Everyone makes financial mistakes. Maybe you've heard some of the hundreds of stories about mega millionaires and billionaires who failed their way to success, learning important lessons from every mistake and failure. The question is how you respond—and in personal finance, at what point in time you consciously decide to make smarter decisions. If now is your time, we can help. Welcome to "no judgment" financial advice and planning.
I'm Cary Stamp with Cary Stamp and Company, and there's one place where I happen to like their motto and their mission... and that's Planet Fitness. Why do I like Planet Fitness? Because they have a judgment-free zone.
It doesn't matter if you look like a supermodel or you look like a middle-aged guy that should probably lose a few pounds. Well, you can go to Planet Fitness and supposedly nobody's going to make any judgments about how you look or how you work out or anything else. It's just good that you've gotten there and that you're making the effort.
The same is true about financial planning. And I want to tell you that at Cary Stamp and Company, we don't judge either. It doesn't matter if you have an enormous portfolio or you're just getting started, we have financial advisors that work with people at all levels. You don't have to have millions of dollars to come in and talk to us.
There's never a reason for someone to feel embarrassed or feel like they're going to be criticized or judged because of the financial decisions that they've made. And I find that a lot of people are apologetic when they first come in and say, "I know that I've done some things wrong, but I'm just tired of doing things wrong." That moment should come sooner rather than later in your financial lives.
So if you're worried that going to a financial advisor is going to cause you to be judged, maybe make you look inexperienced, maybe they're going to talk down to you, I will assure you that's not going to happen under my watch. I'm Cary Stamp with Cary Stamp and Company and we don't judge either.
#Recovering_from_financial_mistakes #Financial_failure_breeds_success #No_Judgment_Financial_Advice