What Happened To Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines?

What Happened To Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines?

JoBlo Horror Originals

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@jasongaines7284 - 27.01.2025 02:44

T2 & Jurassic Park are Magic in a Bottle,everything came together perfectly Writing,Directing,Budget, and Special Effects there walk off grand slams.

T3 was a great movie just not a cult classic.

@beenjammin6216 - 28.01.2025 19:00

This video clip sucks

@IzzySoDope - 01.02.2025 22:23

Collateral damage, end of days and the 6th day were good movies

@wutaguy - 03.02.2025 20:01

The game Terminator Resistance is the T3 we should've gotten tbh. Love that game.

@aurozappa305 - 04.02.2025 09:14

This movie was a pile of shit

@haruruben - 04.02.2025 16:12

T3 is the Gremlins 2 of terminator movies

@Warrior84-cg - 05.02.2025 22:49

T3 was a joke I was fuming leaving the cinema

@Canberrapool - 06.02.2025 09:29

I didnt mind T3

@warreng675 - 11.02.2025 17:58

Arnold Schwarzenegger says, he does'nt want to be digitally enhanced. Gets digitally enhanced in Terminator Salvation
Linda Hamilton says, she does'nt want to be in a sequel with James Cameron. Plays Sarah Conor in Terminator Dark Fate

@ranulf8477 - 14.02.2025 00:22

I just finished reading the script T3 Rise of the machines, 2. draft 1997 from Tedi Sarafian. And its just so much better than what we actual got. No stupid humor, only a few cool gags but the overall atmosphere is exactly like in Terminator 2 with a load of amazing new ideas. This script was so much superior than the one they took for T3 in 2003. If you have nothing else to do you can search for the script and read it by yourself.

@TrevorStevenson-u1j - 16.02.2025 13:33

T3 was terrible.
But why was it still fun to watch?

@TrevorStevenson-u1j - 16.02.2025 13:41

Is the TX non-binary or they/them?

@akbarshabazz-jenkins7847 - 17.02.2025 08:03

This guy says "nuclear" like Gene Hackman lol

@marvhollingworth663 - 18.02.2025 15:47

I like all of the Terminator franchise, but obviously you can't match James Cameron's level of brilliance. I didn't like some of the casting in Genysis, but T3 didn't have problems like that. The only real criticism I have is the end. I didn't like that Judgement Day happened when I 1st saw it, but that's grown on me. It seems a strange thing to say when the world ended, but I just think it was a bit anticlimactic. The last part of the film has the 2 remaining stars in a bunker with nowt happening to them. The TX also went down too easily after what it took to kill the T1000, but at least this makes sense in universe. We were told a T1000 can't make guns because they have moving parts. Skynet decided an anti-terminator terminator needed to be able to make guns so a solid endoskeleton was required.

@Magikarp-4ever - 19.02.2025 07:28

T3 is like yeah, ain't so bad anymore am I? 😁😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 It used to be so hated

@swgord - 19.02.2025 19:04

I liked it only cause I was 8 or 9 when it came out

@WhatsUpGazpacho - 21.02.2025 01:39

I hated T3 at the time. I saw somebody say 'remember when there weren't any bad Terminator movies and how we thought these would be good?' or something

@Madanth0ny - 22.02.2025 01:02

If furlong was able to return T3 would have been even better

@Madanth0ny - 22.02.2025 01:09

I still will never understand how Digital effects got worse as time went on

@James-pb4nv - 25.02.2025 11:04

It’s way to overhated, my head cannon is that teriminator 4 is the last one. I really enjoyed 3, not as much as 1 and 2 tho, but I still liked it

@stephen-ng - 27.02.2025 07:21

Unpopular opinion: I like Genesys and Salvation for their future settings.

@jonahgriedel168 - 28.02.2025 15:39

We didn't realize how much shittier they could have gotten.

@I_AM_BAYTOR - 01.03.2025 00:12

T3 was bad and its fans are dumb.

@MrJarlaxle23 - 01.03.2025 12:10

I finally watched this for the first time like 5 yrs ago... And the whole thing was so cringe, the plot so totally ludicrous on so many levels... Calling this movie hot garbage would be a compliment... Zero redeeming qualities...I honestly am stunned anyone has anything nice to say about it.

@CykoAcharya777 - 03.03.2025 21:05

Ma'am KLoken still OP terminatrix till date, my childhood crush 😂😅❤❤

@kg21bestpf94 - 03.03.2025 22:57

Just like most movies they got worst each sequel...Terminator 1 is the apex in the series.

@midwestguy1983 - 07.03.2025 07:36

It was nowhere near as good as the first two, but in its own right, it was a great film. I didn't start disliking Terminator until the fourth one.

@Dr.SamLoomis - 10.03.2025 02:30

T3 somehow looks like a made for TV movie. It had a huge budget, yet it looks so cheap.

@NitroNEXT - 10.03.2025 07:41

This is wrong. Cameron did want to make a T3. He made T2:3D and talked about a third film.

@Randolo10 - 11.03.2025 01:24

T3 another would’ve could’ve movie better than dark date though

@justinfreney3740 - 11.03.2025 04:42

The 1st minute an a half of commentary on this video was more entertaining than the entire rise of the machines movie. Haha 😂

@gsvirusreloaded - 11.03.2025 10:19

Cameron Xwife: I'd buy that with a dollar!!!

@Flixartist - 12.03.2025 04:19

Imagine… “Ang Lee’s Terminator.” Missed opportunity imo

@kandoo1316 - 12.03.2025 10:23

End of Days & Last Action Hero were both better than this Terminator

@stuartmitchell1908 - 12.03.2025 19:42

As a Terminator film it's not upto scratch. Lokren is good tho, and it's a good film on it's own

@ion1984 - 13.03.2025 08:30

this is my favorite one - I think this is such a great movie. Its the perfect ending - has ALL the great action. I think its a good compliment to T2... I get all kinds of downvotes every time I mention it online, but I think this was the best one.

@eduardo_guzman11 - 14.03.2025 23:03

i liked this movie a lot. the hate it gets is just fake hate

@handyrams4822 - 15.03.2025 04:28

I enjoyed T3 better than Genysis and Dark Fate.

@montewright111 - 15.03.2025 19:50

They went for cheesecake and jokes.

@scannaunderscore1 - 16.03.2025 02:07

Was it meant to be a parody or comedy? That's what it felt like.

@mro4ts457 - 16.03.2025 19:40

I thought T3 was still pretty good,
One of my favorite scenes in the whole series is when they actually show Skynet taking over the military.

This whole movie is just as good, if not better than any Terminator movie released since

@batman88ironman - 17.03.2025 05:27

Its my 3rd favorite Terminator movie. It had to much silliness and comedy moments and that really was the main issue but also Terminator works best as a horror first movie

@pucknorris3473 - 18.03.2025 07:08

Furlong was the secret sauce no one ever figured that out… that’s why all the other films failed… he was a kid in a rated R movie that was just too cool

@pucknorris3473 - 18.03.2025 07:12

They market the crow all wrong
Just call it a kung fu zombie movie instead of trying to outdo the first one point out the obvious point that no one caught in the first one…it’s a kung fu zombie revenge movie.
You could have the island boys as bad guys as long as the lead actor did his own Stunts it could be anybody.

@LSUfan - 18.03.2025 10:07

Good movie!
