Tesla Full Self Driving (FSD) vs Heavy Construction Zone

Tesla Full Self Driving (FSD) vs Heavy Construction Zone

Iowa Tesla Guy

7 месяцев назад

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@cbiderman - 24.08.2024 16:44

I'll be sold on FSD when you go through the construction at night in a thunderstorm! :)

@anthonymorgan1445 - 24.08.2024 19:27

I have v3 and will be waiting a while I think.

@DanFrederiksen - 24.08.2024 19:39

yeah even though the right lane where they are working is kind of open at times you want to avoid that. that's just understood. it caught Cruise that got stuck in wet cement.
that's probably one of the more difficult ambiguous decisions to make

@lawsnewton - 24.08.2024 21:32

Why aren't the traffic cones showing up in the FSD Rendering?
Guessing it may be nerf'd to lower the detection of objects types.

@RogerWilsonTodd - 24.08.2024 22:24

Able to test without a lead car and at night?

@genelane2243 - 24.08.2024 23:31

FSD does a great job of 'follow the leader'. Go back through that construction zone again with no lead car and see what happens!

@traetenstockman3177 - 25.08.2024 01:29

What is supper impressive is FSD 12.3.6 handling all the construction on the I-80 and first ave intersection in Coralville, I think you should do that. The map isn’t updated, there’s a plethora of cones and you switch sides of the road because of the diverging diamonds and FSD has handled it like a pro every time I’ve gone through it.

@johnchristopher7697 - 27.08.2024 16:14

Great video Jim!

@rioriggs3568 - 28.09.2024 19:11

This is not an edge case at all... Perfect weather, clear marking (lines)/concrete barrier on one side of the road and multiple cones on the other. FSD could have navigated through this route years ago.
