BEST PRO TIPS For World of Tanks Console - Wot Console Guide

BEST PRO TIPS For World of Tanks Console - Wot Console Guide

Eclipse - World Of Tanks

2 года назад

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@timdolan4363 - 16.01.2024 06:31

Great video! Signed, the noob

@collinspann5018 - 26.07.2023 01:16

How do you have your settings set to have that screen? My HUD doesn’t look like that

@paulzulu34 - 11.07.2023 18:51

Names of tanks mean very little to me. It would help if I knew what country makes it. It would also help if I knew how to find the weakness in them. I’ve also used heavy tanks like the Amx, and caerentan and have had horrible luck. Their cannons don’t do dick against a level 9,10 and I get blown to bits in the first minute

@raresshaham2164 - 27.06.2023 22:25

Do not play WOT! No matter how good you are , how much you grind , the game will always make you play with more advanced players , so you will pay more and play more , it’s same old joke of a game

@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 - 28.02.2023 13:14

I STILL do NOT use Stupid Premmunition! What can I do?

@mastert4303 - 22.02.2023 16:27

It's been some time since I've been on but started playing again, I've forgotten how to spot the enemy? Can someone please tell me thanks...

@purpleaki1748 - 28.01.2023 17:35

Your basically the quickybaby for console, rule britannia Britain 🇬🇧

@FORDKAULANA - 12.12.2022 13:11

Dude am pro old school tanks but still silver and gold Tanks IV

@greench3923 - 05.12.2022 01:37

DONT STAND STILL WHEN U SEE THE LIGHT, I hate the artillery players most they usually target me for what reason I don't know (I'm not in the front or only revealed one or low on health) and 1shoting my tier 5 tanks with 450 Hp

@dot2562 - 01.12.2022 17:56

Who cares about win rates, its about having fun,

@Griff4569 - 09.11.2022 04:00


@tylerlawrence1997 - 03.10.2022 23:26

If you play as a particular tank, you'll get a pretty good idea of how to counter and kill them

Treat gold rounds like the tungsten rounds from world war II. Only use them when absolutely necessary.

@huh8662 - 04.09.2022 01:17

I just hug the side of the map & pick off the unsuspecting.

@joebob8477 - 21.07.2022 18:51

Telling people to use premium ammo is a horrible tip to make you better at this game. It will make you worse unless you only fire premium ammo, then you might be a little better but also broke in real life.

@joebob8477 - 21.07.2022 18:49

“ I don’t have many tips but just buy premium and join a clan”

@clintonclay3158 - 11.05.2022 17:53

I've been on a long run of bad beats again. Last time I quit playing for 2 weeks 😩

@anonymousprepper1463 - 18.04.2022 07:47

I need a clan on ps4 new player northern_noun4

@danbriggs3106 - 25.03.2022 11:12

thank god for this !!!! this helped what my personal life and gaming life struggles was stressed out on for years ..thank god thank god i needed to understand this !!!

@thart1338 - 23.03.2022 04:57

Hella ppl need this

@UnderDog748 - 23.03.2022 00:08

Lol I wish I could play with proper aim my controller drifts up every time I try to hit the lower plate or kapola lmfao fml

@ryanbirch5141 - 22.03.2022 05:27

The issue I have with one of your tips is that I find when asking people I could improve I’m met with “get good” or silly comments, would love to find people who are fairly new to the game and would wanna grind up ranks together, other than that, love the video mate!!

@joelombardo5396 - 20.03.2022 18:54

How do you handle the lemming run?

@jklew9486 - 20.03.2022 15:30

STOP BLAMMING YOUR TEAM- this is essential if you really want to improve.
Figure out what you could have done better. Every single game! Be honest with yourself

@TheClblflame79 - 20.03.2022 03:00

You are much better off learning tank weak points than loading all premium ammunition. Gold ammo is no substitute for skill. I'm sorry but I am going to have to disagree with you. You will never get better at this game if you are constantly running with only gold ammo.

@theprodigy4986 - 19.03.2022 17:59

It doesn't matter you can give people tips all you want the problem was soon as they release seasons they were given away free tier 10 tanks that's what ruined this game

@jasonschmidt5534 - 19.03.2022 17:48

I know everyone may not appreciate this tip or idea but I find when I am playing too aggressive I do jum into an arty to force myself to be patient. Then go back to standard tanks I I seem to play better.

