Alan Wats advice on meditation backed by an electronic music track with energetic beats and a meditative electro type baseline. Can be used as a short guided meditation video for a zen moment!
[Music] most of us think compulsively all the time that is to say we talk to ourselves if i talk all the time i don't hear what anyone else has to say [Music] if i think all the time that is to say if i talk to myself all the time i don't have anything to think about except thoughts [Music] therefore i'm living entirely in the world of symbols therefore if you meditate for an ulterior motive that is to say to improve your mind to improve your character to be more efficient in life you've got your eye on the future and you are not meditating [Music] well meditation when correctly done has nothing to do with all that it's a kind of digging the present it's the kind of grooving with the eternal now [Music] the place where it's at is simply here and now if you simply close your eyes and allow yourself to hear all the sounds that are going on around you just listen to the general hum and buzz of the world [Music] as if you were listening to music don't try to identify the sounds don't put names on them simply allow them to play with your eardrums it's all just sound [Music] and if i am talking to you right now and you're doing this don't try to make any sense out of what i'm saying because your brain will take care of that automatically you don't have to try to understand anything as you hear sounds coming up in your head thoughts you simply listen to them as part of the general noise going on just as you would be listening to the sound of my voice or just as you would be listening to cars going by or to birds shattering outside the wizard so look at your own thoughts as just noises [Music] and soon you will find that the so-called outside world and the so-called inside world come together they are a happening your thoughts are happening just like the sounds going on outside and everything is simply a happening and all you're doing is watching it it's all just sound the place where it's at is simply here
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