The secretive factory fueling Moscow's drone war in Ukraine

The secretive factory fueling Moscow's drone war in Ukraine


55 лет назад

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Russia's drone strikes on Ukraine have increased sixfold in four months. The offensive is being fueled by a facility in Russia’s southern Tatarstan region, which is ramping up production with the help of a low-skilled workforce of Russian students. CNN's Clare Sebastian investigates. #CNN #News


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@jacobschnberg5382 - 04.03.2025 22:12

North Korea have send more soldiers and a lot of weapons and ammunition

@adrianosverko6601 - 06.02.2025 16:44

So for those who get fed propaganda. The USA killed natives during the great expansion and manifest destiny. When you travel in Russia, as I have, you notice rhat Russians are so diverse, it is much like being in a NYC subway ride when you are in Moscow train. So, viewer beware.

@celestineoc1123 - 02.02.2025 18:37

CNN always rubbish news

@Jim-m3e - 25.01.2025 07:15

Is that a copy of the drone obama lost in iran

@PausePatrol - 25.01.2025 03:11

Mmmhmm. Not what I was looking for. 😅👑🐝🍯

@Wetworks-Specialist - 22.01.2025 16:23

Damn, people in high school building drones, meanwhile i couldn't apply to a Computer Science course back in 2015

@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 - 13.01.2025 15:52

Biden (USA), Macron (France), Trudeau (Canada) and Keir Starmer (England) were the purchases. hahahaha. Sanctions are to stop the development of other countries.
US increases imports of aircraft components from Russia to highest volume since 2022
The most demanded elements for aerial assets in the USA were chassis and their parts, US$6.97 million (R$42.5 million), and other parts for planes, helicopters or drones, US$586.1 thousand (R$3 .58 million).
The main suppliers of components to the US in November were the United Kingdom with US$281 million (R$1.7 billion), France with US$195 million (R$1.19 billion) and Canada with US$146 million ( R$891 million).

@yanoshack - 12.01.2025 22:17

CNN is a bunch of liars and propagandists who have been pretending for years that Biden doesn't have serious health problems, when in fact he was incapable of serious governance and decision making. People who were not seen in public made decisions and wrote speeches for him. These messages are just a continuation of what they've been doing all along.

@MusehanaH - 12.01.2025 22:05

If the White House says it, then it must be true...Meanwhile, they won't tell you about the Ukrainian loses 🥱

@don70in - 10.01.2025 21:12

Always telling lies on this ukrain war, stop this falls news

@michaelipa5280 - 09.01.2025 17:10

We want Russia to Win

@lucotonico - 09.01.2025 01:33

Each passing days cnn news is becoming more irrelevant!!!!!

@lucotonico - 09.01.2025 01:32

Just admit your lost in Ukraine stop all the buls*it!!!!

@domesticcat5069 - 07.01.2025 14:14


@Gorsky69 - 07.01.2025 09:54

Russian schoolchildren create UAVs.
American schoolchildren sing rap and dream of becoming Malibu rescuers .
40 thousand Russian engineers work in the most advanced technologies in the American Silicon Valley, but SNN do not know about it.

@Gorsky69 - 07.01.2025 09:47

All Russian media reported on the attack on the UAV plant in Yelabuga on the day of the incident on April 2, 2024. 17 injured , no significant damage . What's the secret? Dumb news from CNN, as always .

@eastern2western - 07.01.2025 07:00

Get get a job at young age, learn a skill and avoid militaru service.

@buyco5513 - 07.01.2025 05:51

Money, money, money... always funny in a rich man's World...

Anyway, lasers from the sky can stop the drones...

@WendyBerkeRealEstate - 07.01.2025 04:51

Old news. Ukraine just blasted the shit out of this factory that no longer exists. LOL

@JuanGarcia-hj4hm - 07.01.2025 04:08

GOD bless RUSSIA.......

