Best Paella in Madrid! Casa Benigna's Legendary Paella and More

Best Paella in Madrid! Casa Benigna's Legendary Paella and More

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@ireneadams7114 - 02.10.2022 19:38

Omg! I want to go to Madrid right now just to go this restaurant! Everything looks just amazing!

@youdecide2696 - 03.10.2022 21:33

The smoked salmon and paella were really unique and special dishes. One of those meals that you will be dreaming about till you can make it back. Glad you two are having such a wonderful visit to Spain. Thanks for sharing!!

@filomenomamani8902 - 14.10.2022 05:21


@DiggingNorway - 10.05.2024 21:20

Thanks! As a Norwegian chef who has worked in Spain, I found this particularly interesting! Actually I think I have worked for Norberto's former partner, another Spaniard, Sergio, who has a restaurant in Oslo...
