Gadzooks. | Arcane 2x7 "Pretend Like It's the First Time" | Normies Reaction!

Gadzooks. | Arcane 2x7 "Pretend Like It's the First Time" | Normies Reaction!

The Normies

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@cirekun3 - 27.11.2024 00:25

Ekko and Heimer: in a happy timeline
Jayce: playing Getting Over It

@vee-starfallrain - 27.11.2024 01:59

damn the life is strange remaster looks different

@Shane_From_Maine - 27.11.2024 01:59

Ekko sacrificed his heaven to save his hell.

@zipzapzipzap6859 - 27.11.2024 05:58

it has always been my opinion since the first episode, but I want to say it again. Claggor is fine as hell

@sapphic.flower - 27.11.2024 07:43

I believe that Jinx is purposefully hiding the hex core from the world after what happened to Vi which is also why she refuses to leave Zaun even when Vander tell her she can do better things in Piltover. She could’ve brought up the stash she hid to Ekko when he showed her the shards he found but she didn’t. She’s essentially what’s protecting this universe by guarding the hexcore.

@renardfoxito3927 - 27.11.2024 08:07

Quel bonheur d'avoir eu cette version alternative de leur relation avec une Powder (alias Jinx) épanouie et heureuse dans sa vie de jeune femme.
On reconnaît bien la patte du talentueux "Stromae" artiste, compositeur, interprète Belge Francophone, ainsi que la chanteuse Française "Pomme" qui l'accompagne dans ce duo,
Cette chanson colle parfaitement aux deux antagonismes (ekko et jinx), leurs relations qui ont commencé de la même façon (amicale) mais qui ont totalement divergé par la suite dans deux multivers parallèles et différents.
Cela me fait penser à une autre chanson bien connue pour des Français : "Je t'aime...", "Moi non plus" du regretté chanteur Serge Gainsbourg.

@ajet7661 - 27.11.2024 08:28

I love how they show here that Ekko can only go back 4 seconds into the past just like his ult skill in the game!!!

@_itsjaemi - 27.11.2024 08:34

There's a Unnamed Spinoff of Series Arcane and i am hoping it's the alternate Powder

@Thundernoob98 - 27.11.2024 09:04

Meanwhile Jayce spawned in silent hill 😂

@FernandoTorres-bl6ul - 27.11.2024 10:55

I don’t think you guys catch hemerdinger being disintegrated 😢

@Manaphy0882 - 27.11.2024 18:32

We've been robbed from more Jinx and Ekko interactions 😢

@Leeor1214 - 27.11.2024 19:50

The Boy Who Saw What Could've Been

@endosym5023 - 28.11.2024 02:16

What could have been versus what could be

Also, the dance was animated at 4 frames because thats how long the time loop lasts

@DreamieQueen - 28.11.2024 05:31

I don't think Powder from that timeline would use the hextech, because it killed her sister during that job.
She's keeping it safe.

@tanat4731 - 28.11.2024 06:51

Someone said Jayce went a world where it shouldn’t have been & Ekko went to a world where it could’ve been…I’ll never be the same now

@alexkramerblogs - 28.11.2024 10:35

Jayce really went through Viktor's history: from the depths of Zaun with a broken leg, and persevering to the pinnacle of Piltover

@SilverCrow0101 - 28.11.2024 12:05

fun fact, Yordles(Heimer's species) don't truly die, if they die, they just respawn in Bandle city, which is in its own pocket dimension.

@northwind2538 - 28.11.2024 12:14

Ma'am...1000 days is like 3 years lol that's nowhere near Heimerdinger's entire life.