@rob233100 - 07.01.2025 02:26

This is funny North Korea sent a troops to the meat grinder only to never return I am starting to believe that Kim jong-un thought that the ukrainians was b********* but now they have f*** around and found out

@fidelisduyah8561 - 07.01.2025 01:47

CNN reporting about this war is all lies. Ukraine is getting destroyed and lot of lives lost but the West keeps refusing any peaceful solution.

@souvikdas6525 - 06.01.2025 23:50

Who is US to put sanctions??

@lebohang8405 - 06.01.2025 20:47

No need to listen to lousy lies from this discredited propaganda channel

@scoobydoo936 - 06.01.2025 20:34

The well known US factories fuelling Tel Aviv's genocide in Palestine

@javanava8925 - 06.01.2025 20:27

70% of Russians do not have toilet in the house. They are good making weapons but very bad to make good a quality life in Russia. I guess they don't mind having sociopathic dictator as a president for another 25 years. Slava Ukraini! 💙💛

@alexongery3687 - 06.01.2025 20:19

Haha u guys are a real definition of fools.... Russia has more MIT graduates than us as per last yr why should they employ underage students 😅😅 meaning those kids are what 7 or ten?

@vig237 - 06.01.2025 17:53

Fake news😂

@jeffGordon852 - 06.01.2025 17:24

Those are not drone, they are flying shovels

@JMcHan-ri1fm - 06.01.2025 16:56

If Russia is losing, I hate to see what happens when they're winning.

@MUSTBFIT1459 - 06.01.2025 16:35

Russia is evil or Putin?

@MrKatamba - 06.01.2025 16:32

CNN propaganda at its highest level 😂

@pmshah1946 - 06.01.2025 16:11

WTF are you going to stop lying and dishing out unadulterated bull sh!t ?

@chopinmack5418 - 06.01.2025 15:11

It seems that "secretive" US companies are buying cheap Chinese drones to send to Ukraine as well !

@pascalmoussaoui3854 - 06.01.2025 15:05

To the poor clowns of CNN like this American in full disarray, the Americans think they are the center of the world in terms of technology, yet to this day they have 0% of the Russians' Subsonic or Hypersonic missiles
I remind you that the American dogfight has been unable for 5 months to bring their Astronauts back to earth 🤣🤣🤣

@alekostrovsky9212 - 06.01.2025 14:22

You are so sweet... Please continue😂

@abrakadabrablablabla - 06.01.2025 14:15

No one has ever seen Koreans in Ukraine or Russia except CNN))))

@T祖父 - 06.01.2025 13:59


@spiraboy - 06.01.2025 13:35

still no evidence of North Koreans.

@TheWise-w2h - 06.01.2025 13:06

U will never stop lying ? Jesus this people have no shame

@fatimalaherismail7175 - 06.01.2025 12:56

CNN is literally an outdated channel. Their lies are so apparent, and their analysis is so backward it's like watching a comedy.

@Jandejongjong - 06.01.2025 12:17

It’s so secret that add it on tv to find workers..

@Jandejongjong - 06.01.2025 12:17

What’s new?

@pkpjjoyce6168 - 06.01.2025 11:31

Aaaaahhh Iran and Islam........the espousers and religion of peace and love 😮

@Skepticof - 06.01.2025 11:10

So Universities are legitimate targets now as well? The west is shameless indeed, it seems Gaza children are not enough.

@simonmackie4924 - 06.01.2025 10:19

The Drones work at CNN.

@q-m-q1362 - 06.01.2025 10:12

Mass casualties for North Korea?

I don't seem to understand what western media machine aim to achieve.
I doubt the Russians are tuning in to CNN. Clearly reporting the losses of the other side to yourself seems to be pointless maybe helps us to rest easy knowing that they are losing so we can send more money.
These lies designed to manipulate us here they really have no effect on the 'enemy'.

@clairlenniecorriveau7803 - 06.01.2025 09:04

Doesn't CNN know by now , nobody believes a word they or the gov't says . They couldn't speak the truth if their lives depended on it .
