DID WARFRAME GET IT WRONG? - Exploring Roguelikes Through History | Warframe 2023

DID WARFRAME GET IT WRONG? - Exploring Roguelikes Through History | Warframe 2023


1 год назад

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@TheUglyBastard - 24.05.2023 00:40

i like big number

@smauggerr - 24.05.2023 00:44

top quality content

@thespookylocker - 24.05.2023 00:45

Diviri was the straw that broke the camels back for me, it was made for new players and after 8 years grinding in that game i quit. Freemium games aren't worth it

@oldschoolgamer5113 - 24.05.2023 00:46

A black and white open world and a boring circuit with weapons and frames you never use, constant host migration resulting in a bugged game. Who thought this was a good idea??

@jasonatreides2542 - 24.05.2023 01:11

Many liked it and for many others they washed hands of Warframe. If Divuri was announced today and due out end of the year I would expect these bugs. Yet, it has been a project in the making for years and years. These bugs and host migrations are soo awful.

@Roadk1ll21 - 24.05.2023 01:23

Dude Very Para Ducks
This update has been the oatmeal raisin cookie for me... and I was thinking about chocolate chip when I bit into it

@dontuspowerus1093 - 24.05.2023 09:49

I like Duviri, my main problem with it was that it was still a bit too buggy for me despite being in Solo mode. Played it for an entire week, stopped until I could ride the horse on other open worlds.

As for the Arthritis part (lol) if you're an unaging man who can be revived, who cares?

@FerunaLutelou - 24.05.2023 10:25

The only roguelike element are the decrees, and even that is fucked up. It doesnt matter what you choose in Duviri, cause as long as you stick around for 15 minutes you will have everything unlocked anyway. Most decrees are just bland and boring. They are impactful, but not in an interesting way.
The circuit is somewhat fun, sometimes, but whenever your loadout is shit and you're unlucky with the decrees, its just straight up timewaste. So you have to either quit after 1 round so that your options will change for next run, or milk the effort of other players while you wait for next defence round to quit.
And now that I've mentioned it - Defence is bullshit. If you dont have certain frames in team and no good weapon, it straight up murders your run. Sure, maybe you could pull through it if you got really lucky with decrees and have a semi-decent weapon, but it would take so much time that you may as well quit and do another run. Even if your gear is good and you could definitely finish at least a few defence rounds, the enemies scale so quickly that staying for longer is a coin toss, cause just one stray bullet could completely destroy the target and youve lost all progress. They should at least leave players with half the progress on failure, but no, you lose everything cause one shot got through and DE cant fucking figure out how to scale the defence target ehp proportionality to enemy damage values.
Otherwise, just remove the Defence mode completely and replce it with one of the other modes, Maybe even with another one from Zaiman. Anything is better than this, even interception.
The incarnor weapons are nice, and limited farm is OK for us veterans now. However as it is it takes more than 4 months to get all of them. Lets say they will add 10 more, so 2 more batches. Thats at least 6 months of farming.

@KB-ce6st - 24.05.2023 10:29

Duviri update was cool for all about ... 10 minutes. Then you realize it's just more open world grind with the gimmick of playing your Operator with "souls-like" combat that's more buggy and sluggish than anything ;/. Really wish DE would adhere to the long time players, aka their main playebase, and just make more endgame content that's not endless grind.

@asaazreaus7625 - 24.05.2023 11:02

I recently came back to try Duviri and I hated it and re-deleted the game

@Tamburishko - 24.05.2023 21:29

Great video! Haven't seen a better quality warframe video in a while! You are quite unique in this stinky little community of registered losers.

@Movel0 - 27.05.2023 22:09

Look at that new fresh Chroma drip. Nicee.
