"Our Society is Collapsing!" - Absurd Mindset Making Everybody Lose Their Minds | Konstantin Kisin

"Our Society is Collapsing!" - Absurd Mindset Making Everybody Lose Their Minds | Konstantin Kisin

Tom Bilyeu

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@ediddysmith2500 - 21.04.2024 22:07

Ray Dalio is all about control, he loves how China controls the people, their money and their family life .

@Crypto_Bird - 23.04.2024 16:22


@neosandi6 - 27.04.2024 14:58

history DON'T HAVE THE SAM TECHONLOGY , only same people

A politician is the person who will send you to the place where the sun doesn't shine, and you will not be able to wait to start your journey.

P.S. but he speaks the truth


@neosandi6 - 27.04.2024 15:00

ps. I don't have children , and not planing to have

@johnnysylvia - 29.04.2024 21:34

Just more reactionary nonsense. He's articulate but all he's doing is repeating right wing talking points to people who are already inclined to that sort of thinking. Not really helpful to anyone.

@juliantaylor87 - 30.04.2024 16:29

Tom is the perfect example of somebody very educated but yet so dumb. All these conversations have already been had by people that have actually spent the time to understand them. There are no new ideas or perspective. Tom is the unfunny version of the comedy spheres Andrew Schultz.

@marcosvidal4940 - 03.05.2024 00:41

Has anyone noticed that the US culture consists of saying that anything good is USA, and anything bad is "the world" or at least "the West"?
--Example of talking about something "bad"--They will NOT say "the USA is collapsing", they only will say "the world/West is collapsing"

@TransGurl.VrilX.1488 - 05.05.2024 07:24

You're not seriously trying to blame all the worlds problems on transsexuals. You cannot be serious.

@marcoaurelio8058 - 05.05.2024 20:19


There's an old Groucho Marx joke: " I wouldn't wanna be part of a club that would have someone like me as a member." that is more ironic than funny, and that is where Tom Bilyeu resides these days. I admire Tom and his wife immensely so far. Actions, not words. And I am not sure he understands that the irony is that you would LOVE to be part of a club that would elevate your status; which makes Tom a seal swimming with sharks. I wrote in support of the Iraq war, and you would think the president himself handed me the talking points that would BRAINWASH the USEFUL IDIOTS like myself. All genocidal scholars would cringe listening to this guy when he spoke for FOUR SECONDS about the "issue in Gaza." They would recognize the language of dehumanization of the Palestinians immediately. Yet, Tom missed this when he talked to Sam Harris and Dr. Peterson, and he missed talking to this guy. He missed a subliminal message: "There's no Palestine." Nothing to see here.

Thank you for speaking for millions and millions of people and EDUCATING us on the real reason we STAND WITH PALESTINE. I thought I was angry with the DISREGARD Israel has for HUMAN BEINGS named Palestinians and Arabs.
I thought I was angry with a six-year-old child watching her entire family SHOT DEAD BY SOLDIERS and calling 911 for help while the IDF SOLDIERS WATCHED HER. LISTENED TO HER FOR HOURS. ALLOWED paramedics to come only to kill the paramedics and WALK TO A 6-year-old CHILD AND KILL HER IN COLD BLOOD.

I was sure that was the reason I was angry at THESE MONSTERS. ABOUT DANIA ABU MUHSEN, who went to sleep and woke up WITHOUT A FATHER, MOTHER, SIBLINGS, AND ONE OF HER LEG and that COULD HAVE COME TO BE INTERVIEWED BY TOM BILYEU years from now when she became a doctor. But WAS KILLED IN A HOSPITAL BED by the israelis. CONVALESCING IN A HOSPITAL. THEY BOMBED A HOSPITAL.

I sincerely thought it was what went against MY PRINCIPLES, and yet Sam Harris said that it was because of anti-Semitism. Dr. Peterson called us MISGUIDED, and this person says it is because we are anti-America. Two powerful words and a suggestion were used by the israelis to TORTURE the Palestinians for 72 years: antisemitism, complex, and EDUCATE. Which comes down to NOTHING TO SEE HERE. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
I will never forget Sam Harris's words: " Islam is the mother of all bad ideas." while ignoring that ALL RELIGIONS are the same. The Bible is not to be taken literally, but that same RESPECT is not offered to Islam. Why?

@Jester123ish - 09.05.2024 08:10

Bathrooms are this, you use the bathroom that is designated for your biology, not your 'gender', this way women's bathrooms are enforceably safe against males pretending to be trans, which is the greater threat. It aligns with accepted current practice, and acknowledges that your biology is what matters as far as bathrooms are concerned, as is obvious if you are going to use a urinal in the normal manner.

@nu1x - 18.05.2024 05:45

"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and it's fighting done by fools."
Apparently --Thucydides ~400 B.C.

@nu1x - 18.05.2024 06:04

Communism / "Socialism" -- "To each according to their greed, from each according to their disability".
I grew up in Soviet Union. Would you believe that it always happens like that ? Communism just appeals to peoples laziness and irrational greed (gimme that I need it, but look, I'm an invalid i can't work now gimme that allowance).

