He says he's not worried about the "how", just the "why" Yet you proceed to has him about wondering how they did it.
ОтветитьI remember when the taliban destroyed the huge Buddhist monuments in Afghanistan. I'm not Buddhist, but I cried. It felt like a crime against all of humanity. So dont ever think your beautiful temples are safe because they are made from rock. Protect them.
That's when I knew those people were not religious for what they get out of religion, but for cruelty they could impose on others.
I hate to say this because Praveen seems very nice and has some incredible information however his voice (not accent), is difficult to listen to.
ОтветитьDanny i can't lie, you come across as dumb as dirt.
ОтветитьThank you Danny for having Praveen Mohan on your show. Great episode. Loved it.
Ответитьis this joe Rogan's duplicate. Chinese made channel...?
ОтветитьPraveen is amazing.
ОтветитьPraveen Mohan, Graham Handcock, Billy Carson, Wes Huff, and Jimmy Corsetti need to be protected... They all should stand united and not devided...
Ответитьunfortunately people here have little understanding of actual human history. Just because of cultural hubris (and much later the formation of "nations") people tend to be fascinated by ancient "india"....those times in the past people did NOT recognise their land being called INDIA, which the name implies only existed after WW2, being the name given by foreigners after the INDUS River. The gods that so-called hindu gods that modern indians are proud of did not consider themselves as being of India or indian origin...just as when the gods showed up in Japan or China, South or North America, or even Africa or Scandinavia. It is only because of interpretation and perception that peoples in different geographical locations re-design whatever came out of their past interactions with the gods that eventually became the cul-tures that we now assume as distinct beliefs and traditions belonging to the peoples of that location they adopt and passed down the generations. Just look at the cargo cults of tribes today (in the early stages of "civilizing" before they transformed and evolved by their habits aided by technology). It takes thousands of years to become a sophisticated society like China or India or ancient Sumeria....Just so happened that the temples built and later found still by the peoples of modern India claimed by themselves, including the knowledge the wisdom that now formed part of the Indian "cult-ure", sorry to say this but the gods did not see themselves as "belonging" to "Indian" races nor do they care about the formation of India or the Hindu religion being owned by India etc...similarly the pyramids did not belong to modern Egyptians nor the pharaohs who claimed them after the gods abandoned them. Same goes in other parts of the world. Many of the ancient structures and wisdom from the Gods stopped after the Great Pyramids war where many landmarks of proofs of their existence around the world were brutally destroyed and displaced...where religion was created by Man based on knowledge passed on by the God/s that initially was meant to serve their (Gods) purpose. The advanced civilization and their remnants existed all over the world, some were eradicated, to serve the few humans' agenda while others are still hidden nor yet to be re-discovered. The west, probably due to the germans only in recent years, fascinated by the so-called rich heritage found in South Asia, but in truth those wisdoms existed in varying degrees EVERYWHERE... many were simply destroyed or stolen by missionaries and conquerors, for example the magical kingdom of Sheba - Sa'ba, Sabah, Sibu, Cebu, Siba in southeast asia, that spread to the Solomon islands where the famous gold fact passed on as Lankasuka etc even Lemuria, Amazonia as women ruled those territories....where many modern indians and chinese mistook that the "hindu" or whatever ancient knowledge were passed on from them when in fact they originated independently without any contact with chinese, mongols, indians etc who all only start being invasive empires thousands of years later. In fact it may shock everyone, that cult-tures in southeast Asia before the chinese and indian claims actually have closer connections and derived from passed on knowledge not from West nor North but across the vast Pacific far eastwards: South America. Even javanese is second oldest race genetically. You must have a clear and deep understanding that hubris always get in the way of how modern cultures perceive what they have been taught from forefathers as a form of identity that unite peoples of that particular region wherever you may be, so it is going to be hard to accept that the superior beings had their own agendas, in order to utilise and enslave their humans, who through time have filtered out their bad memories like the vampiric nature of their gods and how they were "used" to fight in battles, mining, maintaining the well-being of the "gods" and even in the indirect "rescuing" of a "goddess"...if you know you know
One part about the carved out places in rock you are forgetting is they would have to know that the rock was actually solid all the way through, otherwise you would see 100s of attempts that fail. cause what if they got half way down and it had a massive crack though it or a whatever. So seems to me they had sometime of gpr and these were carved with lasers from a UFO ship and this is why we never see any tools or machines, the ship already flew away.
ОтветитьThis was the main reason i stopped watching danny before, BRO there was so much fraud in that vote last time. YOUR BLIND. No way the man gets the record for most votes ever.
ОтветитьYou trust the government enuf to call 911 made me lol😂😂
ОтветитьEnjoyed listening to praveen. Danny on the other hand, not so much. He's not knowledgeable enough on the subject to ask good questions it doesn't even seem like he's that interested in it.
