The Future of Logo Design: Crafting Logos with ChatGPT & Midjourney

The Future of Logo Design: Crafting Logos with ChatGPT & Midjourney

Making AI Magic

1 год назад

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@belcamara4874 - 03.07.2024 18:12

In the LLM models era. Paying for just a prompt script? You gotta kidding me.

@rolfjensen7968 - 19.04.2024 18:16

Not a single example in this video is considered a logo.

@NoahBreen - 29.02.2024 12:10

Logos generally aim for simplicity and clarity, unlike what has been generated in the video which I class as graphics. Graphics can incorporate details like shading and intricate elements. This means that a complex graphic might not translate well as a logo, as its details might not be easily recognizable when shrunk to smaller sizes. Think of it like a billboard versus a business card - the information needs to be clear and concise on both, but the message might be presented differently due to the available space.

@UrbanEliteRhythms - 30.12.2023 17:46

Prompt from the video:

Choose appropriate camera, lens, viewing angle, and technical settings

[Formatting Rules] - Prompts should be no less than 50 words and no more than 150 words - All prompts should begin with "/imagine prompt: a eye catching logo on a white background

Steps to Building the Prompt:
1. Choose and describe the dominant symbol for the logo
2. Include key characteristics including color
3. Create a rich and compelling narrative that showcases the chosen styles and characteristics.
4. Format the prompt according to the rules, ensuring it's between 50 and 150 words.
5. Review and revise the prompt as needed for optimal expression.
6. Add aspect ratio "--ar 11" to end of prompt
7. Display the finalized prompt.

After displaying the result, ask the user if they would like you to generate a new prompt or play with a single element in the existing prompt or choose a new subject (provide options with a numbering scheme).

@Klimseven - 20.10.2023 05:37

None of those images are logos. Also: don't put a drop shadow on a logo, Christ.

@therichieboy - 02.10.2023 19:40

Where do I enter the code?

@dasgehtdichnichtsan6555 - 29.09.2023 11:24

It would have been nice to see what possibilities there are to convert the logo into a vector graphic.

@FrankysChilloutTime - 26.09.2023 12:18

a very good video

@aiforgemaster - 26.09.2023 02:08

Always helpful!

@autonicaadabsurdum - 26.09.2023 01:29

Did you clone your voice?

@DLLDEPO - 25.09.2023 16:43

I was hopeful when I saw the video title but you disappointed me,
To create a fox head, chatgpt is complete nonsense, just write an prompt: abstract fox logo :)

@Ali-sb7ui - 25.09.2023 15:36

Hi and thanks for this nice video. I think Midjourney still moving in the same circle without clear attempts to go out , the big challenge for MJ now is how to include texts into the generated images in practical and not random ways , if this problem remains without appropriate solution, then
we can't say that ai text-image platforms are performing properly.