@piketfi8139 - 19.03.2022 12:49

Totally agree, I was rocking an overall win rate of 60% on two Chinese light tanks (T62 and the T62 Dragon ) for the red tiger light tank event, then I decided to also play some T10 heavies for the mercenaries event…. What a mistake, swapping back n forth between these totally different tanks quickly lowered my win rate on the lights down to 52%. Have now stopped playing the T10 heavies and my win rate on the Chinese lights is creeping back up slowly. So that’s my weakness, I can’t easily adjust back n forth. Upon reflection I became far too aggressive with the light tanks, realising and admitting where I went wrong is the next step in my evolution as a player ( rather than blame the team for my mistakes )

@m_m_m_beer8917 - 19.03.2022 08:57

I would suggest not using premium rounds in order to get better or just use them sparingly. Don't use consumables either. Think of them as cheats. Not relying on them will force you to become a better player.
Win/loss rates and stars on barrels doesn't necessarily mean that you are facing a superior player. When everyone on the enemy team consistently focuses on killing your tank, regardless of what tier you are or what class of tank you are in or your position on the map, that is when you know they consider you to be the threat.
It isn't about whether you think you are a good player or not. What matters is what does the enemy team think of you.

@yongkuanquek2365 - 19.03.2022 08:51

Not true. There are many players who purposely played to lose and harass the team in any battle. Wargaming should ban these account. Xiaobai_8 harass own team arty by blocking and pushing. Iplayedtolose24x7 harass own team light tanks by blocking and shooting them before running away to direct own team from battling enemy tanks.

@tankranksyt - 19.03.2022 00:42

This really helped It will probably help 4 pc to since Im creating content there and puttin in hard work. I love your vids and youre my go to wot youtouber rn. Stay on the grind💯

@likethatlake - 19.03.2022 00:34

I’m hurting for silver

@dannyguzman4557 - 19.03.2022 00:09


@kenwood7656 - 18.03.2022 23:49

In 2022 WOTC is a pay to win game. Premium time, Premium tanks, Premium ammo. You pay you get better results. I have given up trying to be better, l know l am a 4th Division player coming up against 1st Division players. I can't remember weak spots and l have no control over WG's MM, RNG and constant 're buffs' l would advise playing a Tier you enjoy despite WG's efforts to stop you.

@Bogtical - 18.03.2022 23:20

My top tip and it will make you the best you can be at the game......USE THE EXTENDED MAP AND NOT THE ZOOMED IN VERSION.....AND ACTUALLY LOOK AT IT.
There job done you have now become 100% better at the game commander

@ghettostreamlabs5724 - 18.03.2022 23:03

Want better results? Learn how to read the mini-map. Learn when to push and when to sit tight. Have patience. It takes some people 5K games to learn, others still haven't learned after 20K games.

@benjaminlopez8103 - 18.03.2022 23:01

Learn the weak points that’s essential
My game play have improved a lot since I start watching your videos thanks for taking your time to teach us how to get better at the game

@liamlockett1411 - 18.03.2022 21:57

My tip is don't fire gold, it makes you a worse player because it makes you less knowledgeable about tanks armour profiles and weakspots. Learn about the tanks you'll be fighting.

@oneseventytwo3260 - 18.03.2022 21:47

with the war going on IRL im not for spending anymore on a Russian company is it just me who is a little bothered by it?

@marlonsnow8548 - 18.03.2022 21:43

Any Tips für panther 2?

@justing8313 - 18.03.2022 21:38

1. Focus light tanks to reduce enemy vision and overall bee swarming of slow heavies and tanks without turrets
2. Find where enemy arty is shooting from and let friendly arty know to shoot them asap.
I see so many matches go sideways quick because the team lets lights swarm all over and light the team up without consequence. Id bet 80% of my losses are due to these two points along with my average gameplay😅

@markhewitt4307 - 18.03.2022 21:24

Can I suggest a tip or 2? When the match begins, don't sit there looking around at each other for 2 minutes. Or better yet, on CW... don't be a heavy and try to snipe across the map. If your a light, go out and scout. Seen alot of this the past month at least. In summary, do the job of the tank you are in.

@opthrasher8258 - 18.03.2022 21:17

Wg needs be hell of a lot more “newbie friendly” when it comes to new players, biggest issues is new players shouldn’t be learning in Cold War. Ww2 is where they should start and actually learn tank types and not Cold War tanks, filled with new players and bots

@shadowxhero4953 - 18.03.2022 21:15

For first time players, a nice solid TD to go for is the T110E4, I got mine literally a hour before this video came out and it’s a beast of a tank.

About gold ammo, don’t use it all the time and try to actually use the regular ammo your tank can use instead. Not saying don’t use gold ammo, but don’t get so hooked on it your skills begin relying on it so much.

@robertolaciana - 18.03.2022 21:04

