Giving the Technics SL1200 a Vintage Look

Giving the Technics SL1200 a Vintage Look

SkyFi Audio

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@michaelnorfolk22 - 09.08.2024 18:12

That is sweet!!!

@edd2771 - 09.08.2024 18:17

Very cool. I’ve been hoping for something like this. One question. Will this impact the sprung plinth of the table itself, cause more resonance etc?

@TheBababa420 - 09.08.2024 18:37

Just a humble opinion, I would have built the plinth to accept the OEM dust cover.

@nicktucker4916 - 09.08.2024 18:47

Very nicely done!

@miguelangelmontenegro9939 - 09.08.2024 18:47

The dust cover is necesary, and The 1200 cover is great! , with the dome for the arm cardan.

@trevor245 - 09.08.2024 19:05

Personally not a fan of recessed look.

@jamesminotto8036 - 09.08.2024 19:08

Fernando, will these plinths fit my older Technics, SL 1210 MKII? Thanks. James

@spda242 - 09.08.2024 19:22

Cool mod 👍 will fit awesome with customers looking for oldschool look.

@azoique - 09.08.2024 19:56

Looks fantastic

@MPCTHEXFILES - 09.08.2024 20:21

I can make that for less than 20.00

@bikdav - 10.08.2024 00:27

Your comment was interesting about turntable covers. I never heard my turntable cover making noise while playing.

@toneyisaiah3556 - 10.08.2024 02:39


@Bornlivedie2 - 10.08.2024 02:45

The original "plinth"was part of it's energy dispersion.. this is not a very good idea my hipster matey

@ScottGrammer - 10.08.2024 03:11

Nice! Looks much better!

@ScottGrammer - 10.08.2024 03:13

Will this fit the Audio-Technica knockoffs of the SL-1200, like the AT-LP120XUSB?

@Nadtochy - 10.08.2024 09:43

Looking good!

@TheNorliss - 10.08.2024 10:36

Looks nice. Good that you're going to do other finishes and a cover. What techniques did you use to design the plinth for this Technics?

@mariocassar3117 - 10.08.2024 12:50

Buy the Technics GR2…..the 1200G is not worthed!

@netlogic1ify - 10.08.2024 16:12

Do you have this wood cabinet fitting the SL-1300?

@btsr2553 - 10.08.2024 18:07

Many thanks for this, as always, perfect product presentation. What's about the dust cover? The dust covers are always necessary. It looks great, especially with the black 1210 series. My wife said the 1210G, the black one is her favourite. I'm, sorry, we are a proud owner of a 1200G and two 1210MKII. My father in law owns an 1500. Thanks again. All the best. Servus from Bavaria

@giuseppevitucci4641 - 10.08.2024 23:50

Wow, what a nice looking upgrade. Impressive to say the least.

@philipsharples615 - 11.08.2024 16:54

Why anyone would want to put this turntable in a case is beyond me. As a mobile DJ years ago, I had these turntables in flight cases but ALWAYS removed them so that I could level them up and set them up correctly. They look good without the plinth. NOT FOR ME..

@stefaandecroo6774 - 12.08.2024 12:18

Brilliant Idea. Love it ! Thank You.

@MINECRAFTandSEB - 15.08.2024 23:35

I don't think this looks better what so ever, but to each their own. To me the 1200s advantage is that it does not look dated, the functional design gave it an impressively timeless look.

@Matasky2010 - 04.09.2024 18:49

Looks nice, I've been considering this for my Technics. I'd tweak the design a little- that lip will collect dust in my house. I'd keep the plinth a touch below the level of the top plate, I think it looks better that way. I'd also route the back to accommodate the hinges, I never take the cover completely off. Most people are not going to hear any difference and removing the lid constantly just increases the chances it's going to get damaged/dropped/scratched etc.

@Matasky2010 - 04.09.2024 18:52

Deciding between a silver and black Technics 1200 is one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make in my life LOL!

@DeezY-1119 - 07.09.2024 01:02

I found a woodworker who makes these, and cabinets for preamplifiers & such. Totally gonna have this man make me some cabs for my Black Ice Audio gear.

...and I think this improves the looks of the Technics 'table drastically.

@jaybats7865 - 17.09.2024 19:12

I believe the plinth is the flat surface that the platter sits on. I believe, in my opinion, what you have constructed would be called a wood base.

@l0wpass - 27.09.2024 05:36

This is like turning an arc welder into a fancy Edison light. :(

@keyzersoze1400 - 17.10.2024 22:37

Now we need a version where you can install 2 more tonearms (10"-12" to put a SPU and a third cartridge of choice on it) to the 1200mkII-G series! With a nice dampening Plattform beneath it. PERFECT PRODUCT

@midmodaudio6576 - 03.11.2024 09:39

I prefer the original look of the Technics. At this point, the 1200 is a classic design, adding wood to it makes it look cheap

@miket8787 - 22.11.2024 01:11

Beautiful but ouch on the price. I wish you the best of getting them sold. $350.00 would be a high price, but considble, but still high. What you're asking if it is a bitout of the ball park...A non-starter. I will buy my turntable from you. You're the best specialist out there. Number 1 in my book!😊

@tyronejohnson6482 - 30.11.2024 10:52

I'm proud to be a client of yours, Fernando . First class audio products, and great care offered.

@aldepal - 13.12.2024 19:17

You guys should make frames for Fluance tables at a lower price. There are China manufactures that make wood frames for stereo components. They would sell like hotcakes!!

@Dyna6363 - 16.12.2024 00:57

Made in NJ 👍🏻😎

@leqin - 26.01.2025 00:52

I have absolutely no use for one, but thanks for reminding me how gorgeous my Linn Sondek used to look back in the late 80's and early 90's.