@blankfirer - 21.05.2024 21:45

Interesting, but who wears a hat indoors!? Never understood that. I found it easy to listen to konstantin however, drifted off halfway through the hosts overly long winded response, unfortunately.

@Cole_McWilliams - 22.05.2024 23:59

I thought the discussion about defining masculinity/femininity and how the alpha wolf pecking order plays out was very insightful and brought a few questions to my mind. Which wolf is a more pure representation of masculinity? The smaller cunning alpha wolf or the larger aggressive wolf? Does the alpha represent the peak of masculinity just by definition, or is it the case that an alpha will have a more balanced blend of masculine and feminine traits? There is definitely a case to be made for either wolf, and it depends entirely on how we define masculinity. Right now my impression is that the alpha represents a synergistic blend of masculine and feminine characteristics/temperaments which help it to be a better leader. The brute wolf would then be a better representation of masculinity even though that doesn’t well translate into leadership skills. Interesting to think about

@connmanduff - 23.05.2024 08:14

Interesting conversation wondering why so much hate is here in the comments for Tom's methodology you lot need to chill out and maybe grow as a human to have what they last spoke about in society

@immortanjoe808 - 01.06.2024 20:02

Man this guy talks alot. Maybe formulate what your going to say before you start speaking.😮

@Spacenow869 - 04.06.2024 01:07

Issue with each generation is choosing his own path is that each generation needs to have base knowledge where they start from. If you grow up with your brain is blank there you will not even know that there is any path and not knowing where to end up. I found myself in position where I knew nothing. That is why I could not move and get things done. I simply did not know what things to be done are. Everybody needs basic underpinning to live. Otherwise you are stuck. That is happening now. Education is removed from people's lives. People simply know nothing.. Other then Kardashians family. Even that is inadequate. Even here they do not know or appreciate the skill those people have for being famous to be famous and get wealthy. Their fans have no clue.

@stephenandrew8387 - 05.06.2024 17:15

That woke soy boy is in for a real surprise when reality kicks in, he doesn’t seem to listen to anything Konstanin says. His Marxist view is utterly idiotic.

@cq6813 - 08.06.2024 02:50

Agree some pro Palestinian protest is pure anti American position. That said many are not. America is hugely misaligned on values by siding and arming Genocide. If America is anti ethnic cleaning then it is on the Palestinian side. Iran maybe using Hamas, but that does not mean that innocent people need to be butchered using American weapons, money and technology. not why i pay my taxes. There is more gray area than just with or against America. My city is roughly 70k people imagining half of them dead or even half my family dead because we all live next to each other is really scary yall. What the hell. Don't butcher human people Palestinians from the sky like cows.

@jk-sd6qc - 11.06.2024 13:41

Mental sex is not as vague of a characteristic as some people make it out to be. For me, the most striking indicators are writing style and interests, and I bet a specifically trained transformer network could guess gender based on these with considerable accuracy. Advertisers today analyze browsing habits, purchase history, and social media activity and can achieve accuracy rates over 80%.
Thinking is naturally more variable than physical characteristics, but there are nevertheless themes in thinking that are reinforced by our biology. I have yet to see a trans woman that convincingly presents a female mind. While it takes more time to understand someone's mind, given enough information, being unable to identify someone's sex might be as rare as misidentifying their sex based on physical characteristics.

@defface777 - 14.06.2024 04:25

comment section checks out

@loring5784 - 22.06.2024 10:07

I completely condone talking to yourself, but setting up a camera and inviting a friend over to watch you do it is where I have to draw the line.

@CindyPayne-q1w - 26.06.2024 05:32

All I see is 2 dudes being mouths of a bigger beast thats lurking under the sea... Of all the heads it has, it does get slain in the end. Despite their willful blindness of this truth and the truths foretold paints the picture of what side they represent. Though they have utterly nothing in common politically, they serve the very same dark master that they obviously fell victim to. It's sad so many people no nothing of reality and they in turn become victims and die along with people like these 2. Build on ROCK instead of the sands of the earth.

@JohnTsakalidis-q6i - 11.07.2024 07:52


@likeyou1902 - 20.07.2024 02:35

What a rubbish host. Telling endless anecdotes without any point or clever insight.

@nancysampson5080 - 25.07.2024 23:41

I disagree. The wars that will happen (through a lack of resources) when there are too many people, will destroy the extra people that would be born anyway.

@arikkatzenberg582 - 27.07.2024 17:57

Obama believes in a multi polar world. He preached that all his life before he became president. He’s been running the Biden administration for the past 4 years. And he expects to run the Harris admin. I don’t know if Obama will invite WW3 but he will definitely give us another Cold War

@peznino1 - 07.08.2024 19:34

Kisin is definitely a woman screaming to get out of a man.

@OscarLimaMike - 10.08.2024 22:01

Tom you sound like a teenager on meth... I have to fast forward through your gibberish

@rmar1957 - 11.08.2024 16:20

Gee, ya think it's collapsing? It's being taken down like a Controlled demolition. Its been in the works so long that generations of people have gotten used to it... It's just rolling faster along. There are milestone years. 1913. 1917. 1939, 1945, 1963. 2001 was one most of us remember. 2020 & 2021 are another 2. 2030 &2050 are future milestone years. The people are SO dependent on their owners like farm animals that they would never consider doing anything radical to ensure their continued free survival. Some are, but they are few. Also, people have been atomized.