@jahmirthomas7940 - 28.11.2024 13:46

Thee monster anime

@BattlemasterD20 - 28.11.2024 17:26

wtf you all have such great hair

@aqelbangi - 29.11.2024 05:35

My extra large copium is in AU after Main universe Ekko left, the AU powder is finally intrigued to tap into her potential like Vander always told her. She will get herself into hex tech. And probably build one that can travel into Main timeline Ekko Universe because she somewhat got the hint she’s still alive due to Ekko painting. But my schizo copium didn’t stop there. She will switch places with Jinx in main Universe, she will experience a life with Vi, and Jinx will experience a life where both of his fathers are alive, and both of his brothers too are there. It won’t be permanent they will go back to their own universebut but it will be a therapy session/fan service of a spin-off of a season if it exist in the near future 😂. Hey riot 👀 I’m not suggesting anything buttt…

@samurai7dkong - 29.11.2024 10:55

In the beginning scene where Powder is introduced you can see that her reflection is Jinx. Powder is smiling at Ekko but in the reflection Jinx isn't. Riot, I am not okay.

@ImSamhel - 29.11.2024 17:04

I don't think the "healed" people are dejj. All of them seemed to still have their own consiousness connected to them, I think it's just that thier body became more machine like, less reliant of human biology.

@emptyasmrman - 29.11.2024 21:56

"Sorry Ekko, I cheated on you....with you"

@MauPauBL - 30.11.2024 02:51

I liked what Spidey said. Jayce carrying his hammer like his cross, in a world where Hextech was what destroyed everything.

So good writing

@NoName-om2xt - 30.11.2024 04:02

In order to save their world Jayce had to go through hell and ekko had to give up heaven

@LegitLord2000 - 01.12.2024 07:32

One thing someone pointed out that I never realized, the first time we see Jayce he nearly jumps off the roof. Now he’s grasping to keep himself alive no matter what

@crowleytn - 02.12.2024 07:15

Ekko is the GOAT!

@EternalDensity - 03.12.2024 03:24

Suraj: "I feel like his legs might be broken."
Leopold Fitz: "And I took that personally!"

@EternalDensity - 03.12.2024 10:20

This ep shows that Jinx was right that Vi created Jinx.

@junelee7504 - 06.12.2024 22:12

I lost it when I saw Powder and Mylo getting along in that alternate timeline

@giorgiogiovanni3902 - 09.12.2024 00:56

well according to League lore, Heimer cant die his back to his singular across all universes yordle city, so that's what i choose to believe.

@singularity2541 - 09.12.2024 06:54

I think most people already got this after the song came out, but season 1 episode 7 is a parallel to season 2 episode 7. Enemies to lovers

@spbot2 - 09.12.2024 08:04

Remember ekkos first seen? He asked for a few more seconds while repairing a clock. And the fight with jinx. He also used a stopwatch.

@TheKannibalistic - 10.12.2024 16:38

I really love the added detail that in this universe, Silco let his eye die. Unlike in our universe, he wasn't burdened by what happened with Vander; he let it go and forgave. Most likely, in this universe, Silco found Vander's letter in their hideout

@mots503 - 12.12.2024 00:51

The “good Undercity” didn’t happen only because Vi died - it was also the result of three years with Heimerdinger giving a shit

@WilliamChief-u6j - 14.12.2024 11:09

Heimerdinger first time sing

@HeWhoShams - 14.12.2024 17:29

AU Powder knew it was a different Ekko, just need to pay attention to the signs given and not speak over the information

@urtoryu_dy_althraidn - 15.12.2024 09:42

There are COUNTLESS things I adore about this episode, and it's honestly my favorite episode in all of Arcane. But one thing I want to point out that's very poetic and not often mentioned, is how Jayce and Ekko each got sent to the perfect places to sharpen their resolve.

Jayce is a man of progress, a man of ambition, and a man of hope. Had he been sent to the world Ekko was sent to, he wouldn't look at how much better it was with Hextech, he'd simply see a promise of how great the world can be, and work even harder towards it, without even realizing that'd just expedite doom.
The timeline he was sent on was the only kind that could truly make him understand the gravity of it all. That world is EXACTLY what he's been trying to make, a world were Hextech could thrive and where it evolved so much. And yet, it shows him the truth. It shows Jayce that his perfect future is in reality the worst possible one. THAT'S what made him change so much and switch his world view entirely.

