How odd, the aggressive one was the shortest one 😂
ОтветитьI'm challenging you what a dick head he was good to see you standing up to these people protecting our right to live free without hassle from other people.
ОтветитьAnother Couple of guys who shone a shining light of professionalism well done
ОтветитьWhat a total jakey tyrant, should be sacked 🙏
ОтветитьOld Jack Russell features snapping and snarling
ОтветитьUfo at 4min 41 sec
ОтветитьSecurity did well but like always you see from your videos employees seems to think they have the right to get thuggish and bullish.
ОтветитьThe best security guards yet........amazing they are British, what a difference.
ОтветитьThere's always one thug, looking to get involved, puffing the ole chest up and wanting to feel the big man. Atrocious behavior. The first security guard was quite timid. A nice guy, but he was shaking. The Manager was very professional. Nothing to fault there. I hope he had a strong word to Thug man and his sidekick.
Ответитьamazing how thick some of these employees are. how do they hold down a job?
ОтветитьDHL Staff are disgusting
ОтветитьPoor security dude had the skakes... well done mate
ОтветитьIsn't it a amazing that smokers need to be told to put their shit in a bin - and some still can't manage it.
ОтветитьYou can take the man off the estate...
ОтветитьFreight locos you saw were 66783 ‘Biffa’ and 66796 ‘HS2’ GB Rail Freight👍
ОтветитьYou're a fool bro, you don't go there too check people's behavior you get there, no one knows who you are, it's not NORMAL for people to just show up on private property and just walk around, the last few videos I've seen you look for a way in that avoids security so THAT'S not normal.
ОтветитьYou're going to spoil it for everyone else
ОтветитьThe second bloke looks like he’s about to wet himself.
ОтветитьSurprised you didn't pull up the "smoking shelter" DJ. Anything with more than 50% of its walls cannot legally be considered a smoking shelter
ОтветитьHave you ever done a audit done differently in Coventry. Love your work btw.
ОтветитьNever seen anyone apologise for having to speak to the radio for a minute before, that's a first
ОтветитьThe little Jasper Carrot guy is what happens to those kids who fail their exams and get bitter because they have no importance in this world. lazy and looks intoxicated poor representative of DHL needs booting out
ОтветитьThe security manager is wearing the same necklaces as me
ОтветитьLots of miserable people attacking DJ Audits because they think we should bow before our "betters". How sad. Keep teaching those people how to assert themselves.
ОтветитьAww he was shaking bless him x
ОтветитьThat security guard was all shaky, could hear it in his voice lol
ОтветитьI hope that pair of nobs (especially the little drunk bloke) have been sacked! What a disgraceful way of treating the general public!
ОтветитьDJ showing his weakness for trains again! 😂
ОтветитьPsycko little guy & his meat head side chick made themselves look extremely childish & weak in the head
ОтветитьForgive them farther,thay do not know thay are goons,i mean,what thay do.
ОтветитьDHL = Dick Heads Limited
ОтветитьPanda eyes must have had a few smacks back in the day. Get back to erdington 😬
ОтветитьSecurity Done Correctly Well Done Guys
Ответить3.05 Check the actual state of him, the guys the result of a night on the drink, many many lines & a fondle between zelda & POB! There really is some proper states on this earth like. I think they guy needs a danger wank!!
Ответитьthe brummy guy looks like he's on meth
Ответить2024 DJ Would have had so much fun telling the gobby guy to "GET BACK TO WORK!!!"
ОтветитьThe security guy needs to man up and not let that t**t threaten someone. He looked unhinged. Typical little man syndrome. Otherwise, fine.
ОтветитьWhen ever is it a good idea to barge into someone else’s conversation and demand you stop filming he had lots to say but nothing worth repeating every job you go to there are these idiots, I can’t understand how they got employed in the first place
ОтветитьI agree little man is drunk or taken drugs shame on DHL needs breathalyser or given a drug wipe.
ОтветитьHe’s a proper wee drunk lol. Can’t string words together correctly and his aggressive manors marching over says it all . No winder DHL get our packages wrong or delivered broken because of the drunks working there falling through everything and don’t know there arse from there elbow 😂
Ответитьpoor little pixie
ОтветитьLittle man with Little man syndrome what a spastic
ОтветитьThe two dorks are weeds ha the security chap was ok
ОтветитьBrainwashed by company policy 😂
Ответитьyou have done well
ОтветитьI suspect shoelaces might challenge this particular guy.
ОтветитьThe angry Jack Russel and his Shrek boyfriend were not happy were they. LOL
ОтветитьThe security personnel were very professional, but why did the two cleaners have to get involved?
Can't understand why the lowest paid workers defend a company that at a drop of a hat will make them redundant .