my best writing tips (top 5 writing tips you *NEED* to know)

my best writing tips (top 5 writing tips you *NEED* to know)

ana neu

11 месяцев назад

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@emilyelenawrites - 02.08.2024 19:07

the broken keyboard... it really gives me the vibe of my book idk why, a keyboard has nothing to do with my book

@TheBoldandUnbothered.podcast - 03.08.2024 23:52

Yesss I love this

@angelinajackie - 07.08.2024 22:37

i love how she loves her job

@Dxxz8 - 11.08.2024 18:24

Love ideas

@shimmer410-o2i - 17.08.2024 23:14

It also helps to go on background music channels like RainRider Ambience,Coffee Shop Vibes etc. and to look at the different pictures to make them as settings for scenes.

@noir0553 - 20.08.2024 07:54

I just want to say thank you so much for creating this video. I've been in the middle of 4 books with character ideas, scenes and just randomness over the past 4 years but I didn't know how to turn it into an actual book. Your tips have got me mind-blown! The best food for thought, especially the last tip/topic. Thank you again! :)

@telariasummerbloom284 - 20.08.2024 17:46

Dude! This video was so sooo helpful! Especially the last tip. I can sometimes feel like "killing my darlings" (or knowing I might need to) also kills my motivation or the joy I feel while writing (and that joy is one of the main reasons I do it.) So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me make writing fun again!

@Lolee56 - 21.08.2024 20:36

Isn’t google doc the one that saves your writing not word??

@endlesskoalas5249 - 21.08.2024 21:47

Do you possibly have a place to take your story other than Google docs if you maybe can't afford word?

@maliahjoy2959 - 06.09.2024 01:56

Thank you. Appreciate your advice.

@Marina.mimi133 - 07.09.2024 00:42

I love milanote!!!!!!

@Lemonpanda64 - 08.09.2024 03:48

I’m writing my first ever book and I hope it’s good and I might make it into a series idk it’s called the animals of stars and it’s on wattpad

@charachtercrush6064 - 13.09.2024 13:54

Is Milanote really free ?

@taradeleeuw2344 - 14.09.2024 21:19

Google stolen my confidence

@33xvh - 17.09.2024 02:58

thank you so much for these tips!! i’m 17 and hoping to publish my first book of my series next year (if everything goes as planned)

@peach_levell - 24.09.2024 21:15

I been struggling with what to write or rather what I "should" be writing, but like you said, I should really just write what i want. Its so hard to take that advice sometimes though >.<

@Mis_Molly - 10.10.2024 09:36

Your definitely not being insane

@meganmindcreates - 17.10.2024 23:45

I use reedsy

@princessvita89 - 20.10.2024 05:47

Last tip Made me subscrib you 🥰

@MaryWaves-j5i - 21.10.2024 00:55

I began to nod my head repeatedly hearing the part about not allowing the market to determine your book!! It's about your thoughts, how your book flows. The plot of it, there doesn't always have to be these big twists with like omg she got murdered?! Who did it?! To get better marketing

@PsycheDiaries - 25.10.2024 18:30

I feel like you've really come out as the voice (the weak voice) in my head that says all the tips you said like, not editing them, making random quotes and then creating a theme from it, like an inductive logic,from specific to general. And then the finding of vibes and inspo from Pinterest and writing them in Milanote, their all the weak voices that I thought would never work. Especially the self-interview. Anyway, thank you very much for sharing you're techniques in writing you're book. It made me realize that its still best to choose the ones that works for you, not those that works for everybody.🤍

@HD_Simplicityy - 26.10.2024 18:02

Editing is an inescapable part of writing.
IF you dont cut, you end up with bloat. No matter how intuitive your writing is about the scene. Its helpful wriitng intentionally. You do sometimes have to kill your darlings. For scenes where you cant get rid of the character moment, yeah just keep them.

@Ur_Fave_Peach - 27.10.2024 20:15

So, for my book I'm working on, I'm trying to touch in a few things, my passions, my memories, dreams, but also things I studied from a young age, cults, religion, ideology

@ItzAbii - 07.11.2024 04:58

Thanks so much! The Pinterest tip really helped out my story so i could really visualize the characters and the kingdoms (for my story)!

@Zion1205 - 09.11.2024 02:36

Yo same, I used pages until I lost 50 pages, now I only use Word!

@Zion1205 - 09.11.2024 02:38

You’re advises really are good! I wished I saw them earlier.

@brainbott5738 - 15.11.2024 08:51

As a well slightly practiced writer (only wrote a fan fiction so far starting my own series now idk when I’ll be finished) I can do tons of stuff for characters and plot, but can’t design a setting well, I can’t pick cause where do they live? Also for book quotes yep I am planning to do atleast one for every volume and character, and well then I just need to learn to do the art, also books message, oh no I have way more then just one. Also my story is character driven and why I’m wanting to write it? Uhhhhhhh, for fun and to give the message. And for the editing, I just have my mom do that, but yeah I still edit myself a lot, cause I want it to be perfect, I’m to much of a perfectionist, it’s not to be marketable it’s to make myself feel happy about it since I can’t have people read if I have a mistake or missing a tiny thing, and for marketing I haven’t even thought of that, I’ll get there in 10 years, and for if they have a dream write it, well I agree, I like describing more stuff- ooh good idea I need more dream scenes only had 1 so far in a non finished first book

Edit: also meant like more dream scenes in future books

@noobcraft148 - 22.11.2024 10:46

Watching this at 2:46am on a school night so i can write the story that's been in my head for 2 years.