@JaySon-m4o - 16.08.2024 15:27

It’s pretty simple: they white people.

@AM1465 - 19.08.2024 03:16


@thomasj4370 - 20.08.2024 03:55

It is one thing being in the state of self inflicted immaturity. That’s how we are born. But Kisin is embracing his inability to reflect on anything he is using to construct his pathologic world map. More so–his entire model would collapse if there were any allowance to put any piece of it in question. He’s propagating a hermetic incapsulated construct which is elevated on clay pillars founded on cherrypicked decontextualized data, made up “facts” and a lot of hidden faith in plain sight. But hey, I only watched a little over one hour. Maybe he turns into something real at the end? But I will never know. Some day he could happily live together in a community with Jordan “Pee Pee” Peterson and other premium thinkers from the dark intellectual web. Well at least he’s speaking a well pronounced English, so I–as non native dude–could enjoy education on the language no matter the message.

@jimcuifolo1898 - 21.08.2024 21:19

two imbeciles

@glennwoo08 - 22.08.2024 11:07

1st time watcher & gotta say... It be real nice if the interviewer would stfu and let his guest speak. We get it, you're deathly afraid of offending anyone or the algorithim. The guest is what I came to see & hear, let him cook.

@arturobandini792 - 22.08.2024 18:38

Has Trump been strong on the geopolitical stage or is that more perception than reality? I would have liked to hear evidence for that claim. I agree that Russia and China are tearing down the known order of the world but I think Trump is one of the worst choices as President to oppose them

@thedoubtfuls - 26.08.2024 08:50

kisin, the foucaultian power theory is an ugly way to think abt the world, and please dont transpose this 'care for power' on to us non-westerners, as if we are moral illiterates, when the west has dominated the world by sword, the US flouts intl laws /regs all the time, all the while declaring christianity the exclusive path to god, and now wokeness is the exclusive path to inclusivity. ive met arabs, africans, malays, thais, chinese, indians, all have deep rooted moral concepts from their cultures, and wonder at western values and force-politics today. i like u, but pls stop it.

@theexile6605 - 27.08.2024 20:23

When it comes to things that American elites care about, they are perfectly willing to exercise all the power necessary to protect it. A classic example is that while anti-Israel protesters were allowed to block bridges freely they were under no circumstances allowed anywhere near the fabulous MET Gala in NYC where the wealthy celebrities cavorted and pranced about.

@rachelh9314 - 06.09.2024 18:01

Why do we have to pick between different assholes to rule over us? Why can’t we collectively choose rulers with integrity

@rachelh9314 - 06.09.2024 18:14

Seems like the systems most ppl value need to be shifted away from monetary gain to valuing integrity and honor…let’s stop devaluing what and who we are!

@akichler - 08.09.2024 07:45

Tom just can't get his mind wrapped around being a powerful man. He's got to soften everything up to make it feel good for himself. And he is trying to be an influencer I cannot project any power at all. Your feelings are not a result of anything but you're thinking. If you're living a life properly you're living life I overeat intellect over emotion you have a thought you take actions on your thought and then you have a feeling of as a result of your thinking and your acting the feelings never come first they never come second they always come last even though they happen so fast you cannot realize it. And focusing on what you're feeling instead of what you're thinking and acting like is what's going to make America collapse.

@akichler - 08.09.2024 08:41

Tom is crazy! He has been totally feminized. I've never heard a man talk about his feelings so much. Feelings are not facts they are the results of your thinking and your actions. They are not indicators of anything they change from moment to moment to moment. The world does not care what you feel only cares what you think and what you do. I don't know how this young man got so messed up.

@akichler - 08.09.2024 17:16

Konstantin, you have the patience of job. Unfortunately I got to stop listening to this thing I'm 2 hours and 33 minutes into this podcast and the constant dribble coming out of Tom's mouth is ridiculous and you being able to sit there calmly and listen to all his nonsense call thinking. What is why I love listening to you on podcasts. I hope you enjoy great success and I will be listening to you in the future because I love somebody that has a common sense knowledge and not is not afraid to say it. So have a great day!

@N0THlNG-2-C-H3R3 - 12.09.2024 16:23

To play devils advocate opposed to freedom, Socrates was against democracy because he didn’t believe that the mass’s as a whole was smart enough and responsible enough to be able to manage itself. Maybe this is what the globalist think. I don’t want them to be right. But still, you need the freedom of ideas to have the diversity of invention that America has been blessed with.

@akichler - 20.09.2024 22:48

Constantine is not aggressive Tom is super feminine he was obviously raised by a single mother and he's more worried about what he's feeling than what he's thinking and that is a very dangerous place for a man to be at.

@marioconnell114 - 01.10.2024 17:04

Im exhausted by Tom Remained llistening as i love Konstantine but jeez thing its lucky he is so emotionally detached or he might have thrown a bucket of water over Tom to reel him in

@TomBilyeu - 24.10.2023 06:48

WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
