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Such a shame, clearly very ill mentally, she’s had been through so much, then losing her child .
ОтветитьIt's so tragic that she agreed to be interviewed by this hack. He is such a fraud and is obviously not trying to help her, he only wants the publicity that this interview will bring.
ОтветитьThis is incredibly hard to hear. She was brave to do this on film.
ОтветитьPoor Sinead...This is heartbreaking..
ОтветитьIs it the parent she misses? Or the love she desperately wanted? All round, such a sad story, so sad.
ОтветитьI never realized but Sinead looks like her mother
ОтветитьShe should have done a family constellation (Bert Hellinger) 💛
ОтветитьJe l'aime bien Sinéad O Connor.❤
ОтветитьWhere was the community to support her family. It is appalling how capitalistic governments greedily encourage procreation (and even more-so those those that have the audacity to then limit freedom of choice, contraception!) but then do virtually nothing to provide wrap around life-long supports to vulnerable families. Appalling!
ОтветитьFor most jobs in life you need some sort of a certificate. Finished primary school, or high school, or uni, or a trade certificate, or a driver's license, or something.
Parenting is the only job that doesn't require one. People shag, kids are born, and then for many a nightmarish existence begins. That just ain't right. Far too many psychos get away with atrocities just because we, as a society, have collectively decided that 'as long as you're only doing it to your family members, that's okay'. Sick.
I wish I had a nice mother. I often see people on the internet saying they love their mothers and I just cant relate to such feelings . I only feel upset and traumatised when I think of mine.l
I often think " Imagine having parents who love you, gosh" .
Its hard in the world because I still expect people to not even like me because I just cant imagine it. Im always suprised when it happens and I imediatel y assume something is wrong with them, it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortabl e so I avoid people who seem to like me.
I will never forgive my mother.. I miss the mother who I never had.
ОтветитьMy angel ❤Rip
ОтветитьPoor Shinade it was so much pain in her music 🫶🏾 but I loved it.
ОтветитьFunny thing about her is she was bashed for ripping up the pope’s picture but she called out the molestion in the church 9 years before it came out rip darling
ОтветитьThat's terrible Dr. Phil. To do this just for ratings is probably the sickest and lowest form of "helping a person".
ОтветитьThe poor woman.
ОтветитьMy heart just broke when she she kept saying my life is terrible terrible terrible..Sinead you've been so kind to all of us with your voice, thank you!
ОтветитьYou can have a ton of friends, be married with children, a good job, house, etc… but the rejection from a parent erases every success, compliment or joy you’ve ever had.
Ответитьher mother literally shattered her psyche
ОтветитьSo sorry you aren't hear to say I feel a bit of your pain. Hugs to you darling.
ОтветитьWhy would she miss her mother if she literally said she’s evil and she’s glad she’s dead …?
ОтветитьHer mother is innocent. She is cray cray .
Ответитьshe was an awe inspiring lady
ОтветитьCan't believe she's dead and he's alive.
ОтветитьShe is with her mother now, RIP Sinead
ОтветитьIf heaven is so wonderful why are we on earth with so much pain and evil, the biggest
threat to man is man himself which may some day vaporize each other and everything
on the earth surface .
A lot of mothers are resentful and evil and take out their lifes disappoinments on their poor vulnerable helpless innocent children that they brought into the world...in spite of that, in the end sinead oconnor still would tell her own abusive mother that she loves her if she was still here and given 1 minute left...thats some Jesus type ish
ОтветитьHow can you miss someone that didn't even kiss you or showed love to you 😢
ОтветитьJezzzz her mother was a bad bastard im sorry... Sinead your mother must of came from a highly messed up home...
Sinead has clearly the Stockholm syndrome...
I know the feeling
She was a dragon. A force to be reckoned with. She became our hero. She stood for the broken and enslaved. Even for her own mother she wanted to give her mom peace. She was a healer. REST IN PEACEFUL PARADISE.
ОтветитьThis was so powerful ❤️🩹 I rarely cry but this made me cry
ОтветитьIncrivelmente talentosa, Original, mesmo com uma infância, adolescência e vida adulta conturbadas, deixou seu legado...uma voz doce, um olhar profundo e intenso, em todos os sentidos...😢
ОтветитьI think she had schizophrenia. I don't like she was converting to Islam. Will not listen to her music again.
ОтветитьI know exactly what she went through because I suffer the same way
ОтветитьYerin cennet olsun.Ruhuna fatiha.Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.Elhamdulillahi rabbil alemin errahmanirrhim.melikiyevmiddin.iyyekenagbudu ve iyyekenastin.ihtinassital mustakim.siratellezin enamtealeyhim.gayrilmagdubi aleyhim.veladfalin amin..Ne.mutlu sana guzel kadın. Bu kadar aci cekmene odul olarak.Islamla sereflendin.Ebedi kurtuluşa erdin.
ОтветитьI believe all the trauma is what contributed to her health issues.
ОтветитьSinead the complete opposite of her mum, such a shame coming from a broken home.
Speaking of experience I know what it's like my mum is fine but father is not so.
ОтветитьHugs to you sweet heavenly angel. 😢⭐️
ОтветитьI love Sinead. Dr Phil—-definitely a no. Why did she agree to do this interview. Rest in Power Sinead. Your music and being helped my life.
ОтветитьHow horrible not to receive the Love she so rightly deserved. Its Been a Long Journey But Your Suffering is Nearly Over. God Be With You SIster!
ОтветитьSinead was a vulnerable soul and she gave us a gift through her music and her heartaches. She shared these sacred feelings with us.
ОтветитьBlessings, 💞
❤️🔥<=== IN JESUS NAME ====€
ABBA FATHER GOD created the simplest of fabrics (H²O,waters) to sustain ALL forms of life here on earth 🌎
Just as the Jordan and the Euphrates are made of this fabric, so to also are the Bow and the EL-bow
The Bow is a river in the HOLY BIBLE 🎉 HABAKKUK 3:8-10 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-MEN' 🌿
late for the party. god damn, how can a parent damage a kid so much. heartbreaking.
Ответитьin the end, you kind of know what everybody went through their gaze. this was a wonderful woman. I kind of always knew, but I just realize now, the truth is somehow out there, out in the open. whether you can acknowledged it or not. bless her. she was a finest.