@koya_slayz - 24.11.2024 08:27

This is hard for me, im a young writer and cant buy a computer sk ive been writing in a journal and i try with my phone 😰 but its hard.

@kikigerald1101 - 27.11.2024 11:39

'I saw that child, I saw the crown, That is supposed to be mine'

@FinancewithManvi - 01.12.2024 23:00

Hi ana! I'm a teen writing a book.. I would love some tips, about what to do when you are stuck. I want to finish my book before my academic school year ends. I really appreciate these videos, because I am not that type of person who has that much patience. I really value authors, because now that I'm actually writing a book, I realize how much patience someone needs to have. Thank you ana!

@strawbema - 05.01.2025 23:54

did you make the picture of heidi using ai, or did u just find a picture on pinterest?

@absolute_lump - 06.01.2025 00:06

To be honest, I don’t think you quite understand what killing your darlings means. It’s not to kill the scenes that you enjoy just for the sake of it or because they’re slow, it’s to remove scenes that don’t serve the plot. A slow moment of just characters bonding can in fact serve the plot as a transition between scenes or as character building. But you also need to consider word count requirements, pacing, and story arcs. The point is, if the scene isn’t working or bogging down your story, cut it. It does not mean to cut random scenes you love.

@katttt227 - 06.01.2025 20:26

what's the program or website you use to make the character's faces? like the little snapshots in the milanote read? i've been working on making characters recently but i can't solidify them without visualizing them. any tips would be great!!

@boothyfineart6426 - 11.01.2025 02:48

Well, I don’t know if you will get this, it might be of interest to you that know exactly what you mean. I write in exactly the same way, it’s like I’m living the story with the characters.

@timothyheath577 - 11.01.2025 16:22

I visited you website. Can’t find any of your books!
I’m guessing you’ve written a few books, yes?

@thatonetheatergirl65 - 18.01.2025 20:48

I actually print out pictures from pinterest pin them and even print some out and put it in my writing journal!

@stvrlightt323 - 20.01.2025 22:39

I’m trying out milanote right now and I think I’m in love 😭

@kammaejdum6340 - 23.01.2025 16:55

Live laugh love Milanote, it is THE BEST writer app, ever!

@jonathangoodwin5609 - 24.01.2025 21:31

So, I don't know if you will see or respond, but I got a major question. I've got like 10 different ideas I wanna write, and I'm currently in my hyperfixation phase where I NEED to write something. Usually, once I start, I can go nonstop to the end. But that's the problem: I have no idea how to start. That first couple pages holds me back. What's a good way of starting a story? A plain description of the scene and the main character? Having the main character in the middle of doing something like preparing to leave? Just right to the inciting moment? Do I take a long time setting up the scene? Do I do that 'you're probably wondering how I got here' thing? Do I start with first person narration? What is a good way to start a story first pages for beginner?

@itsokayml - 28.01.2025 04:42

How do you make your charactor art?

@SamwelJabez - 28.01.2025 23:08

These writing tips are Awesome! It’s always helpful to have a go-to set of strategies for improving your writing. Personally, I’ve found that refining my drafts with a bit of extra help goes a long way. I’ve been using BeLikeNative recently to fine-tune my grammar, rephrase complex sentences, and even generate citations quickly. It’s been a great way to keep my writing clear and polished, especially when I’m on a tight deadline. Thanks for sharing these tips—I’ll definitely be incorporating them into my process!

@Aarya-t9x - 06.02.2025 15:36

Is it just me or do you yall make faces as like your character would to see if it would make sense.

@sillyz66x - 14.02.2025 01:50

im not thinking of writing an actual book but i want to write down like my oc’s lore, and from there i can write little fictions, if it makes sense. this is helping out a lot!

@goldenwillowisrandom - 15.02.2025 02:07

I’ve got the same tulip-

@louisshousewife - 27.02.2025 20:23

i use pinterest and spotify and make boards and playlists for my story plot :)

@NoraKleinsasser-b2j - 01.03.2025 23:36

Hi Ana neu i was wondering if somehow there’d be a way to communicate on email or smth.. Thank you so much for helping me through trying to make books. Im a young writer and I haven’t necessarily made a book yet.. 😅 but I’ve been working on it. This is one way how i have actually gotten the motivation to make one. I need help trying to find some cool prompts on what to write my books on.. And also i want one of my books to be unique but something you know basic at the same time… Its so hard to explain books. That’s why also having a visual of books is very helpful. Sometimes I just look at aesthetic photos and then just start thinking. I also feel that almost having aesthetic supplies makes it more fun somehow and helps my motivation.. Thankyou if you read this Ana Neu!❤❤❤
