A Coffee Lovers Dream PC Build... | Thermaltake The Tower 300 | Noctua RTX 4080

A Coffee Lovers Dream PC Build... | Thermaltake The Tower 300 | Noctua RTX 4080

Mr Matt Lee

11 месяцев назад

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@longmongcuu483 - 28.09.2024 18:38

Let me ask, what should I do if I want to use the USB ports on the mainboard?

@williamstewart1883 - 29.09.2024 16:17

But it was designed to exhaust through the top...

@thewop0628 - 01.10.2024 13:29

Thats pretty sick. Like those noctua SA keycaps!

@LorenzoMereu1990 - 01.10.2024 23:22

@33joelboy - 02.10.2024 09:15

Feels smarter to intake all except top since heat rises. Exhaust top fans and pull cold air into radiator.

@simonshusse - 04.10.2024 16:18

I did my current build based on this video actually. I didn't cash up for the 4080 Noctua edition for the simple reason that next gen is around the corner. But with Nvidia RAM-strategy I'll join the red team now. Enough of that. The case is so sweet to build in. Quality is ok but the layout is what's it all about. I have my AIO fans in pull and the top fans in exhaust but will switch to his configuration instead. I/O plate is cumbersome to reach so once you plug in, you'll leave it as is. And those cables shows at the top back end of the case, not looking awesome.

@Arcel93 - 08.10.2024 11:27

imo, it would be great in Gravel Sand color. i mean this is still godlike looks

@NPCbenjamin - 11.10.2024 06:56

I want to build but does anyone try to put 2 more as the back for intake? Does it affect the airflow?

@Victor4293 - 11.10.2024 21:59

The best abut this channel is Airflw visuallisatin ! man i lve it and we can see hw air flows trough the case <3

@eragon873 - 17.10.2024 07:59

beautiful, you will give it to me for Christmas😊

@gregs6403 - 17.10.2024 18:48

Always a relaxing watch. The pinnacle of aesthetically pleasing PC videos. Both the PC and the video itself. :-)

@brennendavis3283 - 21.10.2024 06:21

I'm imagining this build with the green tower 300. It would pair well with the brown.

@ТамирАлтантариа - 22.10.2024 06:11

Now time to tower 600 :D

@c0Y0te78 - 22.10.2024 08:02

as i thought... so many have seen the same problem in the comment section ! the Air flow from the TOP down in to the Case building pressure so the GPU ( video Card ) has a bad in take... witch will build up more heat because it doesn't has the air flow it needs to cool down... Hot air goes UP UP and AWAY ! second : i am missing a video Card bracket as most heavy video cards are supported by a bracket instead of just 2 screws most heavy Cards seem to SNAP or Break if the Card would move left to right and in older cases up or down and that would really S U C K bad but hey you still have a cool looking Case and i really do like it allot... as the Fans of the GPU ( Video Card ) are on the out side sucking in air is a big plus... i would use the GPU fans - Power Supply Fan - water cooling fans for in take and the upper as exhaust. No chimney is build side ways and you don't want to work against the heat but work with it as this helps the air flow even more... but that is an easy fix so what is left for me is the bracket to keep the cart secure in place even with 2 screws and vertical weight down i would not trust it in any build case without a simple bracket for 10 dollars, F*CKING up my 4080 Card ! aaaaand i have seen plenty that got broken so do your self a favor and secure that card with a bracket so Thermaltake : This Case is closed or not :D please make a little simple tiny bracket witch you can secure to the case just in case :) on the lowest point of the video card to the case. plus i would love to see a water cooling system massive block that leads from block out side of the case so you would never ever have a leakage inside of the case and a indicator when to refill it simple on the out side... for the sake of just in case ! ow and another thing is the heat that comes from the power supply... so maybe close up the hole power supply with intake on the front and back or something and on the left and right side of the power supply 2 fans sucking cool air in to the case or putt the power supply on top as heat goes up anyways so you will get even more suck mode :D those are the things i would love to see in 2025 as a upgrade in this case

Overall... i really love how this case looks and what you could do with it !

live long and prosper,

@PiotrBarcz - 24.10.2024 18:26

How many times did it take you to get that phone flip right? xD

@rustemakhmet - 01.11.2024 04:56

The upper fans should be set to exhaust and the lower one for intake as well as the AIO fans - according to the law of thermodynamics, warm air tends to rise, so the fans will simply help the hot air get out of the case.

@Falcon5ive - 03.11.2024 17:09

De'Longhi 🤮
PC 😍😍😍

@mauroveliz23 - 03.11.2024 20:22

I prefer the radiator on top of the case and the other fans to be the intake of fresh air

@cosmostammer - 12.11.2024 10:27


@MaikyMoto - 13.11.2024 14:01

I just watched the other Noctua build, looks like i'm saving for a new PC.