And Ekko, he's a man of duty. He's one who always tries to shoulder the weight of everyone else, carry everything himself towards the future he dreams of. For him, seeing a world broken like the one Jayce did would do nothing more than push him down, weight him further, and pressure him to the point he simply wouldn't be able to stand anymore. It would break him.
But instead, what he saw was the opposite. He saw what could have been. He saw what he truly wants to protect, and what he wants to strive towards. He saw everything that is worth fighting for, everything that could be lost forever if he gave up.

For Jayce, the world he saw was the proof of his mistake, and the answer to correct it.
For Ekko, the one he went to was the proof of his dream, it was the fire to rekindle his will.

If they had been switched, Jayce would have simply seen an encouragement to progress, and Ekko would have seen the weight pushing him down. Instead of being empowered and guided by their visions, both would only be pushed towards their own destruction.

There is a big parallel to make with how each Heimerdinger and Ekko saw the world they were in too, and how that displays Heimerdinger's and Ekko's opposite world views. The first so distracted by what he sees that he is blinded to the world outside his view, and the other so caught up in the weight of what he can't see that it leads him to forgone everything in front of him. But well, this comment is big enough so I won't go too much into that, or the many other parallels like with Powder and Jinx, their respective relationships with Ekko, Silco and Vander, the city itself, etc.
Point is, there's just SO MUCH depth to this episode, and so much to analyze and break down. It's really amazing.

@LooKingG00d - 19.12.2024 04:27

The only channel where dudes have longer hair than ladies 😅 I gues thats now norm(al)ies

@colpul2103 - 20.12.2024 00:17

There are so many things that hit on a second watch. The look on Powder's face when Ekko shows her the shards from the hexcristal after knowing she has a memory drawer full of hexcristals from heist that killed Vi.

@rokkudai - 21.12.2024 17:52

Looking back at this episode, you can see Powder start to catch on to Ekko not being her Ekko. It looked like after coming to the realization that the Ekko she spent the past days or weeks with was going away made her sad. I say that because of how Powder looked relieved but not necessarily happy that her Ekko was ok at the end.

@BimBimPow - 25.12.2024 21:19

Ekko is the best character and him and Jinx are so damn precious!!!

@subterranea9095 - 12.01.2025 06:23

i hate that that they did that nasty stuff with ekko and powder. i mean why turn him into a sleezy scumbag that lies to powder about who he is, violates multiple boundaries, and then takes advantage of her body without her consent. all set to the tune if a newly introduced (unnamed) french nation singing, "she is your enemy so bring her close, violate her, and leave her" in a puke worthy romantic fashion.🎉

@elfanthasma433 - 31.01.2025 02:53

se notó mucho el cambio repentino en el guión (y guionistas) que hicieron y quedaron cosas sin desarrollarse bien. en este capítulo cabría preguntar porqué ekko se separa de su cuerpo físico pero heimendinger no y desaparece directamente? o porqué ekko ingresó al cuerpo del ekko de esa dimensión y heimendinger no. eso significa que hay dos heimendinger? (vamos a obviar las cosas que son del lore de riot que obviamente en arcane el lore es otro). en los capitulos finales victor da a entender que era el mago que le dió la runa cuando los teletransportó a jayce y su mamá en la infancia. sin embargo, enteriormente se había "confirmado" que ese mago era el ryze, de ahí que tuviera runas en sus dedos, cosa que victor en ninguna de las versiones que aparece tiene. - muy buena la reacción, de hecho los sigo hace tiempo y disfruto mucho de ellas. gracias chicos and girls :)

@DirtPoorWargamer - 10.02.2025 06:14

I would say what happened to Heimerdinger resembled what happened to Sky and the unnamed tech in the hexgate, except there's no "shadow" left behind.
