Pass your K-1 Fiancé Visa interview! Former Visa Officer shares their tips

Pass your K-1 Fiancé Visa interview! Former Visa Officer shares their tips

Argo Visa

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@alexschofield944 - 29.04.2021 21:02

Great video. I started working in data protection just over a year ago coming from a legal background. Started as a DP Assistant with a large company and now work as a DP manager in the public sector. Completely agree that the best thing to do is to listen to, and learn from, those around you doing the job. I do want to progress onto one of the DP qualifications mentioned in the future, is there a preferred one or do they both carry equivalent weight in your opinion?

@sanyogeetagaekwad2596 - 29.04.2021 21:58

I am following you very strongly... looking forward more learnings!

@KirkpatrickSounds - 08.06.2021 12:00

Great insight. Personally came from a legal background, went into some small legal assistant roles then eventually into info compliance audit -> records manager -> DPO. There's lots of growth opportunities in the public sector in particular.

@SergeDPO - 25.06.2021 18:12

The best content on starting a career as dpo 👍 cheers

@adarshnigam5049 - 26.10.2021 06:06

Hi I am from technical background can I do this data privacy career?

@victoriavictoria9134 - 25.03.2022 13:22

Thank you for making these videos! I work in data management on the process side but want to move into a DPM role.

@10hp88 - 25.03.2022 15:41

Low energy forcing people to subscribe .next

@zeynepbalc6029 - 05.07.2022 21:55

Great video! I am from Turkey and working as an in-house data protection lawyer in a global company where located all over the world. I would like to work in Europe but do not sure how to go forward. Is there any eligibility requirement that registration in a relevant countries’ bar for instance? Where should I start to enhance my knowledge? Is is enough to get certificate from CIPP/EU or is there any different recommendation for aliens? I will also consider to transfer to Europe within my company but still some questions as I’ve asked… Many thanks in advance for your reply!

@Cybersecdebut - 24.02.2023 19:02

Thanks for sharing your insights. Has the apprenticeship been launched yet?

@stephenhampshire202 - 30.03.2024 02:39

What a load of waffle!

@anthoniaomotolalasilo6169 - 09.07.2024 02:15

Hi, you mentioned that you are working on Data protection apprenticeship. Is it running at the moment as I’d really love to be a part of it. Thanks very much

@michaelbarnabas6355 - 19.08.2024 14:17

Great video... Please do you think someone without a legal background can function properly as a Data Protection Officer even after sitting for the CIPP/E exam?

@cazzi1929 - 17.10.2024 15:48

Just finished my degree in international relations and I don't have any data protection experience (except from my dissertation). I'm about to start a part-time masters in Law and Technology and will probably do a CIPP/E alongside it. Does anyone have any tips for recent graduates on how to get experience?

@deanjacobie5398 - 17.10.2024 16:36

Hi my garage was broken into they stole £15000 of my fishing equipment in an enterprise van the police won't help even with witnesses and cctv how do I get a name and address from the
4th September 2024 in
HS24 SXM enterprise van sutton Surrey