@lethalduck4928 - 17.11.2024 18:18

is it coffee lovers dream pc cuz the aio rad can boil water for coffee?
half the point of this case is the airflow design(other half being looking sick af). intake from sides so cpu and gpu both get fresh air and exaust from top since hot air rises so it creates a natural air flow.
in a convectional cases either cpu heats gpu or gpu heats cpu and this case solves that problem.

@jedsadasopa282 - 27.11.2024 16:46

Perhaps, That's a wrong air flow. The ventilation should be going up that not suck above down to the case.

@NelsonRodriguez-m1j - 27.11.2024 17:58

Any chance to see the tower 500?

@Division26 - 02.12.2024 10:09

The cooling is 100% WRONG. It's pretty though. I have the save TT 300 Tower.

@6stringmonk - 07.12.2024 22:33

Mmmmm coffee..... Beautiful build! I love the Thermaltake Tower line of cases. They are so nice to build in. You'd have to go out of your way to make a mess in them.

@duckyducky1337 - 10.12.2024 00:53

All GPU can fit ?

@moenibus - 16.12.2024 02:43

And in the end people, you are never going to sit and contemplate the case. You use he system. More consumerism to spend money on things you don't need. Be wise.

@moenibus - 16.12.2024 02:49

Also, the top fan of the tower is for exhaust, not intake, but i guess you wouldn't know a thing about heat expansion, thermodynamics or cooling.

@cknoll2203 - 17.12.2024 20:18

Doesn't a power supply pull air into it and out the back for cooling? If that's the case I don't understand the air flow visu.

@mixfix1994 - 29.12.2024 17:30

Wondering how to access this io usb cuz look at the outside usb just have 2 the rest from motherboard so every time need to use need to open the top fan ?

@pincash3486 - 30.12.2024 21:11

How do you access motherboard connectors?

@ToxikBones1 - 30.12.2024 23:31

I am going to be using an all-air cooling system with my Tower 300 build. Have you had any chance to see how configuring the fans on the right of the case as exhaust to be beneficial to helping pull fresh air into the GPU?

@lysergicaciddiethylamide6127 - 03.01.2025 04:10

Tower 600 next blackout

@Latsch82 - 04.01.2025 22:49

Very nice and I prefer it without RGB everywhere. Clean build man!

@JoeDezibel74 - 06.01.2025 21:29

The AIO is mounted upside down in this case. You are accumulating air where the in and outtake is.

@MarkoVuksanca - 07.01.2025 10:58

The only thing that sucks about this case is getting to IO :D

@andrewtaylor3051 - 13.01.2025 12:16

Thought it was designed to blow the hot air out the top of the pc not suck it in as hot air rises so more efficient 🤔

@Ahmed.R.Albayaty - 14.01.2025 21:50

Question please, why did you go with that odd fan setups? sode exhaust and all others intake, while most builds recommend only top to be exhaust!
How would thermals be then?
Am about to order one soon and still speculating tbh

@aponisher - 16.01.2025 22:42

Videonun sonundaki kamera arkası görüntüleri harika :)

@CrankedFishin - 17.01.2025 18:24

Wow, now that's class !!!

@AtomicOverdrive - 23.01.2025 12:04

Insanely nice build. Nice to see a PC is minimalist approach to RGB. Now you got me wanting to build my next PC based on this theme.

@nicolasmontclair - 31.01.2025 17:51

Why putting a 1000W PSU when your total TDP doesn't goes beyond 600w? 🤔

@cauanalves2151 - 09.02.2025 12:50

Build a PC with the Thermaltake Tower 600 Matt

@rickss69 - 12.02.2025 00:41

So, every fan on the build is exhaust except for the two up top? Nvm...I see now you flipped the bottom fan.

@Orion-1187 - 21.02.2025 18:03

Can’t wait to build mine, yours it’s spot on! beautiful! ✨

@Demir_09 - 22.02.2025 15:27

Why did you changed the uppere fans ??? You cant even see them

@cherryhillrecords - 04.03.2025 05:16

DO NOT BUY FROM THEM. I just tried twice to buy this system from the company and their no fraud service that prevents fraud from happening just cost this company 3k in the total I would have paid for it. Just wow, I also lost two days and frustration trying to be a legit customer. I would not recommend anyone try and play this wait game since you don't get refunded immediately and other people on reddit that have experienced nofraud have complained at how incompetent they are at detecting real fraud. CRAZY
