ETFTracker - Holdings Analysis Guide

ETFTracker - Holdings Analysis Guide


3 года назад

72 Просмотров

** UPDATE 17 September 2021 ** This video refers to a holdings dashboard tool we have for an individual issuer. We had these all as separate apps but we will be consolidating them into 1. This will lose some features such as the visual representations on maps etc, but the upside is they'll be replaced by the ability to compare ETFs and their underlying holdings more easily.

In this quick episode we show you a bit more on how to use the ETFtracker Holdings Analysis tools to compare and look under the hood of various Aussie ETFs.

It's all on the new website so make sure you take a look at this even if you've already been a user of these holdings analysis apps.

#etfs #etftracker #investing #ausinvest #finance #data #analytics #exchangetradedfunds #australia #asx #chix

Disclaimer: This promotional video is for information purposes only. You should not rely on this as the basis to make an investment decision. This information does not take into account your investment objectives, particular needs or financial situation. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate; its accuracy, reliability or completeness is not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


#etfs #exchange_traded_funds #etftracker
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