5 Steps to Learn Rust Programming

5 Steps to Learn Rust Programming

Jeremy Chone

1 месяц назад

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@flatmapper - 11.08.2024 16:47

No jobs

@Cryptopunkstar - 11.08.2024 17:06

Great thank you ! Rust is very large possibilities for create blockchain and tools rewrite software !!

@Amapramaadhy - 11.08.2024 18:03

It’s always amazing to see how ppl learn. Eg I could not agree more about “not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed“. Learning anything worthwhile takes time, practice and deliberation. There are no magic N steps but a journey instead. Thanks Jeremy

@maxali6591 - 11.08.2024 18:38

As a beginner, I use chatgpt to help me to make some code. I made something to get my monthly budget for super market( I even called it portefeuil) .
The fun thing is chatgpt isn't right all the time. So I debug many things by myself. It's a team work.
I made docker container building, docker compose, postgres crud interactions, sqlx, even react for the front-end, documentation for both api and front-end, jwt auth, axum for api ... 8 h 30 full coding only for this app and I don't know how much fails hours / month of learning made this possible for me.
Might be overkill, what imports is to make things and learn.
I need to practice, release and correct by asking around me what's wrong with the app.
And I watched All your videos. Your content is great and a kind of technic masterclass to me.
And maybe I ll succeed to get a real life job (I m sysadmin, and I love it, but coding and get people advices will make the experience more complete to me).
Continue thx!

@rocketsamiyou - 11.08.2024 19:00

thanks for sharing Jeremy.

@DonAlonzo - 11.08.2024 19:17

Always glad to see new videos from you!

@RichardWalterLanda - 11.08.2024 19:32

how would yu personally rate your skills in Rust? Let us say, on scale up to 100, where 100 is pro and daily contributer to Rust Core 😁

@polares8187 - 11.08.2024 20:14

This is great content. You always hit it out of the park. Hope to work with you someday

@IvanoColtellacci - 11.08.2024 20:52

Hello Jeremy, thank you for sharing your learning method. But I'm curios to know how you search for directories in the visual code search bar (when you type 'xp'). The default behaviour is to show the matching name of files stored in the directories .... :)

@Shivachetha - 12.08.2024 15:17

when i first started to learn Rust, the tooling such as 'cargo watch' has massively improved my dev exp. for learning the language, whenever i sit to learn c++ the tooling is absolute garbage.
I have a single repo for my entire rust learning broken down by books,projects,crates,tutorials. I also set up layouts on zellij(if anyone hasn't tried it, its wayyyyy better than tmux, and i am looong time tmux user) to hit 1 command and it will create panes and run commands. But all your tips are a true gem of knowledge and they have helped me organize by examples and better bash commands. Thanks a ton, i strongly feel anyone who is learning rust should start with this video, game changer

@catsolstice - 12.08.2024 23:50

I used the same process as your step 4 when learning C# 15 years ago, with many small "xp". It was so useful to be able to come back later on some on those and I kept adding new ones years after.

@lysendertrades - 13.08.2024 03:32

Hey man, seeing you in the video feels different! Great job!

@Boronesss - 13.08.2024 21:38

Thanks AGAIN for the great video.

@kamertonaudiophileplayer847 - 14.08.2024 05:43

It seems a good approach for learning Rust.

@ryankhetlyr3718 - 17.08.2024 15:39

Really appreciate you sharing this - I've been doing ok and even been able to get the first Rust web app into production at my current job with the help of your other videos, but this one really helped me see how I was getting bogged down trying to build build only bigger projects when small cli would allow for much more experience - really all these tips hit home and I will incorporate right away - looking forward to the desktop application reveal! Keep doing what you're doing - you're very encouraging and inspiring!

@romangeber - 18.08.2024 11:07

Learned a lot from this video. Those xp directories are a very neat idea. Better then trying to figure something out in the middle of some larger and more serious code base. Please keep making those types of videos explaining not just the language but also tooling and processes. Thank you very much.

@sharktamer - 25.08.2024 00:29

I've not actually managed to start using rust and writing stuff with it for the exact reason you say. I started reading the book but the later concepts get really difficult. I will definitely take your advice and just read the beginning and then start some projects.

It's very helpful to know which chapters I should make sure I read, but I wasn't sure if you meant I should read chapters 1-5 or if 6 should be covered too.

@JeremyChone - 11.08.2024 19:06

Watching tip: Try 1.5x or even 2x speed; it plays relatively well (assuming the accent isn't an issue).