ОтветитьMust have used fire operated parachutes. Fire balloons to draw those lines. Simple. Same concept used in pushpak vimana. Or maybe based on Helium gas. Simple again
ОтветитьThat foot Has 6 toes
ОтветитьDavid Icke gets wrongly criticised. His body of work is amazing with so much knowledge in it but just gets tarnished and dismissed because of the reptile stuff. Such a shame
ОтветитьTo me looks like those drawings in the desert were attempts to communicate with something that would be able to see
Just like we attempt to communicate with anything that can pick up our communication from radio frequencies from big dishes (SETI)
It doesn’t mean we have actually communicated with them…just means we are attempting to communicate
Those massive lines drawings can be first produced small scale with lines in the sand
And then could be scaled up by measuring and using angles
These geoglyphs are pretty easy to make. You could imagine how they would done some mark-up on the ground and draw the picture using some primitive measuring techniques. But... But why, if you still unable to see it? What's the purpose? Puzzling 🤔
ОтветитьThere were traveling ballons built by men way before airplanes we're built. Its funny that was never mentioned by either of these two guys that could have well contributed to.the Nazca lines. 🎉
ОтветитьStsrted on strip clubs a.k.a bars im Mexico to ancient sites..😂 That's a healthy switch. 🎉
ОтветитьSo after all this proveen thinks we evolved from gibbons with protected cows from the magic mushrooms in the cowdung? So there's no gods, just some gibbons? 😂
ОтветитьRick n Morty would do some like that😂😂
ОтветитьOmg. It’s so maddening to watch Danny do these interviews. People constantly try and tell him REAL INFORMATION…. and he does not follow up on what’s being said. Is he playing stupid or is he really that uninformed? Praveen literally broaches the subject of Egyptian artifacts being spread all over Washington.. Danny.. oh really? Just moves on uninterested… completely CLUELESS.. it’s completely frustrating watching people who do not know how to interview people in the know.
Ответитьabsolute Legend .
ОтветитьThe temples with the musical pillars is mind blowing
ОтветитьHe loves USA because we Americans have basic civic-sense 😅😅 Indians don't have that 😅😂 They are 3rd world country 🇮🇳 and their people are living in Feudal tribal age 😅.
ОтветитьThis is all true. Giants, gods, spiritual beings, multidimensional technology. Just remember that all these so called gods were also created by the God most high. Praise Yahweh in all your search for knowledge and wisdom and praise the name above all names. Jesus is king.
ОтветитьThank you for sharing this information
ОтветитьA solar flare cannot melt sand
ОтветитьAbe Lincoln talked abut giants too.
ОтветитьSaar plz send bobs and vagene
ОтветитьYour on the tip of the ice berg with Praveen on disclosure of the ancients there structures are everywhere and almost unbelievable.
ОтветитьI love this little fella. I’m going to sponsor his H1B visa so he can come to the states and be my chai boy. Ooooooh my Ganges!
ОтветитьHow does this video not have more views?
Ответитьi live in illinois central. i can show you a burial mound that has never been excavated. it is 2 mounds. they are terraced. you can see them from google earth. no one knows about them.
ОтветитьChidambaram is mindbending. It doesn't look special at all compared to the polished Meenakshi, it is a portal
ОтветитьIndia is not obsessed with control, but their tradition allows the flow of events, which creates a situation that is stimulating to the humans. While the controlled organisation of our society make us specialized, dependent anddull. I've lived in Tamil Nadu for 5 years, and I learned what being human means
ОтветитьThis guy is definitely a charlatan. But India is full of amazing architecture and design that confound experts today.
ОтветитьBest interview I've seen in years. Sorry so late to recognize. Praveen is the 'Real Deal'.
ОтветитьHey look I came here for the aliens... great show!!!
ОтветитьThats why Indian per capita income is 2800 dollars annually
Ответитьif people are wondering how they would lay it out back then, first draw a miniature version on a plane with specific dimensions, maybe even partition out smaller boxes inside the main frame to gauge how the drawing's lines should be drawn, then scale the frame up on the ground, and copy the image, like it isnt that complicated i dont think
ОтветитьPraveen Mohan is a Legend!!
ОтветитьSuch a Rogan copy
Ответитьthis is sooo cool. okay, architect here, engineer? anyway, it is definitely possible that they could have used a bearing system similar to pottery except the inverse ;) Leonardo Di Vinci was ambidextrous for a reason, Diamond, ruby, and sapphire cut stone.. its reminding me of the Vase Face situation
Ответитьwhat if the lower birth rate is directly impacted by how women are treated. be kind and rewind.
ОтветитьNamaste Mr Praveen Mohan, i am a fan of your work, is amazing everything that you explain to us about India Temples