprasath6426 - 17.09.2019 12:09

Explain pagination

@jagadeeshabburi570 - 29.09.2019 09:37

Bro only drawback of your videos is, you are not explaining from scratch and you inserting code in ore written code, even u got good knowledge on this but this is confusing.

@gowgowgaga - 19.10.2019 07:29

Thanks dude

@prakashkumarbhanja6270 - 30.04.2020 10:07

Your effort for these videos are great, u only the one who explained better than others... how much i have followed in you tube... u have explained just main points of technology... THANKS for u r effort... expecting more..

@webdev723 - 04.09.2020 16:52

Really helpful, thanks

@islamh6042 - 01.01.2021 01:06

Thanks a lot for this illustrative video.

While using model mixins and generic API views, can we change the behavior of 'Delete' to just update a model field 'IsDeleted' equals to True without deleting the record itself.
