I love Barcelona, or Spain for that matter. Working to make the move in 2-3 years from now from the states.
ОтветитьJust spent two months in Barcelona for a gap summer, I'm from the States, and miss it so much already! I visited London while I was abroad and loved it there, a reason could be because I like the work culture there. I loved Barcelona, but I feel like it's more for a holiday, while it does has a good work-life balance, it just depends on what you prioritize. Overall, really good video and in depth details!
ОтветитьGezzz 1800? How can someone live on that 😅 it’s scary. I’m single in London and spend a minimum of 3500 a month I don’t own my flat tho. I love Barcelona for the sunnnn, easy commute, vibe and lower prices.
ОтветитьI’ve lived in both cities and found this interesting but a bit unbalanced, particularly in what it doesn’t consider.
-London has far more parks and green spaces than Barcelona. Citudella is pretty poor and Parque Guell is too out of the way. Apart from that there’s next to nothing.
-Cultural life is far more interesting in London. The best theatre, gigs, more interest groups and most of the new trends start there. You’re at the centre of everything and that’s an amazing feeling and experience.
-The food is much more diverse in London; you can get anything you want and well (I could never find a really decent curry in BCN).
-I didn’t meet anyone on an average salary who could live in the centre of Barcelona! The rents are very high there now and proportionately extreme.
Agree it’s more outdoors and there’s opportunity to do stuff in the water but that really depends on whether you want to do those things or spend endless time on the beach. I do love the city and was very glad to live there but I think there’s a certain type of resident there who thinks everyone’s ideal life is to do the above, when I wanted to be a bit more culturally stimulated (and would rather be in walking in England’s far superior countryside - one of the benefits of rain!)
Thanks a lot! It was really helpful!
ОтветитьSi vienen a vivir a Barcelona o a qualquier lugar de España deben de aprender español.
ОтветитьGreat video! I've lived in London for six years and I keep thinking if I'd like Spain more. The lifestyle you describe sounds so much like what I'd love but then it breaks my heart thinking about actually leaving London. Have you ever had regrets or missed it?
ОтветитьFor Spain, below 12K you dont pay 19%
ОтветитьLos primeros 15.876 euros están exentos de tributación IRPF en 2024 (el salario mínimo vamos). Donde sea que hayas leido lo contrario es mentira. A partir de ahí comienzan los tramos de retención, siempre sabiendo que no se tributa por los primeros 15.876 euros
ОтветитьI agree with everything. I lived in London and in the UK for almost 7 years, and work-life is way better in Spain. Living in London is not really worth it unless you have a good paid job, otherwise you end up living far away from everyone and everything, spending lot of time in the underground, paying lot just one bedroom and not having much time to enjoy. Which in Barcelona due the amazing size of the city and the balance with the mountain and sea, anytime and any day of the week you can enjoy after work. Food is way more great and way better quality in Spain, fruit and veg in London are all from outside and doesn't really taste great, most of it comes frozen and you cab really taste it. in terms of a good balance I would pick Barcelona 100 times more even though I love London, is not for me anymore.
ОтветитьHi , I work in London but live in village outside Southend the pay in London more because of the cost of things is more expensive as you say compared to other parts of the UKit's called the London Weighting also knwon as London Alowance. I'm surprised other cities don't offer anything like this if the cost of living is more expensive there.
ОтветитьWhich city is your favourite?